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you're quest for independence was used by jews to meme multiculturalism throughout the white developed world
remember when you voted to remain in Canada?
>b-bused in s-sq-squareheads are at fault...
im an anglo in bc but I support the Quebecers in their pursuit of their own ethnostate in the east. I think canadas balkanization is inevitable at this point same with america
65% of French Canadians voted to leave, fucking Montreal anglos cucked us from being our own country. Also, your fucking love rally fucked us all, we would have been both happier country as separate entity.
the ethnic minority vote played a huge role in that and was one of the first instances of a party flooding an area with immigrants so they would vote a certain way
Je me fais une petite poutine maison comme collation avant d'aller dormir. En train d'éplucher des patates là.
Arrête jsuis péter tu me donne faim
Multiculturalism was brought in as government policy because qubecois were unhappy living in an English country. this is a tool, well if we accept english and french cultures we must accept others.
And it has been used as an example to other rich countries
The Canadian government has often been described as the instigator of multicultural ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration.
fucking commie seperatist pieces of shit who deliberately sabotage the country
They should be BOOTED OUT
Quebec doesn't want an ethno-state, they are a buncha commies, they want to fucking leverage their whining into gibs, thats all
>bused in anglos and squarehead Montrealers
sad and really makes you think.
Je suis peté aussi dude.
Point taken, fucking (((them))) using us as pawns. Still, I'd take you over niggers and sandniggers every time. We can compromise at least
Hell yeah mon gars, tu rep d'où? Moi jviens dla Beauce mais j'étudie à Sherb. Next bowl to you goodsir
i honestly like european multiculturalism. maybe i've been brainwashed growing up
but i still want to live in 90%+ white areas
Man I totally get you. Growing up in rural Quebec, I was living in a 99%+ white paradise
Glad you're making this thread because we have minucipal elections coming up very soon...
If you're in Quebec City we're voting for these guys: quebec21.com
They're the only right wingers. There's some cunt that's running saying she wants immigrants and talks about xenophobia. Women were a mistake
I dunno who you have to vote for in Montreal but I'm gonna say not Codere cause from what Ive seen he's a leftist cuck as well.
Quebec discord from a few months ago:
Not very active but still
>you're quest for independence was used by jews to meme multiculturalism
Wrong. It was used to meme ethnostate, nat soc if you prefer.
mfw the "Charte des Valeurs" was the most based move by any political party across Canada since 60 years and it failed because jews and anglos screeching nazism. Fucking pathetic.
Gaspésien d'origine, mais je reste à Québec depuis 6-7 ans. Je vais retourner en région quand je vais pouvoir.
Hey Polack here
I highly recommend listenning to Max Bradette , I think hes the more articulate red pill radio talk hist in Q.C .
Where's Kossak?
Arent they all ?
Bonne décision mon frère. Keep up the good fight.
Do not worry, as the spirit of the charte is definitely alive.
Québec senpai reporting in
Not soon enough, fuck off already.
>implying that if it wasn't one excuse it wouldn't be another
stop conflating the montreal elites with regular nationalistic quebecers - the people who you should be supporting
coderre = turbo-cucked (sanctuary city)
I was visiting QC and was delighted with how white it is.. then a friend who lives there was telling me hwo the quebec government is having trouble getting people to immigrate becuase quebecers are resistent to outsiders.. so theyre trying to bring in haitian niggers who speak french.
Multiculturalism is a tool used by elites to drown the separatists. Bilingualism is also a tool for anglos as they don't have to learn French.
I am all for the balkanisation, I hate the perequation. If Alberta wants to strive with their petrol economy good for them. Gibs are for niggers and I acknowlege we been taking it remorslessly, *but hey just let us go ;) *
My point is even if I want us to be good neihgbours with our own system and economy, it will not be possible for now as the zog establishment wants their world monopoly, we(white canadians) should be allied for now as we are facing a demographic threat through immigration. Jagmeet fucking singh.
and the retard quebecois vote for these commies again & again
Because of stupid dated anglo resentment that stopped being relevant 50 years ago
gros on a besoin des nos gibs mdr
What? Are you accusing US of voting liberal? That's rich.
we already have enough disgusting haitians as it is no thx
>government is having trouble getting people to immigrate becuase quebecers are resistent to outsiders
We were bread to be like this. We've (french) explored Canada coast to coast, established roads, then anglos came and took our lands. Then they exploited us for a short time until we got fed up wich led us to take back our dignity. This resilience will never die.
C'est prêt.
la sauce a vraiment pas l'aire bonne
Enjoy mon boy
The Conservatives gained like 5x as many seats than they had previous election in Quebec
Y me restait juste un petit sac de sauce st hub déjà ouvert.
Elle a l'air crissement bonne ta pouts mais tu reste quand même une grosse marmelade introduite dans un vagin de négresse.
Plaît-il ?
>bergeron brins de gouda
patrician choice
Long live Acadia! Fuck the crown! Your PM is a faggot! Go! break away from the most cucked country in NA
if only our acadian cousins understood us better, they of all people SHOULD be the one who want to break away the most
This burger gets it
I am an Acadian!! I can trace my roots back there!! I read what the Britfaggots did!! Long live Evangline!!
Fuck the crown! Fuck New Scotland!
