What do you beleive Sup Forums?
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I believe global cooling. Cooling the Earth. The sea levels lowering. I believe in land raising from the bottom of the ocean with ancient ruins on it. Like the ruins of Thule.
>the universe is flat
>but the earth is round
nice try
If the universe is flat, how can the earth be round?
Ikr! Wtf I noticed that too Also the Galaxy is Flat
SO what happens if you take a hypothetical spaceship "up" or "down" for a few thousand light years?
Yes, and if we win we will crush the Fermi paradox.
If you win, a new dark age of man kind.
>the universe is flat
Funny you should ask. I experienced this recently star density gets really low and hard to travel in between them
And then after that? Wait let me guess you bitched out like the little alien bitch you are.
Well if you cant jump you cant jump :p
A flat universe means that parallel lines will remain parallel and never intersect. If the universe wasn't flat, perfect parallel lines wouldn't be possible - over a long enough distance they'd always intersect.
Satan isn't so bad.
what a little bitch. Cant ayylmao up and go under your own power to the end of space and time?
The cavemen that worshiped you had more balls than your little gray raisins.
>Thinking diameter doesn't apply to a sphere
(((Aliens))) don't exist Only humanity
This. The curvature of the Universe is also related to the Cosmological Constant, and thus it's rate of metric expansion.
Current measurements indicate that the Universe is flat or has near zero curvature.
It's also weird how so many English speakers here confuse "flat" for "two-dimensional".
Thats just what a little alien bitch would say.
Thad what he wants you to think
>Ordinary Matter: 4.9%
>Dark Matter: 26.8%
>Dark Energy: 68.3%
>Total: 100%
You all realize that "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy" are bullshit stopgap measures to make the math work out for a failed model of the Universe.
Seriously, it was some physicist/astronomer (a woman, if I recall correctly) who said that the arms of our galaxy weren't behaving/moving properly according to our model of the universe. Rather than adjust the model, she came up with dark matter / dark energy to fudge the math and make the model work.
Utter and completer horseshit.
t. big brain nibba
If they intersect then they aren't parallel
No, you colossal faggot. Dark matter and dark energy are placeholder terms for as-of-yet undescribed phenomena related to mass and vacuum energy, respectively.
You see, the rate of rotations of galaxies (the angular momentum of its arms) is dependent on their mass. Scientists noticed that the galaxies rotated at a rate much faster than what their apparent mass estimated by the spectra of the light emitted by its bodies would indicate. So there was a huge term missing from the expression that has units of mass (kg). Since they could not observe it, but the angular momentum of galaxies and their gravitational attraction is assumed to be related to the presence of mass, they hypothesized that there could be a massive substance or mass-like event that explains the behavior but isn't detectable using the electromagnetic radiation. So they named it dark matter, as in massive particles that don't interact with light.
Dark energy is the name given to a term in the expected energy value of the vacuum of spacetime.
>mon visage when this thread
Uh huh. Thank you for making my point.
The galaxies are not behaving properly according to our models, so rather than adjust our models, let's plug in a form of matter and a form of energy that we cannot see, we cannot measure, and cannot interact with in any way whatsoever.
You ever hear the saying "science advances one funeral at a time"? Admitting that the model was off would jeopardize millions (or billions) in grant money. Inventing a stopgap (that cannot be proven or disproven) to prop up shitty science can make the funds flow at least until my retirement.
Golf clap, "scientists".
Can you give me his twitter i cant fuckin find it
I believe in I before E except after C nigger
>Portugal is aware of Dark Matter.
That's great news! We were getting worried.
Anyway; both of you. TL;Dr we have weak force, strong force, and the Higgs-Boson. That's all this universe is comprised of. One thing, another thing, and a third thing to keep the two together.
The WHOLE UFT/GFT works on a binary system; the catalyst, is You.
There are no Gods. Everything has a perfectly natural explanation, and science discovers those things every day.
Ty GOyem
Because the model isn't off, you idiot. The galaxies behave however reality dictates them to. The equations for momentum and movement are mathematically true, and there is no reason the function wouldn't be valid in it's entire domain.
Which means one of three things was off:
- Formal logic itself
- Reality itself
- Human observation
Obviously, the answer to their question is "there is something present which is currently hidden to us exerting this effect, so let's give it an easy name that identifies its two main properties: possesses mass, appears to not possess charge."
Dark matter and dark energy aren't even referring to substances, which you appear to assume. They are the names of the concepts and they have several forms, one for each leading theory that explains all observation without making extra assumptions.
