So if one has capslock on, one still has to hold shift for exclamation point and question marks, does that mean you purposely held down shift while typing, but let go during the 's' after '1970?'
I'm so confused at faggotry.
43.7 million doctors and engineers!
All of Americans are immigrants, except native americans.
Unless your ancestors were here before the European invasion, you're an immigrant. The United States is a nation of immigrants.
The US is 100% immigrants you fucking retard.
tfw native americans are asian immigrants
Fuck off idiot.
>Founding Fathers never thought of us as Immigrants
>Founding Fathers never thought themselves as immigrants
>Founding Fathers never thought this country was a country of immigrants
>This nation has had the strictest immigration policies in history
>This nation has made it more and more difficult to be an immigrant
>"O-oh this nation is a nation of immigrants goy!"
It will gets worse. Notice how insane the last election was? This will be a regularity from this point forward. This is exactly why mass immigration is a net negative for everybody: it just leads to social chaos and disunity and it never ends.
>Way more than 10%
My ancestors were settlers. There was no country to immigrate to. This is my homeland
makes sense. the media is already preparing the populace for an immigrant share of 1/4.
now you feel these feels too
there's enough room for everyone
lot of empty rural towns in the south that need fillin
Art thou upset? Came here from Scotland and got my citizenship this year.
my ancestors were slaves, not immigrants.
43.7 million immigrants replaces the 50 million aborted babies in the US.
Really activates the almonds.
Look up "solutrean hypothesis". Genetics and timelines might say differently than what you do
immigrant here, ama
>native Americans immigrants
False analogy bozo. NOBODY was here when they arrived.
Good, that’s what you get for killing native americans, now technically the native americans are coming back to your country faggot
Braise god emberor drump! U hab to go bagg :DDD
Whens your plane back?
Most of those abortions were black. If it makes you feel any better.
>UK to US
It's more like when your parents come to your house for the holidays, dosen't count
"Native" Americans are immigrants too.
They displaced a pre-existing stone age culture.
By that "logic" nobody here is an immigrant then.
>he's okay with Muslims invading the USA
we now full well the majority of those immigrants are not European
All of us ultimately emigrated from the MENA. Is African colonialism justified then?
So Mexicans think of themselves as being conquerors?
They're really just selling the country piece by piece.
And they bring up that past immigration shit like "what about the italians and irish? they integrated"
Native Americans crossed a land bridge so no, they're immigrants too.
Niggers knew there place in a white mans world. IT does not make me feel better at all.
What are you even implying
If someone doesnt think theyre an immigrant, it means theyre not?
they prefer to stay in the citites though.
Non sequitur
AmCivNat is supposed to have almost no immigration
I bet it's nearly all in California, Texas, New York, and Flordia. Probably like 15 mil just California. #calexit
You know what to do my friend. Stock up. Keep buying all the guns and ammo you can. BUY UP THE LAND!! If you legally buy up the land, then the scum can't come into town. And stock up on supplies. Raise your kids right, and when the scum comes into town, let them know they have to go back
It’s called dedication.
they wont have a choice. We dont want any more
I'm sure you boys in the south could show some southern comfort to Jorje and co
They don't think themselves as being immigrants. Seeing as they are in a foreign country and culture all of the sudden, what do they think themselves of?
By the retarded logic of "nation of immigrants" kikes, everyone is an immigrant - we must all converge on Africa. You fags never give some time limit on when you're an immigrant and when you're not. Whites own this land, we bought and paid for it and as with the Indian way, we defeated their barbarian asses in battle.
Everyone else is just a welfare parasite, this is statistically confirmed.
i wonder why
By that definition, even the natives aren't really native and are immigrants.
Negatory, good buddy. Immigrants are first generation. But applying the changes in definition by the user he was responding too, American Indians are immigrants.
everyone in the US but native americans is an immigrant.
So what did the natives get for killing each other before Europeans showed up?
The Indian in our DNA hates the Indian in their DNA, so we'll send their heart eating, barbarian asses back.
Nope, Indians can go back to Asia.
Aztlan will rise again white boi. You scared?
We are the native Americans. The American Indians are all fucking dead, which means they don't have a claim.
>Everyone else
>Statistically confirmed
>Whites bought this land with wampum
Why are racists such brainlets? This sentence in no way resembles English
yeah but those were white immigrants that contributed to the growth and prosperity of society
Awesome!!! I fucking love immigrants. Thanks Jews!
No. No it's not.
This does not surprise me at all. I never bought the lower figure. I live in Mississippi and we are overrun with both Mexican and Chinese illegals. The last time I heard a test of our emergency broadcast system, their aired the warning in Spanish first. We have so many on Welfare now, as the jobs they used to work (kitchen, housekeeping, lawncare, construction) have been stolen by illegals.
incorrect the clovis people were here prior to the rice backs
What are "reservations"?
Jews rock!
Stop being afraid of everything you little pussy.
what if he had caps lock on and then held shift to type the 's' in 1970s?
Yes, maxicunts, niggers and Indians take more out of the system than they put in. Statistically confirmed.
>not understanding that the Indians in America fought against the Indians in Central America.
>thinking they were all one peaceful people instead of multiple tribes who hated each other
>thinking plains tribes had anything in common with the heart eating, human sacrificing tribes of Central Amera
Right there are some people in resurvuars
you see, past immigration took a toll on the country, but the country survived through it.
That means the country needs more beating.
You do realize that Tucker is civic nat himself right?
How long will it take for Sup Forums to back pedal and shit on another celeb while claiming they never liked them.
We need the RAISE act in order to bring back European immigration once again OP.
Here's the quick rundown on the bill.
