How does it feel knowing that out of all the phallic shaped emojis out there...

How does it feel knowing that out of all the phallic shaped emojis out there, white women picked the dark bulbous eggplant to represent a penis? Black men and large penises are synonymous with each other, something white men wished to be attributed to them.

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M8, it's called a purple helmet warrior.

this was drawn by the united white womens alliance *in MSpaint95* during a why white men are better conference
>blacks btfo?

Any man with a penis worthy of procreating has a purple head.

R u even trying
>it goes in all fields

How does it feel to be such a loser that you're grasping at a shit dick meme for some inkling of success?

Facts suggest otherwise. Good job perpetuating stereotypes though. You cant cherry pick those things, its an all or nothing kind of thing.

What's it like being this insecure?

Every other group of people produced at least one great civilization and contributed something to humanity at large, but all the nigger will ever have is a pity myth about muh dikk. I mean even the lowly aboriginal at least created the didgeridoo and boomerang. The nigger? Nothing. Muh dikk.

Its true- I have eggplant envy

>How does it feel knowing that out of all the phallic shaped emojis out there

there aren't that many phallic shaped emojis

trust me I would know because I would use them all the time

Wh*te people at it again. Everyone knows that the eggplant is a black dick. Even the Italian word for eggplant is used to represent black people.


eggplant is what italians americans call niggers
mulignan -moolie


Black guy here, Chicago crime rates. I hope Trump sends in the Army to take that shit hole.


unironically based

why dont you suck on dis :eggplant: darkie

Blacks can have all the KFC eating fat fuck white whales they want. They are useless to us


u mad wh*te boi? While you're at work to pay for my welfare, I'm fuckin yo bitch

You know what women like better than big dicks? Not being single moms. Fuck off nigger.