i like bleach, you can clean the fuck out of stuff.
I like bleach, you can clean the fuck out of stuff
bump. not surprised you idiots won't even respond.
>lol kill yourself i don't have a response
>niggers and spics in pro-Trump states are the most affected by his policies
I don't care.
We aren't trying to fuck you over. We're trying to fix your mistakes.
Don't worry fellow r/donalders! Donnie will give us a new way to drink!
Bumping yourself doesn't work, dumbass.
>putting your voters before the constitution
it's time to end memeflags guys
Pro Trump states also completely filled with broke ass loser niggers
No you're not.
The ACA was created (originally by the heritage foundation) to deal with the cost of the EMTALA, and attempt to manage it and reduce the ridiculous expense of socializing emergency treatment, but not preventative.
The gop has put forth exactly zero plans to comprehensively address the logistics of rising healthcare costs in the USA.
But of course if you were actually interested in this subject beyond regurgitating marketing tropes that feel good to you, you'd already know this.
what part of "80% of consumers" don't you understand? they're overwhelmingly trump supporters/republicans
yes, it does? not that it even matters
And? Why do you care? You spend all the camping shaming them and insulting them calling them deplorables, but now you care?
Quit the facade, liars never prosper.
Lol newfag
Sage goes in all fields
70% of those benefiting from cost-sharing subsidies, AKA Obongocare AKA niggers and spics, AKA not Trump supporters.
I give you 1/10 for the effort.
what is: loose construction
i mean come on, if trump overstepped the law for ANYTHING, none of you would even care. As he has done NUMEROUS TIMES. At least with Obama it actually helped people.
proof? "all poor people black or hispanic democrats" need not apply
what are you talking about? the point is that when these idiots try to screw the country over, they get what's coming to them
what are you even talking about
OP, rate my Shitted. You can keep.
disgusting, but i'm not surprised it's what rednecks like. after all, she's white, and that's what matters, right?
So . . . . . . 2/10, then? 1?
So why say it? You don't intervene when your enemy is doing a mistake, you slowtard.
we're not because we don't have a monopoly on the government
Acktually blue states will be getting fucked
Still not tired of winning!
Trump has a ton of working class whites in his base.