Pizza Gate

Hey all, my roommate doesnt believe pizza gate is real. Can anyone point me to info-graph of compiled evidence?

Other urls found in this thread:

pizza gate isn't real

Only rural and suburban retards rape kids. Smart Hollywood people give them jobs.

You roommate is smarter than you.


your roomate is right.

its not real

Organized pedophile rings are real though and they exist but they are not related to "pizza"

Not real. It was a meme that got out of hand fast.

Pizzagate was a psyop to distract people from looking into DNC emails and other aspects of the trafficking networks.

Just how many fucking shills are actually on Sup Forums these days, wtf?

Anyways, it's real.

The emails speak for themselves. 7 and 8 year olds in jacuzzis. Nuff said.


...says increasingly nervous man for the gorillionth time this year...

pizzagate is desperate attempt to make hillary look bad. And I guess it worked to some extent.

The whole comet ping pong stuff is when it starts to delve into disinfo however.


No, the psyops like "Muh Russia hacked the election" were the covers for PizzaGate, which was in fact, very, extremely, and literally real.

Ya shills.

But what if both were psyops?

Says the chicken lover

Tell that to the kids I have in my tape dungeon.

I wasted a lot of fucking time on pizzagate last year. There's nothing there. It's all circumstantial weirdly phrased emails and tenuous connections to maybe-pedophilic people. It's weird as fuck but there's absolutely nothing that could hold up in court.

Alefantis is definitely a creepy weirdo that's made white house visits, posts creepy shit on his (ex) instagram, and is an avid enthusiast of unaccompanied children.

Those over-sized tiddy veins.

>still no convictions or anything beyond autistic Sup Forums roleplayers
Yep we're the nervous ones

Seriously, nothing wrong with comet ping pong. Bring the kids. Leave them over. No worries. No weirdness, no worries. Kids love sleeping over. Come on.


First of all don't get all retarded with the comet ping pong stuff.

Just show him Podesta's emails and ask him if he thinks anything illegal is being discussed in code.

Here you go user

PizzaGate is general might have been a psyops to stop Podesta from drumming up the ayy lmao conspiracy.

Assuming ayys are real and our government has knowledge of them that it wants to keep safe, they might have completely destroyed Podesta's career for speaking about it publicly.

Well yeah, I mean, you're all pedos. You all protect each other. It slightly spilled out when emails were hacked. Why would we expect arrests to happen? It's assumed that your pedo enterprise has a monopoly of all the courts and all the peoples of power.

Best break down I have

The Breitbart tweet in 2012... they were playing the long game-- brilliant!

Best place last I checked is I haven't been in a while, but there's a lot of good researchers there and the forum format is perfect for keeping track of findings.

I could image dump, but I've got way too much.

Don't answer this thread.

It's reconnaissance

They want to know what angles they need to cover

The killer secret of Pizzagate is that it reached the truth on a short bus of autismo bullshit. The complete and utter nothingburgers of the Podesta emails made people look into the Podestas and other individuals and see all their creepy fucking shit.

Pizzagate is definitely not real you fucking retarded.

You're out of your element user.

spend some time browsing here ->

The kiddy torturing stuff and kiddy-rape stuff is all real.

The reason we know about it, however, could be the deep state throwing Podesta under the bus for talking too much about ayy lmaos.

That's how deep state works. They get the dirt on you and save it. If you ever slip up and start talking about something or doing something you're not supposed to, it comes out into the public and your career is destroyed.

Breitbart was a third-party that figured it out and was subsequently rubbed out.

> (OP)
>Only rural and suburban retards rape kids. Smart Hollywood people give them jobs.
Harvey Weinstein raped people.

I'm pretty sure why this thread has so many shills saying "oh lel PizzaGate was just fake lol. Time to give it up boys" is because it already accomplished its goals. Podesta is out, his career is destroyed, he's STFU about ayy lmaos, jobs done and finished, it's time for the deep state to now rap this sucker up and call it a dumb fake conspiracy so no one believes it anymore.

Who is this dizzy bitch?

"Dis iz duh biggest powiticow scandow..."

I just apply the "pizzagate" label to those pedo rings. Easier to say than "organized elite pedophile child trafficking rings."

It's good for an entry level into PizzerGatez

>7 and 8 year olds in jacuzzis.
my grandma owned a jacuzzi, I was in it all my life as a child and was never raped...

Holy fuck man, it's not gonna work, just stop the shilling, or pay me to stay silent.

What better way to distract from the real pedo and human trafficking going on in high places than to make people look foolish for falling for pizzagate. It was a psyop to discredit.

Pizzagate = Saturn worship


Eww those blue veins

All you have are retarded trumpfag conspiracies. Faggots like you circle jerked for a few months and found some emails about risotto recipes and parents joking about kids being entertaining

Excellent rundown, here:

Same story as him, my grandma had a hot tub. I want to believe it all and I kinda do. But my reaction when reading that Jacuzzi email was "this is it?". There wasn't anything overtly inappropriate about it, especially since they were the kids of people attending the party. I get that they write in code, maybe I'm not understanding it. Could you post the email again?

it's a psyop on rightwingers

Believing in PizzaGate is why everyone laughs at Sup Forums.

