just because they were born black or jewish?That's fucked up.
Would Sup Forums actually kill innocent people
Nah, some black people are alright.
What about jews tho?
Only the Ashkenazi Jews get executed
> my flag
physically removing in specific cases is as far as I can go. sorry.
Even if they are innocent? That's the definition of evil.
I'd never kill an innocent person.
On an unrelated note, sometimes you need to dispose of outdated farming equipment or rats.
If you drop the helicopter memes, physical removal honestly seems like the most effective and humane way to deal with people who are incompatible with our culture.
No. The Blacks have to back to Africa, the Jews have to convert. If they refuse I would kill them, but then they aren't innocent. Muslims are born guilty however.
oh c'mon
>le peaceful ethnic cleansing meme
Quit projecting your own violent fantasies you leftist kike
We don't want to kill anyone for being black or Jewish, we want to be left alone. We only want to kill communists with impunity
Listen you commie. The difference between you (kill the bourgeois) and alt-right is that they want to expel jews and non-whites. It's not neccesary to kill anyone, because unlike you they respect individual lives and don't collectivize everything.
>Born Jewish or Black
Pick one
The highest morality of nature is to make sure your nation survives. If you play by a different morality, you will be wiped away by those that don't.
Dogs have packs. Ants have colonies. Humans have nations. I mean "nations" in the traditional ethnic/cultural group meaning, not a state or government, in case you were confused. A nation is basically just a tribe so big that you can't ever know everyone.
Fuck, even the Jews spell this out with the Amalekites. God straight up commanded them to wipe their seed from the earth because they'd always be a threat to Jews. Women, children, it doesn't matter.
Give me a fucking break. "Day of the Rope" ring a bell?
I'm not a communist you idiot. It's wrong to deport people who have done nothing wrong.
>le they're not really people meme
You with that flag claiming evil is hilarious.
>slide thread, sage
>Even if they are innocent? That's the definition of evil.
says the commie...you can't make this shit up
There is a reason I left them out.
>Even if they are innocent?
When I find an innocent Jew, I'll let you know.
>Implying they're people
That's the appeal to nature fallacy.
We have the same flag retard.
I'm not a communist
no, I just want other people to do it for me.
pick one
You don't believe one innocent jew exists? Are you delusional or a liar?
Innocent people? Mmm, depends the purpose, but usually I would avoid that bussines
Jews are humans though. Stop this meming.
Oh, sweetie...
That's why they are dangerous if they were cows nobody would complain
come on we all know that im not human
Jews are people. Get over it.
pic related, people who deny the humanity of jews.
What makes it a fallacy? Are you or I immune to basic biological realities? Why is your morality more true than mine?
Don't breed, you die out. Don't eat, you die. Don't dominate, you are dominated. It's not edgelord shit. It's why the grey squirrel is currently being driven out of it's territories and numbers by the red squirrel.
not before all the traitors are gone.
Define "innocent"
Will you ever fucking learn
Hopeless faggots
I don't believe I've met one.
I'm open to the possibility of it, however slim that appears to be.
All feminists are infected.
>It's why the grey squirrel is currently being driven out of it's territories and numbers by the red squirrel.
>Muh genocide, muh peacefull grey squirrel culture
Daily reminder red squirrel only re taking their lost territory
tell me goy, we need to get you on a list, and get you the most expensive jewish therapy
>Are you or I immune to basic biological realities?
Not immune, but aware and able to overcome base impulses ( to a degree! ). Natural impulses are not by themselves beneficial in the modern era. Like rape.
Didn't do anything wrong
I love Reddit.com yeah
Yeah but you do admit innocent jews exist. There are millions of jews in the world. They are all guilty according to you?
so what? there's plenty of people who wouldn't lift a finger to stop the genocide of whites, esp white males
>Yeah but you do admit innocent jews exist. There are millions of jews in the world. They are all guilty according to you?
I could not know with certainty, without meeting them all.
What I do know, however, is that of the Jews I've known of, none have been innocent.
Okay, you can overcome some impulses, but what about the stuff that keeps you alive? The hard laws? You can't ignore eating. You can't ignore resource scarcity. You can't ignore inherent traits. You can't ignore genetics.
