Please stop raping. Is that too much to ask?
Everyone else
Please stop raping. Is that too much to ask?
Everyone else
what race were you expecting
Me Too
Me Too
I didn't do shit leaf. Rys
what am i like the only one not raping? i feel like i got duped now.
Congratulations, Sup Forums, you lost the narrative.
All this hashtag trend does is minimize what Harvey did, and make everyone think it is about all men, and not about Harvey, or the showbiz Jews.
Good job.
You fucking blew it.
> (((white)))
You mean kikes.
Original tweet
More than 50,000 responses from survivors. When a woman tells she she was raped, take her seriously. Thanks.
precisely why it's extremely likely a Jewish operative started the hashtag and used bots to catapult it into the trend area
>le 56% face
> (((white)))
Oooo... no. Maybe you should go and beg leftist Hollywood to stop the rape? Yeah... but it's cute trying to turn other peoples suffering to further your SJW/Libshit agenda.
Women will lie if it means being a part of some social ritual.
They don't give two shits about assault, they'll think about a time an ugly guy hit on them and write some tearful post to make sure she isn't left out of any fad. They don't actually have any interests outside of what they think other people will like them for.
>dear blacks, hispanics, asians, muslims, and jews, please keep raping us.
>just not white people. it's only wrong when white people rape.
i cant help but mock people on twitter.
>rapists don't know rape is wrong
oh sweetie, do you even know what crime is?
Who rapes more people per capita. Blacks or jews?
16% of the population 32.5% of the rapes.
Between this and basketball they really are better at everything.
I've been sexually harassed by female coworkers but I moved on like an adult.
Fuck you, I'll rape as much as I want.
And the amount I want to rape is zero.
>Implying that blacks don't commit the overwhelming majority of all rapes.
>Between this and basketball they really are better at everything.
Don't be so sure
white men don't rape black women. the facts prove this.
additionally this
whites rape so much they found a way to rape entire land asses. (America)
>land asses.
Hey, hey, hey! That's no way to talk about Lena Dunham!
Nice fuckin flag. Is it okay if I add it to my autism folder?
FFS it is a popularity contest now.
>be celeb
>I got raped moar
>am moar popular
>am moar pretty
>fell bad for my whorish ways
Fuck, these thots deserved it desu
>15 years old
Never before has one post contained so much THIS
White? Yeah right, keep believing it
you actually think white people rape more than other demographics? You have any evidence to support this? Whites rape a lot but I would be willing to say we are lower than any group other than asians.
I think you meant non-whites. Someone's doing the raping, and according to the stories coming out, non-whites are doing the raping. Or did you mistakenly think Jews are white?
I'm glad they started this movement. Especially James Vanderbeek or whatever the Dawsons Creek guy's name is, because sexual harassment even happens to guys and sometimes from older men and it's creepy and gay. Sexual harrassers, rapists, molesters should all kys
Rose McGowan is unironically using the hashtag #rosearmy
How much of a narcissist can someone be? And why is no one calling her out for this unbelievable display of self serving narcissism?
Niggers dindu nuffin
>tfw never been sexually harassed by a woman only gay men
feels bad man
>to get attention, tweet "me too"
roasties are so dumb it's unimaginable at times
Odd....these are the same women, who want me unarmed so I am raped
That chick in London who got raped three times in one night has the current high score
What is this, a penis for ants?
> Getting women to say "Me Too" when it comes to playing the victim.
> Believable.
Pick one.
Really? I've had women randomly grab both my ass and dick. Just out of the blue like it's nothing. Kind of surprising when they do it, but I'm not one to get all butthurt about it
a blue penis for ants! get it right!
I thought it was just two times?
Women wait until I'm fucked up on five ryes to make passes at me all the time.
Often when I'm unflatteringly drunk. It's gross
Could the problem be I'm not dressing sexually provocatively enough?
Women are pathetic.
That was a couple months ago. This is a new case that happened this past weekend
Fuckin' oath. Can I take a wild stab in the dark and say that it wasn't whites in all three instances?