"The Raise Act is a replacement bill for the 1965 Immigration act which would cut immigration from 1 Million to Less than 500,000. It will make it harder for people from Africa, Asia and Latin America to come here so the system can be more in favor of Europeans and Anglos coming here. It would ease the strain of the working class meaning that a lot of jobs will be opened up for Americans unlike before. It could very well reverse the demographics to be more in favor of European Americans along with stuff like a Border Wall, E-Verify, The ending of DACA and the ending of Sanctuary Cities. It would also scrap the Diversity Visa Lottery entirely so less skilled people wouldn't have to come here so easily. The cutting of third world immigration overall could become beneficial to America's economy, by allowing in more Anglos and Europeans the GDP can easily grow more then it currently is.
Bottom line is, America won't survive as a nonwhite majority nation.
Holy fuck Tucker is truly /ourguy/.
I'm sure a lot of Europeans, South Africans and Zimbabweans would love to help Make America White Again. This is what must be done.
Yes, and your central claim was that every immigrant is a net economic drain, whereas statistical evidence only indicates they are on average. Only white supremacists will be suprised when RAISE act ends up bringing a fuck-ton of Asian immigrants, as opposed to a new white, European majority. White supremacists espouse none of the qualities or values in a nation which would make Europeans want to move to America.
No. There are natives here. I am mixed with some, European and native, but like +90% Euro. But an immigrant is:
>a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country
Most of the people here did not come from a foriegn country. They are not immigrants. Only Jews and retarded assholes parrot this "we are all immigrants" shit. It's not what an immigrant is.
There's enough room for European immigrants, nonwhites don't integrate for shit. I want the RAISE act to pass so we can return to European majority immigration and make sure these Asians and Spics fuck off for good. Whites made America successful, nonwhites didn't. the more nonwhite immigration, the more America becomes third world.
Fuck off Cuckfederate, You're the reason we have a nigger problem in the first place.
We need to give them asylum, Trump won the European immigrant vote after all.
Watch the Youtube Video, Trump has control over the bill and since he doesn't like China. He will not allow them to fuck over America like they did with Australia and Canada.
You mean indians who wear jeans and eat big macs?
Resources and rape holes?
>We need to give them asylum, Trump won the European immigrant vote after all
Big, if true. Profound, if provable. Massive, if it can be verified.
Those are actual Native Americans.
Let me time travel back to 1965 and do something about it!
The Midwest and Pennsylvania receive most of the remaining European immigrants that manage to go past our bullshit migration system. One of the reasons why PA went red for Trump in the first place. There a shit load of Europeans on our waiting lists who could easily pass the RAISE act and become citizens. Trump won't let a lot of Chinese immigrate here due to his Anti-China policy and how they're using resources of other countries for their own financial gain.
it's now much easier to see it can bring problems. Now is the time to act.
Trump has no control over the bill, much less any other component of his legislative agenda. Perdue was an outsourcer and capitalist so the claim that he is an immigration restrictionist at heart is laughable. Even if you exclude China, it does not matter - there are 2 billion non-Chinese Asians. As for Canada, it just proves that even having high-skilled immigration is not a panacea, because you still have foreign investors driving up home prices and racial resentment driven by the native population being out-competed for employment.
Bottom line, RAISE will not do what you think it will do, it will not result in the creation of an ethno-state. Maybe it is a good idea - I support it until we can move to a sane system that combines best aspects of Swiss and Canadian - but it won't form an ethnostate.
were fucked
>not understanding that we were discussing groups, not individuals
That's the whole point of this conversation, nigger. We're talking about what GROUPS are advantageous to this country, not what individuals are.
Take your NAXALT faggotry the fuck out of here.
43.7 Million welfare recipients more like it.
It won't form an ethno-state but it will bring in a lot of Europeans in. I did read something about him saying he did have creative control over it, but that's pretty much it.
im an immigrant. european. whiter than you are.
You know, the area I grew up in, they had an expansive and amazing culture probably 1,000 years before Europeans showed up. But by the time our ancestors got here they were so deep in cultural decline, you couldn't call it anything other than savagery, by modern standards. Idk what caused it, but something really bad happened to them a few centuries before European explorers ever came. Probably a lot of rape ensued.
Drumpf is very smart for that. Most of the Euro immigrants I met growing up in flyover country were eccentric but really cool. good and productive people. But they were never bigly political. Meeting some on the coast, I just assumed the majority were shitlibs and cucks who come to make money.
I guess I'm an asshole for that.
Native American here
The % of immigrants is much, much higher than that. I assure you.
>Just replace immigrants who don't understand American values with people who don't understand anything about American values... in a different color!
Great idea! That will totally fix this nation, just more immigrants!
Fallacy. I never migrated here as I was born in the USA as were my parents.
Don't forget to add in the 40,000,000 "American" anchor baby. You burgers are retarded
This is Awesome!! I love immigrants
In addition to immigrants, there were slightly more than 16.6 million U.S.-born minor children with an immigrant parent in 2016, for a total of 60.4 million immigrants and their children
Expect more people like you coming here if the RAISE act does bring in a load of Europeans in. Most of them are quantifiable for the bill. Europeans and Afrikaners are pretty based, far more then ones in their native countries. Almost all Italians in New York ended up voting for Trump too.
There's nothing wrong with Europeans coming here as they were intended too unlike most nonwhite immigrants say for the few stray Japanese or Poos. We were founded as a nation that allows whites of character to move here.
Why didnt we just genocide all of you?? Godamn you people are even more pathetic than niggers and I dont even think thats possible
he knows
t. if your church doesn't teach you the real truth firsthand, you don't deserve to be called a white anglo-saxon protestant
Shut up spic