Leave the fucking cuck leafs
>t. based Albertan who voted for communist NDP
I will 100% join you if you it HAPPENS. Viva la Acadia
When you jettison all the worthless red square frog niggers
shut up burgerfat
The francophones have no cultural identity, same as the anglos.
tell me about Chicoutimi & Saguenay. A shit load of my ancestors came from there to the US
people from saguenay speak funny and there are two myths
>has a lot more women than men
>is inbred
Blue eyed sanctum. Basically no immigrants. Kind people. Hot waifus.
Funny thing is I am a jacked alpha male.
And if it HAPPENS I would glad hang you cuck leafs from a sturdy oak tree.
The only way you will be able to leave a country is through violence. For example Catalonia... cucks wanted peace so they didn't get shit. But Spain is more based than Cuckanida, so it should be easier theoretically.
That was the day the Alberta I knew and loved died.
>has a lot more women than men
this myth is true only during hunting season when the man goes in the woods and the women gets bored and hang out in bars with her friends kek.
Anglo Albertan here. Please separate, you're a drain on our economy and society, Canada is an English country and your province has committed treason for too long. If we didn't lack the will, I would support invasion and assimilation, but, sadly the only alternative is for you pathetic leaches to fuck off. You never stop you cunts, not even on the day that Jim Lahey died, I will remember this. . .
Quebec will never be its own country and that makes the majority of Quebec and Canada happy. Racism and bigotry are only rampant in small rural communities in Quebec, the rest of us are proud to be a multicultural, vibrant province full of people from all corners of the globe with different perspectives and cultures. As an avid member of the Jewish community of Montreal it saddens me there still exists any Quebec nationalism. Come join our community events, everyone is welcome. We eat and dance because you know what? We embrace each other regardless of race and ethnic background. You should have seen the Jews and the Africans doing the nae nae a couple years ago, it was beautiful. Your hate has no place in Quebec or Montreal.
more proof that anglos are uncivilized niggers who don't like diplomacy
damn, i knew this was bait from the 3rd sentence
Howdy oil boy! Ready to crash? 2 years of deficit and going tar sands are dead.
>the day that Jim Lahey died
absolutely shittastic
haha the shills are coming.
let's play a game.
the game is you're a faggot and you should die alone in agonising pain.
Keep your faggot cucked crown side. "Drain on the economy" fuck off sholomo you have a PM that looks like he enjoys gay porn. Keep your cucked mess and when your economically affluent side is too multicultural the francophones will not be mass immigrating you cucks.
I'm glad we have a hospital named the Jewish General Hospital as a massive FUCK YOU to hateful scum such as yourself.
yeah, and you'll still find a way to complain about the oppression from the evil francophones despite that you fucking jew
This is pretty blackpilling
Rip Lahey
>I'm glad we have a hospital named the Jewish General Hospital as a massive FUCK YOU to hateful scum such as yourself.
Yes! we all know that you mtl jews love to give us fuck yous, that's why we are going to enjoy giving you the rope. Laugh all you want shlomo, you're going to get fucked once normies wake up, history will repeat itself. :>)
Oppression? No. An inbred *Je comprend pas le Anglais* fat tub of lard from bumfuck Saint-(Insert French name here) with problematic opinions doesn't equal oppression. Like I said, you few racist nationalists left are LOSING! Come visit our world class universites and see for yourself.
Still only like 16% of Quebec voted conservative
This. The two nations within a state led to biculturalism which was quickly warped into this multicultural cancer. I'm a proud Anglo but fully support frog independence because two ethno-cultural groups simply can't exist within a state without one dominating the other or it devolving into multiculturalism.
still not buying it
how many other ethnostates around the world have they successfully pushed multiculturalism on
this was just the excuse in our case, if it wasn't this, it would be something else
Good luck. We have the strong vibrant multicultural unity of Montreal on our side vs a few fat pepsis.
>Come visit our world class universites and see for yourself.
Oh yes. Like in McGill filled with jews, chinks, pajeet, etc.
Your bait is low. Fuck you and your family.
Engineering doesn't come from McGill and we don't need doctors to hang your treasonous shlomo ass.
Salut from your cajun cousins in Louisiana
moi j'ai eut tellement beaucoup des amis quebecois quand j'ai visite Montreal, yavait beaucoup monde qui on etais shocked qui nous causer la francais icitte encore
i can't spell french for shit, but vive la quebec libre!
>Oh yes. Like in McGill filled with jews, chinks, pajeet, etc.
All of which are just as Quebecois as you an I. We will stand for the Quebecois values of fairness, tolerance and acceptance. Your opinions were left behind centuries ago. Just wait till your daughter comea home with a handsome black man and your grand kids are beautiful little caramel munchkins. Cry and whine all you want, diversity is Quebec's strength.
I met a group a cajuns with my friends two years ago and we had a blast talking freedom and getting rid of (((them))) also guns. Was fun.
You cajuns will always be welcome among us!
don't worry, i appreciate your shitposting
Que je te voye parler contre la belle manon.
One French province has to learn English as a second language.
The whole rest of the entire country has to learn French as a second Language.
Go move to France.
We were here before you faggot, we'll never leave.
I recall hearing an American remark that he was surprised the Quebec thing hadn't become a real Civil War like they had, people killing and dying for their beliefs. I was like 12 years old then, and can't unsee it.
For what it's worth, grew up in Ontario, moved to BC at 20. Ontarians are too uptight.