Richard spencer invades university of florida October 19th

For any florida gator anons who want a ticket to go to the event info here. You wont be able to get in without a ticket.

Governor rick scott calls a state of fucking emergency on richard spencer speaking at university of florida. He is officially as bad as a hurricane

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Damn, it's almost as if there haven't been 15 other threads today Richard. Give it a break.

>potentially biggest happening of the month isnt worth tons of threads

bye nigger

>biggest happening
>Implying anything Richard Spencer does matters.

>being this delusional

are you one of those ironic brown people who spouts Sup Forums memes in public?

If you are going, bring a camera or gopro, document everything. If shit goes down you'll want to have it because the media WILL lie about you. Anyone who was at Charlottesville will vouch for this.

>tfw my friend's not going because she doesn't want to pay for a ticket to get assaulted and doxxed by commies

No, those are Richard Spencers followers
The man literally wears a Pepe lapel pin, he's the biggest larper of them all

Proof of State of Emergency?

>doxxed by commies

Do you actually think attending a speaking event at a university will get you labeled as nazi?

If you do. guess what? antifa won.

Here is the real truth. "doxxing" only effects people who are actual leaders or important people who are ACTUALLY CONNECTED to these politics

Here is what antifa is going to do.

They are going to record every single person going into the building with a shitty andriod phone. And likely shittily try to compile that information online.

Here is the problem. These people are not professionals. They have no hivemind behind them like Sup Forums to do the doxxing work. any accusations they make against people are going to be ineffective unless you are on camera heiling hitler or screaming obscenities at minorities.

The doxx threat of attending the event is totally empty. If you are scared of these faggots taking your picture you literally dont deserve free speech

Sounds like it's more she doesn't want to pay for a ticket. Though I doubt she'd like being doxxed with her having a good job and all.

I'd go if I wasn't stuck in PBC with class all day Thursday.

antifa vs Spencer again

should be fun to watch

>having a good job

how will she get fired? worst case scenario she is the only person photographed at the event and antifa focuses all their attention on her?

That's actually a little naïve. Antifa and who funds them will defiantly be doxing everybody they can. It's really all they have left. They are organized enough to keep this board under a constant bombardment of shill and fudding posts. In the unlikely event they pull something on the 4th, it'll be enough for some to overcome their fear of being doxxed but don't put anything past these low life scum.

Ask Adolf Skywalker if he's gay

I'll be at the event. Nothing is going to happen. The police, campus authorities, even the fucking governor have already got the whole thing on lockdown. Anyone got something I should ask that fed faggot Spencer if I have the chance? Not something stupid like this


spencerfags are going all out shilling for this shit. I wonder why?

Ask him what his endgame is, and how he plans on accomplishing it.
Also ask him who the fuck thought the tiki torches were a good idea.

>who funds them
Antifa isnt a single group. Its thousands of little faggy clubs for communists who mask up to break shit.

this is just one of those little local clubs. And they are not "funded by george soros with a super computer ready to sort images based on facebook backdoor hacking" or some shit.

they are literally the people who ran around going to bernie sanders rallies

Seriously he is at least bisexual. Ask him if he's bisexual. He won't give you a straight answer.

>He won't give you a straight answer.
Which is exactly why I won't ask something like that, it's kind of pointless other than to make him squirm a bit.

It's not pointless, if he's a fag then he's a shitlib, and the only proper response to shitlib antics is trolling.



spencer will eat you alive

I didn't mean to imply most of that. However, there are still people funding them, and there are higher up people in some of their groups that wouldn't be caught dead out in the open. These are the ones that have a personal vendetta and will be using any means at their disposal to do the only little thing they have left: doxx you. They know they are losing steam with every passing minute, when they completely lose hope because everybody refuses to listen to their tantrums is when they'll snap.

What's the downside? If he's one of us, he'll say, "No I'm not gay, wtf are you talking about?" and laugh about it. If he is gay, he'll change the subject or waffle about how gayness is our heritage or some shit.

The only thing Adolf Skywalker eats is man-ass.

guy has 2 kids

It must be hard for the strawmanning leftists who like to play ad hominem and pretend we're all skinhead hicks when the supposed figurehead of the movement and their boogeyman is clean-cut, articulate, and conventionally attractive in a boyish sort of way.

Spencer is based I love Spencer happenings because of all the salty antifa shills descending upon this board like flies to shit.

I really wish this guy would stop holding events desu.

Back to MPC, fag

He's actually pretty cringy and isn't particularly attractive at all. If he was a Chad half of the threads about him wouldn't exist.

spencer is a faggot and anyone who takes him seriously is retarded

The Chad of the movement will reveal himself in time, have faith.

Spencer is controlled opposition.

ya it would be great if the only white advocate to articulate pro white views would just go away

that would be really great. I cant wait for that to happen

Florida police are experts on nigger control. Spencer will do what he wants to do, people will boo, scream, cheer, etc.... Local news will cry about, MSM will hardly touch on it. Maybe a gunshot, maybe a trash can on fire.

Lots of fags marry beards, some of them even are the ones who get their wives pregnant too!

How in the fuck is Spencer articulate? Has he ever won an argument with someone that isn't mentally retarded?

Eat shit, niglet

He should have mentioned the reality of affirmative action in colleges that surely contribute to those stats, and maybe mentioned what happened to Zimbabwe without white farmers after Oogaboongas kicked them out.

>and isn't particularly attractive at all
Well I mean, that's just like, your opinion man

Sorry Spence, please step up your game though.

