You have 30 seconds to name a product you use that was not developed with any public funding.
You have 30 seconds to name a product you use that was not developed with any public funding
muh dicc
i use my own music.
i fund that myself by making it myself for free.
get on my level, retard.
Sliced bread
Peanut butter was invented by a white guy.
Tape measure
The list goes on and on
Toilet paper
Furry porn.
unless you record it in mp3 format
Define "public funding."
Public funding is great, but...
>pic related
My revolver
Stuff paid for with tax dollars like everything that you use invented in public universities.
>when your retarded system fails but it's okay because it was the government's fault not the market
You have 30 seconds to define what public funding means in your own words.
Zyklon B
kill yourself shill rat
>When your retarded system fails
Name as many as where communism has failed and, not to mention, where capitalism was failing it was tweaked and improved. Of course capitalism isn't perfect and needs certain checks but many countries are wealthy and healthy because of capitalism. How many for your fantasy utopia?
the wheel
Mighty dulce de leche
Revolutionary Catalonia, and The Kibbutz in Israel were very prosperous economically. The various coops springing up in response to capitalism's death rattle are also examples. Capitalism is an extension of the state my friend, and private property is theft. No way around it.
Need a safe space for your cuck economic opinions?
>Government can literally print money
>When it's not printing money it's extorting the citizenry for funds
>Has its hand in every fucking technological pie imaginable in order to get a leg up on other countries that also racketeer their citizenry for the same means
>Government can't actually invent anything itself so it gives extorted money to private corporations to do the actual innovating
Hurr Muh government invented the internet Al Gore 2020
chocolate milk!
dc motor
a stick
the rope
a container
a projectile
That's a fast as I could type on a phone in 30 seconds.
the wheel
The bullet that will rip through your skull at the velocity of 400-1000 fps on Nov 4th if you try to do something, bolshevik commie.
All "public" funding is obtained by armed theft of *private* funding.
Your argument is invalid.
If you ignore the vast majority of innovation being done at public universities, and the U.S. military's omnipresent role in developing technology then you have a point.
If THE GOVERNMENT is so good why didn't it invented itself?
Great is not the word I'd use but...
>pic related
You can take your 30 seconds & cram them right up your ass hole!
You haven't looked into any of these things. Each of them can be attributed to public research to ensure they're safe or efficient. If your shoes are sneakers, the materials necessary for them are a byproduct of NASA research.
>Stuff paid for with tax dollars like everything that you use invented in public universities.
Ummm... Jesus?
Are toothpick factories state funded? I use them a lot.
>vast wealth generation in return
Usually you lose something in the event of theft.
holy shit you are not trolling (consciously)
>Stuff paid for with tax dollars like everything that you use invented in public universities.
What about this stuff? Was it made with public funding? I use the shit out of it.
What a stupid false premise. To prove your assertion you need to prove that the government is more efficient than the private sector. Of course this is impossible because at best the government is a middle man which is inherently inefficient and at worse it's corrupt as fuck.
The laser, the transistor, and the polio vaccine were all products that came out of private labs.
Annnnnnnd where did that "public funding" come from? Taxation of the private sector. /endthread/
The market is one of the most inefficient ways of organizing an economy. It's prone to failure, has regular boom bust cycles, and maximizing profit. It does not take into account real costs caused by this behavior called negative externalities and leads to bad outcomes. The riskiest behaviors are incentivized because they're likely the most profitable rather than being the most efficient.
You must not have ever worked in R&D at any major company... I guess they just eat peanuts and fuck off on twitter. Guess you never checked out how patents work and realized that many are from those meanie companies who will only pay an arts major minimum wage to pump coffee.
Bell Labs isn't a good example. It fell apart after it was fully realized that their research was helping other companies earn a profit including competitors. Thus, they had an incentive to make their research more narrow and the only private research conducted anymore when it does happen are purely for optimizations rather than innovations.
Don't forget it's retarded cousin DC
i seriously hope you choke to death on the next dick you suck, you are a disease to society and humanity at large, a plague. you infect everything with your poisonous ideology and will not be satisfied until either you are dead or countless numbers have perished in pursuit of your fallacious fantasy. please do the whole planet a favor and jump off a fucking cliff you worthless parasite.
>public funding.
where does 'the public' get all this 'funding' friendo? And if this works, then hand over your money because I have some great ideas. pony up. oh, you don't want to give your hard earned money to me? why not? I won't waste it, I promise. I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
>Guess you never checked out how patents work and realized that many are from those meanie companies who will only pay an arts major minimum wage to pump coffee.
Do you know how patents work?
The Wright brothers made their first working prototype only a few weeks after the American Government deemed it impossible
>You have 30 seconds to name a product you use that was not developed with any public funding.
You have 30 seconds to name one thing blacks invented.
Then the American government gave them money to build planes, and the American government researched and developed planes to win WWII and eventually turn into the useful planes we have today.
Birth control and various steroids necessary for advances in medicine.
>private property is theft
>Catalonia uprising is communist
Thanks for clearing shit up, didn't the Catas only last for 8 seconds or some shit?
>Jews were commies
Tell us something we don't know
>Birth control and various steroids necessary for advances in medicine.
Blacks have never, ever invented anything.
Also, Bolshevism is Jewish. The Bolsheviks were Jews. Communism is Jewish.
Why are you sucking on a Jewish ideology?
>the people pay the Fed
>the Fed pays Nasa to do shit for our country
>Nasa does shit
Seems like a fair transaction me. If we didn't pay taxes none of it would've gotten done. And I really hope you Bolshedicks try something the 4th. It'll be another 4th Americans can celebrate as independence!
