>shooter is Muslim
>shooter is Mexican
>shooter is white Christian
Well, Sup Forums?
>shooter is Muslim
>shooter is Mexican
>shooter is white Christian
Well, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Press F
Nail em to trees!
Your premises are extremely generalized, taken out of context, and false.
For you [OP]
Rock yourself my dude.
heh.hn..Hey, Butthead. Look it's, Diarea.
we already have caps on how many people can legally immigrate that have not even been reached over about the last 2 decades thanks to mexican illegals
we may as well have had a ban on white christian immigration thanks to illegals taking up space. you can laugh but according to the democrats in 2007 there are 40 nil illegals which they quickly downplayed and sighted a 7 mil figure after the census of 2010 (they only do it 1 time every 10 years)
>White "Christian" who killed conservative whites at a country music festival
I love how that crucial detail always get omitted. Notice how the fake news never looked into a motive when it's pretty damn obvious
True Christians don't murder people.
>both Omar Mateen and Stephan Paddock where democrats
>we still havnt banned democrats with guns
>all city blacks are democrats
>thats a majority of gun crime
Reminder that if we banned democrats from owning guns wed reduce gun crime by 90% immediatly
If I'm in my house and put my feet on the coffee table its okay. If some Immigrant comes in my house and puts his feet on my coffee table ill tell him to get fucked.
Explain what is so obvious
Duh, OP. We protect our own.
shit-tier slide, 1/10
Vegas shooter wasn't a Christian. In fact none of the famous white shooters were Christian
Did your daddy touch you too much or not enough?
Shooter turn out to be a lefty/Antifa - focus on his skin colour only, especially if he`s kosher.
Latest (daily) holocaust DM story, please downvote the shit out of it -
This is easy, so easy that people should be lobotomized for needing to have this question answered.
If the shooter or killer is one of your own, this is a problem which needs to be fixed because you can't run from it. It is a symptom of your society.
Muslims and wetbacks are not "ours" to fix. They are fucked because their cultures are trash. They are to be removed. Western countries have enough problems without useless, mindless pieces of shit wanting welfare gibs and acting entitled. Now fuck off and die OP, you have the body of a hippo but the brain of a fucking insect and are owed no further explanation.
Is it pol's bigotry that you hate, or your own inability to see the truth behind layered obfuscation; 'people don't like other people.'
Who is more worthy of pity? Pol the bigot, or OP the mindlet who can't see the nature of mankind?
He is not one of my own, I don't know the guy and don't share his worldview. Quit with the identity politics and labeling many as one.
First christian shooter that killed other what we would call people in an appreciable number.
>well, OP?
Grow up and quit thinking there is some collective to save you from your own inability to make good decisions. Sad
>>shooter is white Christian
Exercising his 2nd Amendment right.
Shills on full alert recently. Never forget that ISIS stated he was one of theirs. He's a part of Antifa, a muslim, and a traitor to America.
Don't ever post pictures of my liberal SJW archetype waifu ever again!
60% of the country with the occasionally shooting.
seems fine.
when your son breaks a carton of eggs you discipline him accordingly.
when your neighbor's son breaks a carton of your eggs, thats a whole other matter.
well you wouldn't ban the muslims or build the wall, what was he supposed to do?
No talking, just punching your commie face.
>1 post by this ID
Paddock has never been a registered voter.
>He is not one of my own, I don't know the guy and don't share his worldview. Quit with the identity politics and labeling many as one.
I honestly don't care what you believe OP. You are dog shit as far as I am concerned. People are responsible for their own problems obviously, but if you don't understand why we view groups differently based on their general behavioural patterns and choose to not give a fuck about the ones which we don't identify with, you need to fuck off to a less developed country and figure it out the hard way. Hopefully you'll just die though.
Mental illness
>deal with non stop white bashing in mainstream media
shooter is...
white ppl dindu nuffin. they are angels. and if you disagree with me you are an evil antifa terrorist