Sup Forums takes the Greco Roman civilizations and modern western civilization as proof white people's greatness

>Sup Forums takes the Greco Roman civilizations and modern western civilization as proof white people's greatness
>completely ignores the dark ages
>white people were idiot savages while brown people had the advanced, supreme civilizations

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Atleast post some relevant civs then

Nigger tier argument.

>ooga booga

>Islamic caliphates

>dark ages
literal meme tier understanding of history

>A none transparent image that pretends to be transparent
Kill yourself nigger


Not an argument


>a few nice buildings
>everything else was in the shitter
>no great cities
>mass starvation and illiteracy

>what caused dark ages

>posts an hour long video
Nigga I ain't watchin' that.

The dark ages were nice and science didn't stop

>science didn't stop
Yeah, it was done by brown people

The scientific method was first proposed in the European "dark ages".

>Muh dark ages
You know that's a meme created by some salty revisionist several hundred years later right? There were was a ton of progress in art, medicine, and warfare in the dark ages.

And who ended the dark ages?

Was it... a bunch of kangz from the Congo.

Or a bunch of genius faggots from my homeland of Italy?

Get fucked, bitch. The dark ages weren't even that horrible, you're just taught that because you're too stupid to grasp the geopolitics of the cause of the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Persia - not an advanced civilization like Greece or Rome. Only powerful before Greece rose.
Byzantines - are Greeks
Ottomans, Islamic caliphates - their rise was powered by Western works (mainly Greek), did not go very far in terms of either intellectual products or general civilization development, was relatively brief, and their culture collapsed in on itself in short order.

>Dark Ages
>Maid Dragon reaction image

Well, actually it was a bunch of holdover from the Byzantine Empire that had fled to Crimea, but traveled back to Italy in order to spread the old-world techniques that they had mastered. But, I mean, still pretty much the same.

>Want's to talk shit about white peoples history
>Doesn't want to learn about history

Oh gee user why would you hold those two positions at the same time?

Europe advanced the sciences in the dark ages more than the rest of the world combined