Did you know about this?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, nigger mods keep deleting threads
>raises white flag
Yes. It's time to prove once and for all that France is truly worthless.
Watch that flag stay up.
because hwndu, along with kek and all that kekistan bullshit is the cancer killing Sup Forums
because mods are (((fags)))
From French user on the ground at location:
>the cancer that is killing "_"
fuck off faggot
half frenchfag here, the french are indeed planning on using a drone to take down the flag,
Are we really going to be out-done by ""???
Wut happened to original tread?
>In one instance, LaBeouf had hidden the flag in a remote Tennessee location, which had unbelievably been found and taken by the Sup Forums trolls who pinpointed the flag’s whereabouts by following the movements of airplane contrails in the video and honing it in with flight and radar tracking.
Please post updates when you her them! This is yuge!
i do know you're a faggot
Camera is roughly to the South East of the flag, based on current wind conditions in Nantes and the flag's movement on stream
> Anonymous (ID: KlZ+jAJ6) 10/16/17(Mon)22:54:23 No.145573834 ▶
> (You)
>Are we really going to be out-done by ""???
> Anonymous (ID: 9Do/Evrv) 10/16/17(Mon)22:54:37 No.145573863 ▶
>Wut happened to original tread?
> Anonymous (ID: aCJAaABb) 10/16/17(Mon)22:56:00 No.145574012 ▶
>File: 1458634738149.jpg (15 KB, 384x384)
>>In one instance, LaBeouf had hidden the flag in a remote Tennessee location, which had unbelievably been found and taken by the Sup Forums trolls who pinpointed the flag’s whereabouts by following the movements of airplane contrails in the video and honing it in with flight and radar tracking.
> Anonymous (ID: 34ZZLYZV) 10/16/17(Mon)22:57:51 No.145574228 ▶
>Please post updates when you her them! This is yuge!
> Anonymous (ID: wrnSrUI2) 10/16/17(Mon)22:59:04 No.145574370 ▶
> (OP)
>i do know you're a faggot
That's the best we got, la Resistance de jeuxvideo
this is a lie hold on
fuck, i'm a new fag so i am not sure how replies work
Disregard this, calculations are accurate, time difference messed me up
Yeah, you having a name made it blatantly obvious. Just click on a post number to reply.
Also, lurk moar before posting you fag
this is not official, but i read in the french forum that some guy on reddit posted this:
Shut up you fucking beaner
Now Pick the strawberries
>Fly drones to attach pictures of mohammed to dome.
>Tell ISIS.
>Blame assigned to correct party afterward.
I'm watching The War Room right now. Millie is giving me boners again.
Sheeeit, please don't get drones banned for civilians. That thing looks dangerous as fuck.
Half French? You gotta be at least 85% with this piece of shit post
Come on frogs!
This is your chance to shine!
You can go on a strike every other day. You can not shave your armpits. You can not show up to battle on time. You can sell rotten cheese as a delicacy. So you CAN god damn well catch that flag and make up for being cheese eating surrender monkeys!
Come on france! This is your chance to shine!
Show the world that you're not just a bunch of smoking homosexuals.
Do it you fucking faggots!!!!
Topkek ouch
Also based Germany
A German
That a francois will do anything except
>urn brown
Been seing some plebbit spacing and green text butchery ITT.
Shut up nigger
hwndu was the funniest shit to happen on Sup Forums except for trump's election.
Despite what buttlovers (aka mods) say hwndu was political. It belonged on Sup Forums. It had a lot of trolling going on and as an old Sup Forumstard i relished in the fusion of Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Dont take everything so god damn serious stormcuck.
Mods were huge fags though
The real question is, what quack supplement will Jones sell now to help fight this Shia scourge?
Something something it's in the water
man I miss HWNDU threads
They started their own "documentary" channel.
It's basically just the guys talking about hwndu and shit. Nice to watch.
I miss the threads so much. It was glorious
(((they))) happened
I went there and its dead or something
4+Sup Forums think they are l33t haxxors but they are just a bunch of script kiddies.
It's kinda like a place where Sup Forums hides its mentally retarded siblings
praise kek
I love dick. BlackDick is mai waifu, nigger! now stuff yr cock in my mouth, faggot!
That's in France. What do we care?
hwndu was one of the most memorable scenarios in the past 5 years I've been alive. I NEED more of it, it was so fucking incredible.
It was dead, but the season 7 thread exploded.
You're a retard who's never actually been there.
The back up plan is to take long bow archers light the tips of our arrows and burn it down. We are Larpers we forgive we do not forget.
I used to sit up and laugh, literally laugh my ass off, all night reading the glorious tales of finding the flag.
Unironically, because of you.
Thinking of taking a holiday soon.
I can make that shot.
Pic related it's me and my Hoyt Recurve with Win & Win honeycomb carbon limbs.
Shit will be so cash.
I have an idea to hit the pole and ignite.
Where the fug is that site? cant find it.
Classic retard from the_donald. Doesn't even fucking know about the other chan.
Don't worry, you don't even belong on their Sup Forums. They actually hate niggers there; you'd probably get banned for saying "not all black people are niggers" or talking about a BASED BLACK GUY IN A MAGA HAT!! Stay on this chan.
They sure seem to like faggots like you. fuck that place.
lel. that's not too bad actually. simple. reliable and almost certainly will set fire to the flag without damaging the building.
Oh god I can't wait
> inb4 the frogs get arrested for domestic terrorism
You are not allowed to start some shit, aka make a troll movement.
At least that's why they banned me for a week after initiating the idea of demanding that the NFL have transgender cheerleaders. Notice how quickly the #nfltackletransphobia etc. thing died? Fucking mods. Probably get banned for this.
Truck of peace
You actually listen to this fuckturd?
Wait a second... that's not a French power outlet!