That's how it works.
I believe that dinosaurs never existed. I think the Jews gave a monopoly to themselves.
Here's the plan-
All the fossils you see that are dug up where just prehistoric Jews creating an art installations. They would material that looks like bones, put it together, and put it into the ground. Later, future Jews would take these bones, say these were dinosaurs, and make money off of it by putting it in museums. I mean seriously, do you think a chicken or lizard was actually some 20 foot beast that roamed the Earth and then some meteor came down and global warming killed them off? Don't be ridiculous. The Jews just found some cheat cash cow nothing more.
No, son, you have 1 unifying force that breaks down into four forces: strong force, electromagnetic force, weak force and gravity.
All forces are merely the exchange of energy between two systems. Energy is the capacity to do work. All forces (energy interactions) are mediated by entities we named bosons, and condense into wavepackets of energy called fermions, all of them posessing both discrete and some apparently continuous properties.
dark matter and dark energy are bullshit, because they base so much of the "missing" matter and energy on the speed of light, which isn't the limit of speed in the universe.
> speed of light, which isn't the limit of speed in the universe
Physicists disagree with you.
I don't know about the universe. But humans are really out of place in the grand scheme of Earth.
I think we're sort of like the blade runner plot. We are aliens, and just don't know it.
How can you describe the shape of something three dimensional as "flat"?
Anyway, that science is all well and good; but it only works that way when it's observed. That math only applies 'here.'
That math, and in more cases that would make /x/ shit itself collectively; No Math exists in other 'places.' In those places; only the thing, other things, and thing that holds both together hold sway. Otherwise it wouldn't be there; whether or not you're looking.
Arguing with you is like arguing with a physicist from the 1970's. Which makes sense in a way...
>Again, "Science advances one funeral at a time"
Disparaging insults like "faggot", "idiot" and "son", however, show you to be a typical Millenial edgelord.
Anyway, "one of three things were off" you say?
> Formal logic itself
> Reality Itself
> Human observation
Then you go into describe something that can be anything (several forms), exists but has no observable properties (except that it makes our mathematical models work out), and no extra assumptions (because those could be disproven and make our model crash).
You have to see the discrepancies, right?
I believe in Jesus. No matter how bad it gets here, I have hope of eternal life with King Jesus.
>How can you describe the shape of something three dimensional as "flat"?
A plate is a 3 dimensional object but it's flat. This is true of the universe, galaxy, solar system and earth too.
Everything is completely fucking meaningless
Would that not describe the surface of the plate, not its shape?
And if you can't define an absolute up or down in the universe, how can you say it's "flat" if you can't you can say it's wider than it is tall or deep? Or can you?
I googled it, and apparently by "flat" they mean "flat" in a specific mathematical sense rather than the language meaning of "flat".
The example I saw said a cylinder is "flat" because you can draw fold parallel lines around it and not have them run into each other, but if you folded two parallel lines on a sphere, they would go towards the "pole" of the sphere and intersect there.
universe is very big so many tiny round dots are in that plane
Why don't latitudes intersect?
I mustn't have understood it right then. I'm not good with maths.
Thargoids go home
I wasn't discrediting you. I was asking a legitimate question.
I believe in 2023 a nuclear device will be detonated in Egypt, causing global thermonuclear war to occur before the end of 2023.
fuku fgt
>50 replies
>global & sticky rule violation
>mods ignore
aliens are just humans with more advanced technology than us
multiverse of multiverses
all of existence is just the universe/god experiencing itself and once everything that will ever be possible has happened then existence will end
we are actually in the year 10,000,000,000 and the human race has fucked itself so badly that now no matter what we do its impossible for us to survive much longer so we plugged ourselves in to machines to experience a time period in our species past (we chose this particular time period for some reason but others chose different decades/centuries/milleniums etc) and all of human history that we know of has actually just happened in the last 5 minutes as we slowly come toward our inevitable demise
ultra advanced prehistoric humans left our homeworld millions of years ago but our ancestors were lefty hippie faggots who wanted to be "natural" so they got dropped off on earth a while back to live a primitive lifestyle and in doing so fucked us out of awesome space adventures
advanced civilization in antarctica
Lovecraft = non-fiction
muslims did 9/11 but jews orchestrated it
when you die and go to hell you will be forced to spend eternity on Sup Forums and generally doing the exact same shit you did in your life (because being a Sup Forums user is the worst possible for of existence)
People are Soylent green