Let's just say for the sake of argument that you believe me when I tell you that black people, genetically, as a general demographic that can have outliers, are predisposed towards more violence and less delayed gratification. Basically, the behaviors that make you into the average ghetto nigger. Would spreading these genes throughout a population that doesn't have them be a morally good act? What about doing nothing and allowing it to happen? What about just letting them breed wildly out of control in Africa where you know that they will go way beyond carrying capacity and the rest of the world will be flooded and no amount of taking the rest of the world's money and productivity to feed them will be able to stop this eventual catastrophe. You're looking at 4 billion Africans in a few decades. The human suffering that will cause will be beyond anything your or I can imagine.
Isn't it morally justified to stop it now before it gets worse?
which one do you trust Sup Forums
red squirrel
>Born to die for their country
>fights for freedom and lost territory
>spares enemy when they surrender
>rich warrior like culture but noble at the same time
Grey squirrel
>born to leech, lie and jew
>fights for nuts and economical power
>turns enemy soldiers into slaves
>greedy, ugly and plain culture would literraly sell their mothers for money
Ainsley is the only respectable black person in existence
None of them are innocent. The """innocuous""" Jews working everyday jobs are chomping at the bit to start screwing over the goyim. There's only so much room up at the top. If we only get rid of the elites, there will be millions waiting to replace them. No, it has to be a clean sweep.
>You can't ignore eating
>You can't ignore resource scarcity.
As of now, correct.
>You can't ignore inherent traits. You can't ignore genetics.
These are much more abstract. Nobody is asking anyone is ignore genetics ( and what that entails ). You're using this to try to equate ethnonationalism with the hard necessity of eating itself. It's impossible to survive if you don't eat; millions of americans currently live side by side in relative harmony in a diverse nation. Living in high density, polluted cities in not 'natural'. But we do it because it's efficient. It's better to dwell side by side because a ethnonationalist cause coming into a nation like the United States would cause incredible suffering,bloodshed, and repression.
>The human suffering that will cause will be beyond anything your or I can imagine.
I agree. That's why sustainability and self reliance is the answer. Aid should go to establishing more fully these two traits to the greatest degree possible.
>sustainability and self reliance is the answer.
Right. Black people love and are very capable of those things.
>sustainability and self reliance is the answer.
Black people love and are very capable of those things.
>to the greatest degree possible
If that entails a small population, so be it. I assume you're American? Fascism is deader than a dead fish here.
No Deport blacks or segregate (allow whites to segregate themselves from blacks and it will eventually happen) Deport Jews and put communists into work camps because they are not worthy of death
The point I'm trying to make is that diversity is a terrible burden that makes solving other societal problems impossible. Black people existing anywhere near you is also a major problem and a population consisting of them will never, ever be able to improve beyond what Rwanda is doing right now; impressive for Africa, hilariously terrible compared to everywhere else.
There is no further degree possible, the less white the west becomes. I'm not sure what you mean by a small population. Do you mean if it takes a small population within a larger population to accomplish it, or just reducing the population somehow?
>black or Jewish
Pick one, none will be safe on the day of the rope.
was lauren southern the second shooter?
Fuck off civic.
>Want whites to be left alone
>Civic nationalist
I think Muhammad needs prepping
only came here for Laurens nudes.
Once we achieve a true white ethnostate, tough questions will need to be answered. What to do with the undesirables is a big one. There's a wide range of cultures here, and I don't believe one size fits all. We'll need to be flexible, as some groups will be good candidates for extermination, while others may be forced into labor, while others yet can simply be deported/exiled.
What jews have done throughout history is the definition of evil.
Both will steal your nuts
Faggot conserves on here and against abortion.
Eugenics and population control is a good thing. Starvation is really good form of population control but we don't practice that anymore, instead we cram chemicals in high carb/high cholesterol food into stupid people so they die faster. It doesn't as well as gas though.
Born black or jewish? guess i'm partially safe
its called nigger privilege
How do you feel about eastern coyotes, though? Aka fearless jumbo coywolves.
jews > oven
the morality of these things depends on your concern for solvency and the scale in which you're thinking. if you have a population that you believe will always inhibit progress and solvency, its arguably moral to genocide them. hitler and stalin agreed on this point, since they were both playing high-stakes and long-term it made perfect sense in their worldview. hitler had his 1000 year reich to stalin's eternal international proletariat just as mohammed had his visions of global 'house of peace'. concerning themselves with the lives of individuals would have seemed petty and trite, even sinister or evil to them
neither were 'evil'
>Image search
No matches
Who is she?
Of course I would do, you gotta increase your folds somehow.