Shia is back
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inb4 this one is deleted too
i give it two days tops
This flag is impossible to get. No drone can fly high enough. No one can scale a building that high. Face it Sup Forums, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. If you try, you will only humiliate yourselves more than you already have. Even the mods are against you HAHA! You're pathetic, weak little faggots who can't even take down a flag.
Save this post. Show it to yourself in a few years when HWINDU flag is still up, when Shia is smiling smugly to the camera and you're clinging to the glory days of Liverpool and NYC. It's over. You have been undivided.
The mods can delete these threads all they want. We'll persist. Enough people have seen them now that it's unavoidable.
inb4 deleted because nigger
the the autism flow
Of course. The mods are a bunch of butthurt libfags.
inb4 gays
go away shia
everyone look up infinitechan and head to infinitechan /hwndu/
Get in here cucks!
We'll get it done
>shilling for garbage chan
just end yourself
this is a tough one Sup Forums
What is location?
what is height of tower?
Mods are like REEEEEEE
gonna need a drone for this one
you guys do realize that this is an ARG?
none of this is real
What the fuck is wrong with this Jew
This. We need to start identifying key weak points in security
low enough to fly a quadrocopter up there and get it.
>fighting a war you already lost
t. r/thedonald
why are you guys using broken english?
Shilling for the chan that hasn't yet been fully infiltrated by faggot mods.
Frenchfag here, I just heard about season VII. Funnily enough, I'll be visiting a friend in Nantes in a month. Also, it's one of the most cucked leftist cities in France. No wonder why Shia chose it.
Why can't a drone fly 200 feet up?
why are the mods such faggots ?
someone could approach from the south side and climb to the roof. I'm not sure about the tower.
Triggered, mods?
They have legal issues and sheit, but they don't realize how we subverted the masonry.
high powered lasers (available for under $100 online) could possibly burn that flag from ground level.
Is it possible to burn it with a laser
i'm actually here for this. you guys are legendary
>clearly NOT politics, just cringe trash
We're trying to communicate quickly, before mods delet.
dont DELETE it COMP it!
Heeb's will not divide us
A museum in nantes, france. They had an exhibition on Alien. Was pretty rad.
everyone on here, spread the message that the mods are compromised redditors that despise free speech
maybe use a potato launcher?
>how to set the building on fire
this will look real good on your resume
Someone make a discord before mods delete
lel nice m8
imma drone the shit out of that
If it were in Britanistan, Id say drone number one throws acid in its face.
But, avec la france, Drone 1 should drop a bicycle tyre on it, followed by Drone 2 which will douse it with the lowest octane fuel available.
Have you really seen nothing of the HWNDU saga? We're obligated to continue. Shia must know this as well, which begs the question, why continue?
>I know I'll use my hollywood connections and unimaginable wealth to force a civic building in france to carry my vanity public art project.
>That'll show how down to earth and hip with regular people I am.
Use a tree pruning tool
Do you want the Jews to know our plans? Fuck off, Kekistani.
shia has already lost. His goal was to have the stream going the entire 8 years Trump is president. He's had the stream up for probably 3% of the time. Doesn't look like it worked too well for him.
Now it is too late for mods. Message has spread.
Someone also needs to case the joint. Probably tons of cameras so it would have to be a total rush job...
he'll take any attention at this point
Assuming we can make it within range. This has happened so many times now that there will be security up the ass. Assuming this whole thing isn't a trap.
But then Sup Forums will not have it a trophy.
Mods have been compromised for years, the fuck you been?
Could someone sling some bacon on it?
would be awesome if lighting hit it and burned it lol
if your laser is mounted on your quadcopter. you probably shouldn't talk about that here though.
Quadcopter, with flamethrower?
Flag is stationed in Nantes France, we need to bring it down
>everything is cringe
inb4 thread is glassed by mods
just hit the camera with drone paint rig. thats easier then going for the flag
Now we're talking.
This fagoot is gonna fall again 4 chan never lose
lets go back to the drone idea.
Maybe he likes the game of capture the flag. Also he could be doing it for someone else to get a measure of Sup Forums's abilities.
Is there an associated stream, or just the pic?
better plan don't steal the flag. *steal the flag. reverse the meaning of HWNDU from an anti trump campaign to a pro-trump campaign.
Oh FUCK me
How high up is the flag?
>le high powered laser
has been tried every season, including Liverpool. It failed hilariously. You need to actually cut down the flag.
Mods suck shia cock
/hwndu/ on some other chan ;))))
This would be actually fun
Just shoot it with a high powered air rifle and eventually you'll hit the rope holding it on.
that means you just need more juice, laser with more energy
or you could fly a drone, I don't know if it is restricted air space.
This. What is we staged a "natural" occurrence to take down the flag?
Drone seems to be the only way this will work
The original picture was photoshopped. Smelly like a
wheres the link to the stream?
>Looks like a klans mask right now.
no, not because it wouldn't be funny, but it might catch the building on fire.
Could we grappling hook the flag pole and bring the flag and pole down?
we would know once and for all that kek is real.