France to impose on-the-spot sexual harassment fines

Paris: Men who wolf whistle or are aggressively lecherous towards women on French streets face fines under a new sexism and sexual abuse law to be passed next year, the government confirmed on Monday.

Marlene Schiappa, 34, the country's gender equality minister, said workshops would be held across France to discuss the bill, as tens of thousands of French women took to Twitter to share experiences of harassment in the workplace.


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>*with the exception of refugees

If the West falls, at least France will fall too.

So I'm kind of okay with the destruction of civilization.

Degenerate promiscuous men BTFO

This is what Sup Forums wants, is it not? How can you be mad?

It's gonna curb down degeneracy and promiscuity by ten fold, while making women more conservative

They should ban degenerate porn on top of it

Macron is a based anti degeneracy Sup Forumsster


>the country's gender equality minister


Don't forget it, that a man can't hit on a woman anymore without being imprisoned for attempted rape; but somali immigrants can gangbang and murder a 12 year old girl and get a slap on the wrists while gays parade naked and perform sex acts in public.

>The beta convict
>The alpha no charges brought

It's going to CREATE a society where men can't talk to women UNLESS the women want them already

Degeneratre promiscuous men will not be affected by this

Because (white) men don't go around harassing women in public anyways, this just pushes the liberal "hurr evil white men" narrative with no benefit. The most batshit crazy leftist women will just blow rape whistles at every man who sits with his legs too wide on the bus.

pretending like this law isnt because of refugees. paying rape fines with welfare dollars. Truly top tier.

it's the cirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrcleee of liffffffffffffe

This law is mainly targeted at the sandniggers, specially in streets and their neighbours quasi-ghetoos. French anons have already confirmed this.

Ya man, there is always an upside to everything.


>white men don't harass women in public
So you're saying white men don't hit on women, and that white men are betas?

>degenerate promiscuous men don't hit on women in public

Bull fucking shit

This is what poltards want, a world free of degeneracy, you can't have that while allowing men to degrade women into being meat in the streets

Women need respect and horny fuckers need to be simmered down

Merchants BTFO by based anti degeneracy laws!

the law of unintended consequences my friend

or rather, intended consequences, just not stated

You stupid cunt they hit on women and women are receptive

you think she's going to flag down the police because of the Chad catcaller or the Virgin hello how are you?

Police unions and some lawyers criticised the law as almost impossible to enforce as culprits would have to be caught in the act with the line between harassment and flirtation hard to draw.

But Ms Schiappa said: "We know very well at what point we start feeling intimidated, unsafe or harassed in the street."

A cross-party task force composed of five MPs has been asked to work with police and magistrates to come up with a definition of harassment that can be enforced by officers on the streets.

It's gonna curb down degeneracy by a ten fold

Doesn't matter if the guy is good looking or not

This id what the west needs, a stomp on degenerates so that people can go back to courting like non niggers

Any poltard who complains about this enables degeneracy and is a supporter of the Jew

Based macron is based, the merchants are already trembling in their kippas

>Men are going to be given fines for not being attractive enough to warrant the attention of women.

It's targeted at all degenerates

Hope they start banning porn websites soon as well

Degeneracy MUST GO!

>Police unions and some lawyers criticised the law as almost impossible to enforce as culprits would have to be caught in the act with the line between harassment and flirtation hard to draw.

>But Ms Schiappa said: "We know very well at what point we start feeling intimidated, unsafe or harassed in the street."

>A cross-party task force composed of five MPs has been asked to work with police and magistrates to come up with a definition of harassment that can be enforced by officers on the streets.

They are going to subjectively make womens feelings make betas criminals

It will spread from France to other crazy lib shitholes in Europe first, I suspect Sweden, then Holland, etc. Eventually it will land in the UK, America, Australia, Canada

Before 2030 betas will be a criminal class

>anti degenerate laws spreading all over the west
This is exactly what it needs, a good curbstomp on degeneracy.

You are projecting and extrapolating your own betaness, people who act like human beings have nothing to worry about

Degenerate pieces of shit are in for a rude awakening, better start stocking up on porn before they ban that as well you disgusting sex freaks.

>Sup Forumstards always being contrarians even when a good law that furthers their goals passes
Imagine my shock!

If we had these laws in the US we would have to start opening new prisons for all the blacks.

>he thinks this law would be used against anyone but white man

I'm genuinely confused about what Macron is trying to go for. Is he far right or far left, or somewhere in between? I thought he was a French nationalist guy infiltrating the left wing political support.

Quand je reve aux loups!

Hes a banker globalist who will say and do anything to remain in power so he can push globalism

You think bankers are nationalists?

>gender equality minister

>people still think in political therms of left and right
This thread is comedy mine.

I get laid really easily and by all metrics am above the 20%

Maybe this law would actually benefit me because betas will be imprisoned

However I recognise it'll just be used to send all men to jail who pissed off some slut, that includes the alpha widows

Why I'm responding to a mexican I dont know, irrelevant shit tier country with no intelligent thoughts to speak of

>I'm gonna make up a bunch of lies about being alpha on the internet to support my point

>I'll just pretend that my logic of betas making advances on women is sound while I ignore that betas are classified as such because they don't make advances on women

>I'll complain about lack of intelligent thoughts on top of all my faggottry

You're a certified Australian shitposter or an actual beta retard

>t betas are classified as such because they don't make advances on women

mexico you fucking retard you cant be a beta and look like brad pitt

betas and alphas are going to prison, this is a crime against manhood, doesnt matter about mexico, your entire countries a big prisom

>mexico you fucking retard you cant be a beta and look like brad pitt
Yes you can, it's called having autism / assburgers

'Beta' isn't entirely about looks anyway, lots of average to ugly guys can pull off women if they have muscles, money, the right attitude, humor, etc

My point stands, this law is good to deter degenerates and degeneracy

You are afraid because you're a betafag
>betas and alphas are going to prison, this is a crime against manhood, doesnt matter about mexico, your entire countries a big prisom
You mean degenerates are going to prison.

Glad you're indirectly admitting your out of arguments

Gee, I wonder why they had to do this.

> areas of the capital city women are forbidden to enter because they're overrun by Islamic barbarians
> white women say they wear dark clothing, no skirts and minimal make-up to avoid being attacked by Muslims
> catcalling is now an on-the-spot fine
France is really shaping up well.

>the country where paternity tests are illegal without the mothers consent

I wouldn't be surprised if it happened here too so maybe I shouldn't be laughing.

Raping them is still free if you're an immigrant though.