This. just don't dress in le Nazi polo and verbally support him.

The tiki torches were a great idea you retarded mongrel.

sounds fucking based

The absolute state of it alll

He's at least articulate compared to any LARPing cringelords waving swastika flags are likely to be when questioned on their beliefs.
If they were going to do that, they could have taken it all the way and wrapped a bar rag around a stick instead.

these anti whites will be in the history books as the bigoted shitstains as they are... this is civil rights in the making... bigotry has no place on the 21st century... 1488

They literally declared a state of emergency. Now i'm definitely going.

Hail victory.

He is a false flag.

Get back to your cell Shia.

Alt right can not be stopped.


>wrapping a rag around a stick

tiki torches are better and safer

alt right can't even remove a white flag from a french buildings

love wins bigot

Comparing yourself to ex-con neonazis isn't good enough. We have standards. Being better than a bunch of retards doesn't automatically make you a leader.

>Going to an event with more spooks than Langley

>petrifies entire state of Florida
yeah ok

That would be Richard Spencer's own mischling wife and child.

He's literally on the top stories trending on google news.

"Florida governor declares state of emergency in advance of Richard Spencer event" @ Washington Post.

>tfw in Florida National Guard

She didn't. That girl was politely trying to turn him down and he's just autistic.

And a spotlight is better and safer yet, but it would just look silly.

>Comparing yourself to ex-con neonazis isn't good enough
Obviously, but it's kind of the way of it when those you're trying to argue against- even convince, are the ones drawing that comparison

Implying the leftists can't get doxxed and arrested for their crimes


Richard Spencer is pro-Richard Spencer. That's it. "Whiteness" is just the vague abstraction he uses to justify his shitty effeminate speeches and larpy "career."

He is one of the most anti-white people that I've ever talked to. Trust me.

The irony being that a hurricane is considered less of a threat than Richard Spencer in Florida.

>trusting anonymous people on the internet
Examples pls

>larpy career

still quite the accomplishment when you get an entire state's national guard called up on you for irl shitposting

Our President forcibly sodomized the NFL with a smartphone and a few tweets. What has Adolf Skywalker done?

Yet the NFL are still pulling their shit.

richard spencer being pro richard spencer is good for white people.

Him laying waste to college campuses and generating interest for pro white politics is important.

>Richard Spencer
>Good for white people
Pick one

richard spencer has caused 2 state of emergencies in a year simply by going somewhere

thats how powerful his ideas are and how much of a threat they are to the system

ask yourself where pro white politics would be in this country without richard spencer

the answer is milo

So did Milo. I wouldn't call him a "threat" to the system

Are his ideas powerful, or are his opponents a pack of simpering weaklings prone to meltdown if opposing views are allowed to be heard?

Richard Spencer is a joke. If he is the best WN has to offer, we are on a path towards Brazil.

And they're radicalizing millions of boomers. BOOMERS, of all things!

ADOLF SKYWALKER destroyed the branding that the Alt-Right built up. It's gone now. Why does your boy Mr. Sparklehooves consistently lose?

okay maybe you didnt read the post.

2 governors called state of emergencies for him speaking

>the branding

the alt right is richard spencers brand you fag

He is a joke but point me to somebody else that is actually trying to do anything for the white race that isn't outright "kill all black people." That shit aint gonna work.

This is the unedited pic.

Are you dumb or just stupid?

It's not Richard Spencer per's Antifa, Black Lives Matter, cuck monkeys and Neo Nazis converging in one small area where they are sure to do battle.

The one positive for the Florida Guard is that Spencer's Good Housekeeping/ Reader's Digest-tier speech is sure to put everybody to fucking bed so violence is likely off the table.


Who's Adolf Skywalker? Never heard of him before.

He came up with a fucking name years before the Alt-Right became relevant, it was the chans that made the content. Jesus fucking christ it stands for ALTERNATIVE RIGHT, how is that a fucking trademark you retard? It's the logical name for an alternative to the right.

Anyways, stop avoiding the real issue: why does Richard Spencer always fail?

oh look its a
>pepe is why trump won

We must abide the trade mark. Spencer is automatically our leader now.

Dangit, I guess we have no choice but to lose. At least we stood by ARE PRINCIPLES though! We must never betray ARE VALUES, even when they lead to death and failure.

The onus is on you. You're the one claiming to have personal experience of him being anti-white. I've just seen him sperg out in public and he's always at least seemed sincere.

I nominate Alt Hype for our leader. Jontron gets second preference


Taken today in front of the venue.

In case any of you didn't know.....This is Richard Spencer.

The saddest part of all of these threads is when Richard Spencer comes on and drops 28 comments about how totally "rad" and "dangerous" Richard Spencer is.

Give it a fucking rest faggot. You suck. Your ideas are shitty and stupid. You get basic facts wrong. 99.9% of (even) white nationalists hate you like the plague. And you're slimy as fuck. You're also gay.


Shut the fuck up retard. "Alt-right" has been successfully subverted by the enemies. If you publicly identify as it you get associated with a bunch of shitty people that make the right-wing look like it's a joke. Surprise-surprise, the NatSocs on Sup Forums aren't fucking kidding around with their ideology. Go back to t_d.


>not even until Thursday
>already got shit tons of police
God damn

Shooting at the hurricane just might work this time.


>state of emergency

> If you publicly identify as it you get associated with a bunch of shitty people that make the right-wing look like it's a joke

And this doesn't stop any other political ideology ever because?

lol what the fuck