>Leave Hollywood to us.
Leave Hollywood to us
Other urls found in this thread:
>you cant stop this Hollywood
caspere knew this
Keep me posted
got any rundowns on plus ultra? what does boko no hero academia have to do with it, besides the motto obviously
I thought all might was a jesus analog. but anyways i was wondering about the secret society aspect lol
It is literally part of the marketing for the movie Tomorrowland byt Disney. There is no real plus ultra. If you get a chance you should watch Tomorrowland its about how genius white man fuck off two a parallel world and eventually real earth gets fucked but magic girl saves the day and then she blacks the parallel world of the white super genius. Its depressing as fuck
There is a real Plus Ultra dude. Where do you think they make these stories from? The truth is stranger than any movie.
i would like to believe that some kind of reverse illuminati exists, or maybe its just a metaphor for the church. this timeline needs hope
Well I hope so. The white man better be doing great somewhere because we are getting our ass kicked here on regular earth. Sadly I don't think they, if they exist, are going to save us.
You do realize that all the material on that photo, besides the Trump photo, is taken from a Disney controlled website. It looks more like a jew controlled psyop if anything
the jews killed Walt Disney, this is why Trump is burning hollywood to the ground
Burn new Babylon down to the ground
spooky thread.
Wait a second, that shield
When you see it...
(Trump is a secret Habsburg).
Trump is a descendent of the bloodlines?