How interesting.
The instant sexual misconduct accusations focused on a few wealthy and influential jews.
Suddenly random street cat-calling became as terrible as asking an employee to watch you masturbate.
A campaign is launched to drown social media with stories of much less severity.
A campaign that was not launched when Trump was accused of sexual misconduct.
A campaign that was not launched when Cosby was accused of sexual misconduct.
Its almost as if they are trying to dilute the accusations against these jewish men.
Its almost as if they are trying to misdirect public attention away from these very influential jewish men.
Its almost as if they are trying to make it seem like there is not a problem of sexual misconduct in hollywood. Or make it seem in line with other industries.
You know the industry dominated by liberal jews is not any worse than the industries ran by the goyim right? This happens everywhere. Please ignore.
Women are sheep.
Women are useful idiots.
Women are the tool of the kike.
>Dressing virtually naked
>Goes to party gets wasted
>three pictures are being taken in this photo
For fucks sake
I have 0 sympathy for the whores who sold themselves out for the Jews for shekels. "My body my choice", eh?
>Dear brown men, please keep raping
Never used Twitter before but I went on there because I had to see it for myself.
This is comedy gold.
The question is:
Is it better to get a mix of attentions, both good and bad, or little to no good attention at all.
I haven't seen any articles mention the suspects' race, so I assume Coulter's Law is in effect
gotta be pakis
I'm sorry gomen nasai desu straya senpai-san. Is dis sum blue benis for ants?
Yes, it is, but you can have a nibble just because I like you.
Fucking attention whores trying to milk someones actual suffering so they can be noticed. Call them all out for their shit. Its like fucking highschool
the Troll Farmer from the tv series the blacklist!
Jews arent white and blacks rape like 10 times as much as whites so actually whites are barely raping anyone
Go fucking blame the niggers and jews like we been telling you
You sir are talking to a jew.
Usually it's no biggie but then again most straight men are not weak like women.
Speaking of weak like women. I got sexually harassed by a gay dude once when I was passed out drunk. I woke up though and kick is ass untill he cried. It was pathetic but I still felt it was necessary to take a firm stance on this issue instead of being weak and then making some hashtag afterwards.
>be dumb whore
>fat jew tells me he'll make me famous if I suck his cock
>never get a call back
>"Help I was raped!"
I fucking hate these pedowood kikes but these sluts are getting exactly what they deserve.
Because pol is behind her.
Rape victims always cut their hair to look less pretty.
you know once we get artificial wombs and sex dolls I'm all for letting the Arabs and blacks just have these bitches. we can go back to bodybuilding and philosophizing like in ancient greece and white girls can be a part of Abdul's harem. Everyone's happy. We know deep down women want to be in a damn harem and submit anyway.
I'll never forget the time I was in college, and some girl was telling me about sorority initiation.
She said a bunch of girls sat in a circle and told their deepest secret.
Turns out, each of them was raped. Every single one.
The girl telling me the story was shocked, SHOCKED, that rape was so out of control on campus!
Of course they were all raped and not trying to fit in/one up each other in an important social acceptance moment !
Who's Jewing Who?
Kike Lesbian?
Fuckin hell, everyone else was raping this whole time and I got left out?!
Its part and parcel there. Its not okay in the usa.
It would be funny as shit if sexbots and artificial wombs lead to a new renaissance.
Holy shit, here's a proper good one here for ya mate. And these people can not weigh-up things like this user, they just want any attention.
but it's all the nogs and sandnogs that rape...
No sympathy for the industry of silence. All of you are still protecting names.
Daily reminder that (((they))) are literally memeing a reverse-"I'm Spartacus" tactic in order to hide the real criminals.
it would, we wouldn't need to spend any more time on trying to please women for sex
just go bang a qt android gf and then go read in between squat sets
women would never recover
>raping with my very presence
Becuase we don't need to.
Even the prettiest black girls I've flirted with have responded in some way, can't say the same for white bitches.
All a game to see who is pretty enough to be raped by a fat fucking kike. I hate women