Opinions on the film HyperNormalization?

is the thesis presented in the documentary valid?
(from Wikipedia)
>produced by BBC in 2016
>Director Adam curtis argues that since the 1970s, governments, financiers, and technological utopians have given up on the complex "real world" and built a simple "fake world" that is run by corporations and kept stable by politicians
>The term "hypernormalisation" is taken from Alexei Yurchak's 2006 book Everything was Forever, Until it was No More: The Last Soviet Generation, about the paradoxes of life in the Soviet Union during the 20 years before it collapsed. A professor of anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, he argues that everyone knew the system was failing, but as no one could imagine any alternative to the status quo, politicians and citizens were resigned to maintaining a pretence of a functioning society. Over time, this delusion became a self-fulfilling prophecy and the "fakeness" was accepted by everyone as real, an effect that Yurchak termed "hypernormalisation".

I have given up on the complex real world to focus on my fake reality of Bilbeland. I have only told a few people about bilbeland

It's a very real phenomenon. People in groups are feminine in nature and require strong, decisive leaders. We are only as good as our leaders. People really are sheep.

I watched this a while back, It's an extreme blackpill.

Good video but it was obviously anti-Assad propaganda
>Oy Veyyy muh ebil Hafez al-Assad
>Murricans in Lebanon wuz good boys defending Israel who dindu nuffin wrong
>Muh moderate rebels

It's not. Watch his other documentaries on the middle east.

They're very anti-american.

It's blackpill tier, no clear subject of the documentary and midway through it just turns into a whinge fest with no solutions offered.

That said, it's a quality documentary and I've watched it 3 times now.

'Century of the Self' is much better documentary by Curtis, it gets closer to mentioning (((them)))

>produced by BBC
its shit

I watched the full Hypernormalization doc and it certainly did have a anti-Assad bias
>They're very anti-american.
Simply being anti-American doesn't mean its entirely true and not biased/propaganda
Al-Jazeera news is also anti-American but still anti-Assad propaganda for Gulf Sunnis

No, it isn't a valid thesis.

The whole thing is leftist propaganda. All of his films are.

Jews are generally anti-American too.

There is nothing wrong with killing Assad, FACT.
>inb4 muh good arabs

Adam Curtis is a britfag and Fabian socialist, so he believes the USA is "right wing" totalitarian etc.

cant wait to check it out

Century of the Self
& The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear

were game changers for me

Why not? (I havn't watched the film)

what is blackpill?

What exactly about the message/thesis is "leftist?" (I havn't watched the film)

I figured as much

It was especially obviously propaganda when it explicitly said Assad was afraid of the US trying to overthrow other regional Arab governments after the Iraq invasion, as if that's not exactly what the US did and the doc acts like this wasn't planned
Also any time a video/doc mentions "Moderate rebels" or any pro-rebel narrative in Syria i immediately consider it garbage propaganda and scrutinize it from that point

>There is nothing wrong with supporting Israel and being their puppet

The only pill that matters, Nihilism.

Whereas bluepill is the pill you eat if you want to remain submerged in mainstream narratives/zeitgeist, and redpill is the pill you eat in order to gain knowledge of suppressed or little-known truths that may run in conflict mainstream attitudes, the blackpill is essentially an extremely high-dose of redpill which instills a pessimistic attitude in the user. The blackpill causes people to detach from society completely which is generally not seen as a desireable attitude, so redpills are best taken in moderation.

Anti-Assad views (leftist talking point)
Muh rebels (leftist point)
Muh Kurds gassed by Saddam (Kurds=commie trash)
Muh secularism is attainable in the middle east on a wide scale (leftist)
The US is the root cause of most middle eastern conflicts (somewhat true but still leftist) while ignoring Israel mostly
Societal collapse/instability is inevitable and leads to increased government power and restrictions on individual freedoms along with an imperceptible media/propaganda campaign (this is a globalist/leftist point and what they aspire to have, not necessarily inevitable either and the propaganda by governments is quite easily visible)

the conspiracy is obviously not working if the whole world is coming unglued with rage

>the conspiracy is obviously not working if the whole world is coming unglued with rage
This exactly in regards to my last point
>along with an imperceptible media/propaganda campaign
> not necessarily inevitable either and the propaganda by governments is quite easily visible)

It's sad watching diet woke people talk like they get it. This stuff isn't left propaganda - it's a tier of thought that transcends that bullshit.

How come Trump had such a role in this film?

Adam Curtis documentaries are literally the equivalent of a Sup Forums conspiracy thread in music video form minus most of the actual redpills

He threads a bunch of seemingly unrelated factoids together to make you say 'wow' like a vsauce video but it's not concrete at all.

It has an anti-'the man' slant so a lot of lefties praise his work and take it as gospel but it's really quite vague and sketchy similar to tinfoil stuff

had good insight from the adam curtis, with plenty of bbc propaganda in between.

obviously anti-assad, anti-trump, and a conveniently placed clip of hillary smiling near the end.

they're not even bothering to hide it. it's like they offshore their propaganda editing work to india or somewhere.

I watched it a few months ago because some shit bag recommended it on pol without realizing it was leftist propaganda. The whole thing is very similar to the movie Look Who's Back where Hitler wakes up in Berlin in 2014 or so alive and well.

The movie goes on to show Hitler is right over and over but then the conclusion is just kinda oh shit Hitler's coming back and the new rise in nationalism (le Penn was running around the time there are images of her at the end - the face of a true tyrant I know) is the next Hitler!

