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Odd. That's what the mechanics also listed as the cause of death for the car.
>I've seen this before, but mainly in cars that have hit a cow
What about the heart attack?
So her own body was the blunt force?
To her chest, from the CPR compressions?
The fix is in. The Man is going to hang that honky.
The Coroner Dr. Shlomo Shekelberg ruled that she never had a heart attack and was infact killed by one of the hundreds of knives on robotic arms attached to the car
Did they store her in a jacuzzi formaldehyde?
Why has this taken so long?
blunt force trauma sustained from high velocity white supremacy and toxic masculinity
The real Heather heyer
>died from a single blunt
marijuana confirmed worse that tobacco hippies BTFO
WOW! Performing CPR on someone with that kind of trauma sure sounds dangerous!
>According to our partners at the (((Daily Progress)))
Seriously, after seeing all the pics of the event, I think the lefty coroner concluded blunt force trauma to confirm the narrative. The CPR caused sufficient injury for this finding, that no one dare challenge.
Now i understand the motive why the car runned into the crowd
It was being atracted by the gravitational field around her
oh ya i forgot about that bitch
When I saw her being put into the ambulance you couldn't even tell it was a woman. Choosing these older pictures that don't show what she really looked like shows how the MSM is trying to play her victim card hard. People care less about fatties so they had to hide that fact the best they could
Help m-
Physical trauma can induce a heart attack. It's how Princess Diana died.
Car never hit her
Did they have permit for that protest?
My spider sense is tingling
"you all maybe wondering how i got here"
>those oreo crumbs still in the corners of her lips
Consistent with a collision with a car. Best advice. Don't protest just post something on 4 chan. Safer.
Nobody died except a purple blubber planet
Why not ?
I'm calling 'extremely likely to be bullshit' on this
She tripped and fell.
She weighs like 350.
That plus the people trampling on her.
The car didn't touch her at all.
Nothing wrong with protesting. Just don't cause a traffic jam so that your mob can surround all the stuck cars and beat on them.
requesting evidence in the form of gifs and webms
I've got to go now but this is dodgy
The post mortum was COMPED
This. If it really is obvious there's bullshit afoot we'll just spam the footage everywhere.
The pictures prove she gained such massive amounts of weight so quickly it must have endangered her life
How could she have done it other than extreme gorging. She was one cream finger from being a shut in, and the pics the left are circling show a normal person.
>wtf I love paparazzi now
>this is a 10 in america
She was so obese, it was imminent anyhow, It was a merciful act.
Show flag.
um no sweetie, she was assassinated by the queen for being a cheating whore that was carrying a mud baby
You amerifat and afraid?
>blunt force impact
She was crushed to death by her own fat.
Well, she fell back onto her head.
She couldn't support herself as she was basically a ball rolling back.
Did her fat ass swing around and hit her?
Otherwise I call bullshit.
Blunt force trauma from her falling on the pavement I guess.
>says Dodge right there on the fucking car
>stand still
God she was a heifer. No wonder she clung to far leftist politics. Probably a fat advocate and feminist too. There's something deeply wrong with leftists - particularly the ones who take it so seriously that they go protest. It's like they've realized that they can't hack it in the world as it is, and rather than change to meet the standards of the world, they'd prefer to tear it all down. Fat pieces of loser shit like this are always deeply resentful towards the world because it doesn't assign them much value, but they think they're great people that the world owes so much. Fat fucking cow will not be missed.
I can't believe that car was pulled into her orbit like that.
Read the article. They sourced it from (((the daily progress))). Not even confirmed by the medical examiners office
too much cake to the her face?
How was the car driveable after that colliding with such a beast?
Is this what damaged the road?
In other news, local Dairy Queen goes down to day shift only after losing 50% of its customer base
so she passed out and the chest compressions killed her????
Wow look how many people were pulled into orbit
Like that's not her in green
It IS her in green you son of a fucking bitch. Stop trying to make us look like murderers.
so many Communist fatties it is hard to tell them apart
Inhumane pieces of shit.
Because no car ever hit Heather Heyer, but you're right, if the Challenger did hit her it would be totaled
dem titiies
blunt force trauma to which part of the body?
No, it isn't.
indian lols they think toilets are popsicles
Here is your (you)
So she changed shirts before getting cpr? She didn't get hit at all by any car .
Jesus see eye ayy
if this kid has the money I'd try and get another autopsy like Dr. Michael Baden. baden is 83 but was a high profile medical examiner who was always on TV discussing this stuff..
I thought the video proved she hadn't been hit by the Challenger?
Maybe the blunt force was her hitting the ground when she had a heart attack.
I like how humans will lie to push their politics on people.
she died from being a stranded land whale.
Anyone who bought the heart attack narrative is a complete fucking retard. Even if the car didn't touch her, it's still murder because of intent.
is this really her it doesnt even look like the pictures
Which is actually the hardest thing to prove, that they haven't started on yet. You sound pretty dumb for buying that without it being investigated yet.
>run car into crowd of people
>not trying to kill someone
I hate nupol
Definitely don't want that
>not knowing shit about the legal system
>going with your feels despite you being fucking retarded
Who's nu again? 1488 nigger
>the heart attack narrative
You mean what her own mother said?
>implying that women is her mother
In all fairness, the car did say DODGE on it.
Do you know something the news media doesn't?
>Her mother says she had a heart attack
>low IQ spergs think this means it isn't murder
He got scared by unpermitted violent protesters who damaged his car while he was stopped.
>morbidly obese woman dies of her condition
The only one guilty of murder here is her appetite.
Yep, they killed her