What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

What does pol think of roger stone? Is he based and ourguy or is he just a literal cuck?

Class A weirdo but says real shit that needs to be said. Oddly one of the only people to call out the media for what their doing in regards to Russia/Seth Rich.

He is a literally cuck and he suffers from microcephaly.

Stone has that cool Richard Nixon bong.


He's a fucking god among chads, significantly influenced pretty much every election since Nixon.

Definitely a lizard-person.

how can you not love rog

he looks like wojack

He posted an ad for a bull for his wife. He is a literal cuckold.

he is based and our guy and a legend

in the jew mason club

hes just a faggot trying to be the next alex jones.

hes the main reason we having lobbying problems

He has no frontal cortex. He's a brainlet lol

Holy fuck he's a pinhead

>What does pol think of roger stone?

You should ask him directly, he might see it...

don't trust this (((Hungarian))) one bit.

Out of all these insiders the least limited hangout is Steve Pieczenik, be he isn't really trustworthy either. All these guys are dirty.

I'm very suspicious of any Hungarian, but I'd be honored to have dinner with the man tbqfh.

A pin headed moron.

He has a short back head and his forehead is so sloped it looks like his brain got chopped in half. How does this man even remember how to breathe let alone give an opinion on politics?

If you play your cards right he will let you fuck his wife while he jerks off in the corner.

jew or not, anyone the projecting leftists call a dirty trickster is ok on my book.

Personal idol.

>a literal cuck
check 'em

all cluck cuck

>based and ourguy
"Admit nothing, deny everything and launch counterattacks."
- Jolly Roger Stone

sounds about right for nupol/acks

I am actually considering that as somewhat of a bonus and would endeavor to put on quite a show.

He's an absolute boss and anyone saying anything else in here is a shill faggot

/ourguy/ confirmed.

He's obviously not as crazy as he sounds.

But that's because he never let's you know what he knows unless it's to late for you to do something about it.

Never heard of him. Watched that newish documentary on him. Pretty scary motherfucker. Actual psycho or something. Admire him though. He was black pilled by about 2 years old.

Pence's autistic step brother.