And then it just kinda ends. This movie is the same. There are endless points ts about the Jews and how Hitler was right and right wing ideas are good, and then it comes to some absurd conclusion "and this is why leftists is best."

They completely fail to address that the hypernormalization is all about leftist shit like fags, trans, race, etc. Being normalized. The double think conclusion hits you like a truck of peace.

It's a mixed bag, was right about technology but was pretty biased when it came to politics (Trump's 4d chess game, muh innocent journalists, Russia meme, etc)

t. leftist or bluepilled fag who thinks hes "woke" because he knows a very basic and kosher approved version of information about the media war

The video does have some good points and is mostly true about the course of events but there are plenty of telling examples of clear leftist bias and outright misinformation
Also it misses a huge number of other important issues leading to the current scenario like the rise of Zarqawi and his influence leading to the Iraqi sectarian civil war and instead talks about Assad turning a blind eye on his borders, as if that was the root cause and not Zarqawi who not only started most of the rebellion but was the reason Jihadists were coming to Iraq to begin with

>It has an anti-'the man' slant so a lot of lefties praise his work and take it as gospel but it's really quite vague and sketchy similar to tinfoil stuff

thats bad, right?

Curtis is a Gatekeeper. Interesting at first but you've seen a few, you needn't go further. Same exact syle ad nauseum. I find that it's what he doesn't include in his potted histories to be more telling

It was very long, but it I enjoyed it. Sometimes I will play it in the background when I'm doing other tasks, I like the music and the 80s footage too.

Adam Curtis and Slavoj Zizek are the only lefties I care to pay attention to for the precise same reason. Both of them tend to outline the events in question properly, and then both immediately miss the point, because they're ideologically compromised by collectivism. A literal catch-22, tbqfh, because I think both of them see the mechanism described here, but their ideology forbids them from naming the jew so to speak. This is why Hypernormalization as a film has no point, the point of it all was removed by the 'policeman inside Adam's mind'
>They completely fail to address that the hypernormalization is all about leftist shit like fags, trans, race, etc. Being normalized. The double think conclusion hits you like a truck of peace.
Is exactly right. Hypernormalization is real. We're all afflicted by it. It is an affect of the society in which we live, which is precisely why the western ideal is that the [sacred] individual revivify society. The function of revivification prevents Hypernormalization from taking place.

Century of the Self is the only time he was red pilled, but even then not so red pilled to talk about the (((ethnicity))) of its central players.

The problem isn't their collectivism, but rather a collectivism with a net cast so wide the specifics slip through it's catchment.

I find it infuriating that he has access to the raw footage of the BBC but he still manages to grab the wrong footage from the cutting room floor

Politics is not a zero sum game. Killing Arabs increases well being for everyone. You should not task ''why kill arabs?'', you should ask ''how''?

It's when redpilled man finally realizes that his crusade is for nought. The people whom he tried to save are neither receptive of his message nor - more importantly - deserving of it.

He realizes that they fully and richly deserve the hell that's coming. It is collective karma. If the people were worthy of freedom, they would be free. It all works out like water which finds its own level.

A lot of Soviet dissidents made the same observation. It's summarised best in the parable of Havel's Grocer.

>Oy veyyy goy betta worry about the bad Arabs and not the chosen people
Arabs can be dealt with later, destroying Israel and harming its political goals is the highest priority possible above any other racial goals. Assad is beneficial towards this and directly prevents the Yinon plan

you gotta resist it

This is just a stage to push through, you nihilistic faggots

Arabs proved over and over that they are not a match for Israel. It is like asking goats to eat wolf. But arabs are good enough to infest western cities and breed there poisoning genepool.

The information age has made ignorance a choice. I'm not paying the price for them, not anymore.

>They cant beat Israel (with unlimited US backing and emergency airlifts required by the US during both 67 and 73)
>This means we should unironically support Israel
>The Kikes aren't behind immigration and wont just continue it with Africans, Asians and other undesirables if there weren't Arabs
Gas yourself you literal kike

If you actually believe the shit you are spewing you are bluepilled as fuck, also look up the 2006 Lebanon war, Israel got BTFO and Hezbollah stayed in Lebanon while never disarming like the kikes wanted after they first lost the ground war

would the re-capturing of the newly flown he will not divide us flag give you any hope?

its a healthy reminder that the information age is the only tool to defeat those taht want you to eat that nasty, black licorice flavored, pill

I really like his all his work, the early stuff is great too. Even though I think I disagree with his view on history a little bit, like men popping up with certain views and ideas just happen to shape the direction of things, it misses the bigger trajectories, but still lot of great information in his work.

His later evolution starting with 'it felt like a kiss' I think, is really a great way to make documentaries today since there's so much information, and so many possible angles, take a more artistic route instead, which in some ways cut through the noise more easily. And I guess the "noise" is the hyper-normalization you mention.

I'm a citizen of my country, you a subject to yours. I recoil in horror at the notion of collectivism as a manner of politics, but as a subject you seem to see a level of detail I do not, point very well taken.
I'd like to see Adam Curtis and Alex Jones go shooting together.

I serve truth only and support it wherever it is found.

>USSR never existed

>The USSR previously existing excuses cooperating with the Kikes in current times
>Anything ever justifying working with the kikes or allowing Israel to exist

If we here at Sup Forums learned to polish out work like his we'd have normies stoking up the ovens in no time