My chicana gf stole my huge framed map of the world and gave it back to me with the southwestern states of the us shaded in the same color as mexico
My chicana gf stole my huge framed map of the world and gave it back to me with the southwestern states of the us...
You couldn't handle it 200 years ago when you and USA we're in a relative same level, you expect to do it now when the difference is gigantic? You can't even fight your own cartels, this dream of reconquest was lost centuries ago.
It's time to wake up from that dream
Call ICE.
Now colour in the 13 colonies the same as Britain
Post a picture of it.
throwback to when we nearly conquered all of mexico before they were shit-tier
Hire someone to move the border back to its correct location and make her pay for it.
have her deported and pic of map
Now post a pic of all the territories up to and including Mexico city as ours by right of conquest.
chicanas only know punches in the mouth, make sure to give her some
The fuck did Australia do?
tell her spain originally discovered those spots, and that shes only speakes spanish because spain invaded them and raped them until most of the subhuman was breed out. unfortunately some remains in those beaners.
Send her a copy of Article 5 of the Treaty of Gradalupe Hidalgo.
Mexico can barely operate Mexico City.
Why are you dating a spic subhuman if you're white? Dump her and find yourself a European woman who would gladly respect American values.
>chicana gf
That's your mistake, right there.
>dating a chicana
user probably believes you can still bleach in a le 56% shithole
She's an idiot.
>same colour as Britain
Beheaded Red?