>you take stolen goods
>thus you would be a hypocrite to claim stealing is bad
>2+2 now = 5?
OP. Logical fallacy there. Just because you benefit from unethical state power doesn't necessarily mean you aren't telling the truth.
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
We aren't in Brittain commie, hate speech is no more real than a functional communist government
Yes... AFTER it was already invented. Government was completely beaten to it.
I wish I had that source where some lgbt marxist jewish wikipedian editor won an award for removing information about jews and bolshevism because their ethnicity/ religion is unimportant and could lead to anti-semetism.
lol. Patents are not proof of invention.
>Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
But Marx, Lenin and Trotsky were Jewish. Stalin was married to a Jew. Stalin was also surrounded by Jews. The first soviet government was Jewish. The Bolshevik revolution was Jewish.
If there's nothing wrong with the Jews, why not embrace the fact that your ideology is Jewish?
An organization receiving public funding doesn't make it not capitalistic.
My chickens eggs
>not realizing the nigger is in public funded housing
Lmao red pillled.
The plane was practically reinvented from what the Wright Brothers built. We wouldn't have modern planes if we left it to people with passion projects getting start ups going.
My iphone
You wouldn't be able to make calls without a space program for GPS and communications satellites, nor connect to the internet for any of your services to work.
Countless pharmaceuticals, medical technologies, breakthrough therapies, consumer technologies, industrial goods, raw materials, etc.
>You wouldn't be able to make calls without a space program
Which was by in large thanks to the National Socialists the commies and the allies stole from Germany.
>for GPS and communications satellites, nor connect to the internet
Which was invented by a White person.
>for any of your services to work.
Not that you'd be would've starved to death from your jewish ideology long ago.
>national bolshevik supports crony capitalism
I'm not arguing race. This is about public vs. private.
I don't support the system, I'm pointing out the absurdity of right wing libertarians when they say the private sector innovates and the government does nothing but get in the way. Everything should be public.
Government funds private r&d in the form of tax credits.
>I'm not arguing race.
Because then you'd have to admit your flag is a Jewish flag.
>This is about public vs. private.
Both of which the Jews control and want to control.
Face it're an anti-White Jew and that taints everything you say and do.
You're such a Jew you believe the so-called "Holocaust" happened even though there is literally zero evidence for it.
Antisemitism = holding Jews accountable for their actions.
Or, criticizing Jews.
Or, simply being goyim.
Well the wealthiest nations have Jews running the show, so make of that what you will. I am anti-white because they're holding back the natural Afro-Aristocracy but that's a conversation for a different thread.
Why should it be ALL either? Do you think that public only could compare to a mixed system? Don't be fucking stupid. I'm part of the group you criticized but I don't think it should be 100% private sector. The public sector is the best for science as industry funded science is unreliable as fuck. For development of products though, the private sector is far superior.
>the wheel
> private sector innovates and the government does nothing but get in the way.
The government's job is to uphold the law and protect the boarders. Everything else is extra. Deciding who wins in the market and who loses is not a core function of government nor is it justifiable by "progress".
Here's your example you asked for, in video format:
short answer, wright brothers.
>capitalism fails
"Damn, we should probably build it back up so we stop starving."
>communism fails
"Shit, better wipe out all that fluff we wrote on how this place made communism work and call it state capitalism again."
>Colombian posting furry lewds
I'm not falling for your ladyboy shit again.
>funny deep fried murder club
>"yuh wull ackshully snookums y'all mind if I uhhhhhhhh shill for slush funds for free??"
Are you running out of non-tankies or something? Holy mackerel buddy.
>Well the wealthiest nations have Jews running the show,
Because Capitalism is just as Jewish as Communism is.
>I am anti-white because they're holding back the natural Afro-Aristocracy
Niggers are subhuman and without Whites would still be living in mud huts eating ants off sticks. Niggers never even invented the wheel.
>natural Afro-Aristocracy
There's literally no such thing.
Pic related.
Read the thread, planes were already brought up. Nobody uses the Wright Brother's plane model today, they use what the military developed with government research and public funding. The market wouldn't exist without the government.
>The market is one of the most inefficient ways of organizing an economy. It's prone to failure, has regular boom bust cycles, and maximizing profit.
You're confusing the (((moneychangers))) parasite bullshit with free market economics, which is to be expected from a commie, since they know fuck all about actual economics, or even that their retarded commie bullshit system was also created by those very (((moneychangers))).
Plank #5, commietard. You Lose.
>Nobody uses the Wright Brother's plane model today, they use what the military developed with government research and public funding. The market wouldn't exist without the government.
You moved the goalposts or made up an exception when your claim was shown to be false.
>libertarian making baseless assertions and pretending to understand economics
Color me surprised. Free market economics simply do not exist, there is always a monopoly of force behind it.
yes, civilians who spend roughly 10,000 dollars are no match for the government that can cheese 1 trillion dollars at the same problem. Or, if you value efficiency, why not let the private sector handle something for a change, with out billions of dollars of subsidies in stolen cash.
>the natural Afro-Aristocracy
The who da whut, now? Ohhh - KAAAANNNNNGGGGGZZZZZ. Pfffft.
>living in mud huts eating ants off sticks.
Fucking. Beautiful.
Ron Paul said nothing wrong.
You people are unfunny and condescending.
Intersectionality exists whether Cultural Marxism is a misnomer or not.
go away
The Wright Brothers did not invent the plane we use today, it was developed into a completely different paradigm that no private entity can claim credit for. This does not deviate from my original claim of products we use today being only possible by public funding.