So Podesta's career is destroyed and he's gotten the message that talking about the ayy lmaos is not tolerated at all by the deep state, is that correct?

You guys are trying to wrap up this PizzaGate stuff now since mission was accomplished?

>Hollywood people give them blow jobs.

t. dan harmon


(((You)) guys brought it here, now (((you))) are trying to force a lid on it.


Hey Hillary

oh really, pizza gate is the reason?

Sup Forums is satire
maybe you should get some sleep


Thanks Mr Horowitz.

>pizzagate is desperate attempt by the russians to make hillary look bad.

dont want to get off message.
t. loyal democrat

John Podestas Ayy disclosure thing is a psyop. The aliens don’t care if we know or not but The deep state has its followers thinking that by disclosing the existence of Ayys the Ayys will kidnap all the world leaders - Including trump.

Why is there super retarded shit in there along with a bunch of facts and statistics. The yellow orange and red thing is beyond retarded.

Elsa gate is the weirdest shit ever. Has anything come out of it, in returns to MSM response?

OP, please stop posting fatties with big tits of fat masquerading as hotties. The angle and lack of ribs give it away. Triple chin fatty is disgusting.


>you guys

I kinda wanted to see the email again, like I said, I want to believe it. But I see now you don't actually read what you're responding to. You're the disinfo shill buddy. You're sperging out like a complete fucking retard, over using references to ((((DAH JEWWS)))). You're trying to make people that think pizzagate has some legitimacy look like idiots and keep people from investigating.

Prove me wrong. Post the email. You'd be spreading the evidence, so you can't say I'm a shill. If you respond with some retarded shit filled with parenthesis, you'll out yourself for what you are.

>John Podestas Ayy disclosure thing is a psyop.
He was talking about Ayy disclosure way before PizzaGate.

It's funny because this is what actually cost Hillary the election.

Show him this email and ask him if what is said doesn't seem a little odd. Works every time.

user, you are the one shilling.

Thanks, this is what I was asking for. Yeah, it's weirder than I remember. Creepy.

please define of what you speak

Hey roommate, your Sup Forums-browsing friend here is autistic.


list of things that cost hillary the election
>#1 - russia
>#2 - trump breathing on her durring the debate
>#14 - James Comey
>#34 - ayy lmao


Posting their ages like that makes no sense on its own. "The kids will be over for the jacuzzi!" would be much more innocuous, assuming this person has ever even met these kids.

Specifically listing their ages like that is for a pedophile's benefit, like a buffet menu.

that would confuse between the pizza connection, when all those pizza restaurants were trafficking heroin


Where are the victims? Why hasn't there been a single arrest? Why can no one find a single shred of evidence? If Comet Ping Pong is involved, why did that dude who went down there with a gun not find anything?

Seriously, ask common sense questions and everything PizzaGate falls apart.

Oh wait, if you believe in this bullshit you already have 0 critical thinking skills and likely have a 90 IQ, so my arguments probably fall on deaf ears.

This person basically pimps out her kids for the elite.

Daily mail started covering it. Normies love them some DailyMail.

Here's another good one. Ask him why a normal person would be sacrificing chickens.

The evidence is compiled under your top. What you'll want to do is take it off, take a nice picture of your chest, and post it to the thread for us to inspect. Otherwise, we can't get that compiled evidence.

Or why does a normal guy have a torture chamber.

>Why hasn't there been a single arrest?
Why would I expect there to be a single arrest? You guys control all of this. Podesta was most likely thrown to the dogs on purpose, and now that the damage has been done, and Podesta has fallen back in line, you're putting a lid on this story.

>If Comet Ping Pong is involved, why did that dude who went down there with a gun not find anything?
That was you guys too.


This is pretty much unrelated to pizza gate. But this is a nearly 3 hour documentary by the discovery channel that was never allowed to air. Talking about the systematic sexual abuse at "boys town", the cover up, and the political figures involved.

> You guys control all of this.
> That was you guys too.
Yes, because every piece of evidence that doesn't support the conspiracy theory is obviously a sign of an even greater conspiracy. Do you have any critical thinking capacity at all?

lol that is the whole point of why you guys collect dirt on people. It's to then publicly leak it and destroy their careers when they do something you don't like. That's the whole game.

>Do you have any critical thinking capacity at all?
Probably too much.

Here you go autists, I know this is the only reason you're in this thread




Gross fat tits are just fat. Disgusting roastie tier woman.

His respect and kindness gone.

Not me, I'm here to kill pedos

It's true.

Lots of shills user. Nuggets and newfags broke rules and now we deal with shillnewfags... which are easily spotted by inability to both meme and use proper vernacular as seen on this board for over 9000 millenia