They're coming for us, Sup Forums
They're coming for us, Sup Forums
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If facebook actually buckles under cuckistan (germanys) complaints about their free speech, our president is weak.
Thats them hurting the market share facebook has over normies and it needs to be punished.
The minute pol or Sup Forums shuts down the entire internet will become a chaotic and unusable mess. Corralled here the govt can monitor us most effectively, and we generally don't shit up other websites. It's the Internet's version of MAD
Ironic - that the ADL wants to bully people in to conforming to their high moral standards that they set themselves.
this is scary for the future of free speech
you might be right but it would still be nice to have some sort of plan B
is there some sort of Sup Forums.onion or some shit
Infinity chan?
Become the left and cause everything to self destruct from within, hold everyone to the maximum that their ideology can be pushed and make everyone hypocrits until it collapses upon itself. The left can't live up to it's own standards.
There are other sites that will be pissed by our arrival. They're not secret. If you're not familiar with them lurk moar and the names will pop up. See Personally I've never been to Reddit other than when it appears as a search result, but I'll also go there and help make that platform unusable.
Is also an excellent idea. Hence why pol will remain
>growing amount of hate speech
>doesn't look for underlying reasons why
>ignore the smoke and nothing is wrong!
And don't forget that the minute pol goes down suicides on Tumblr will go up
Alternatively they will just silence you completely.
Jews are demonic, they truly are Evil materially incarnated.
May be the only remaining path available. We can turn on them and make their own side so unpaletable that people will jump ship.
I've been deplatformed from facebook for creating the main Sup Forums group and having influence.. they're coming after us all.. luckily some of my good friends are admins and the group lives on.. I also got my pages unpublished
>humans of the aut right
>nap dreams with ancap
pretty soon we will have no space in cyber and well have to resort to carrier pigeons
>we're losing control
>quick, make drastic decisions that will make us lose control faster
i might just be a crazy nutjob conspiracy theorist, but does this whole idea of silencing bad-thought, mean words in any way seem rational, sane and not-oppressive at all to anyone?
Fuckin' hell, 1984 wasn't a fucking instructions manual...
>The left can't live up to it's own standards.
The left HAVE no standards. They adopt anything and everything to achieve their goals.
If it comes to it and their are no other options.
don't forget there are people who literally say things like "muh freeze peach!" as if free speech is an idea so stupid that it's worthy of mockery
ADL and silicon jews pushing censorship.
Imagine my shock.
And then we go offline and hunt them down where they live
>Internet's version of MAD
This was actually a common sentiment fifteen years ago online. Things are so outrageous now that I have to wonder if it's not intentional.
As this enterprise we call the modern world becomes more volatile, there will be clamp downs from all directions to keep it going, so that the plutocrats on top of the heap can continue reaping profits. Keith Preston once said something to the same effect in an excellent essay.
Most whites will support it. They want to quietly go about their lives consuming and status-signalling.
Isn't disrespecting the first amendment basically seen as treason there by the still patriotic americans?
It should damn be this isn't just un-american to say those things, it's anti-human...
I know this might sound radical but seems like these people are at a mental level where they demonized their political opponents enough to justify causing them harm, or outright killing them. So I think the right should organize and practise some self defense, right, it's better them than us, and I mean it's either them or us.
Australian politicians want to bring in an anti blasphemy law, but only if you blaspheme Islam. Christianity, Hinduism, etc, blaspheme away.
Can't let the goyum realise how cancerous Islam is for any society.
Free speech is dead.
IRL Is your plan B
i was thinking dixie cups
Endchan on the darknet. Sorta pointless though since it's so inactive and useless to risk yourself posting there unless you need to post something that would get you in trouble.
Daily reminder that hate speech doesn't exists and is a euphemism for censorship
pol is satire
Sup Forums should start the “Final Solutions Lab” in response
let them come
Fucking bullshit, where will go? Can’t we just make another incognito thread
I would love for a Reddit invasion if pol gets shut down. Fuck that place. So many libs to trigger/red pill
and when we are all hardbanned, then what?
how about we actually do something IRL about our disappearing rights instead of LARPing online...
i'd have thought that brits being jailed for "internet trolling" would have been enough for them to go all bloodthirsty on their political elite, but no, more and more just keep being locked up for MUH FEEFEES, that's insane
mushroom pizza actual 68 67 orion
Define cyberhate...fuck the ADL and everybody employed by or shilling for them.
You make good points. Keep in mind that at least for now platforms such as fb and the twitter are considered private companies. The Constitution generally applies to only govt action, although there are exceptions such as the Commerce Clause, which precludes denying service based on race for ex. As for any impending civil war it is the left that has some catching up to do
Meh probably shitpost to myself on a notepad
Here's a "solution" for all these jews in these companies.
Remember in the original Ghostbusters, when Walter "dickless" Peck made Egon turn off the containment grid?
Like that, but nazi frogs and smug anime girls instead of ghosts
>hate means whatever jews say it means
hate speech isn't growing, its definition is expanding
if Sup Forums gets shut down i would have to print up my "hate" speech on flyers and anonymously post them around stores and universities. IRL posting could be pretty fun. could get a tan
We are doomed.
beautiful piece by zdzisław beksiński
I like the sound of that
Don't like the Zionist-created debt-based monetary system designed to financially enslave everyone you know and love? You are an anti-Semite spouting hate speech!
Don't like the millions of illegal immigrants from Africa and West Asia we injected into your peaceful communities? Stop engaging in hate speech you bigoted racist!
But remember that we progressive liberals are full of love and tolerance!
>working together to make it universally illegal to complain about jews
>Lets destroy the containment zones that allow us to monitor individuals of interests efficiently. What could go wrong?
It's like these fucks never watched the ghostbusters cartoon where the containment unit got broken and all the ghosts they captured leaked out.
Its a farce and the wrong side of history. Silencing free and open speech is a societal disease and the effects on society are much the same as Alzheimer's would be in the individual.
Stoping or preventing abuse or damage is another thing however. The definition of abuse is where the battleground lies.
It also eventually ends up being used as a way to commit obscene amounts of evil. The placement and replacement of the abuse threshold is a slippery slope.
Solutions lab. lol no
Lol fuck Jews
>so hot right now
Does the ADL call out any anti-white or pro-jewish hate groups?
The aryan defamation league will be thrown to the ovens soon.
time to work vey
If we aren't allowed to take our time in shaping things then it is IMPERATIVE that we crash the fucking plane as quickly as possible.
>effective strategic planning
Their best was Hannibal. Rome stuck around.
so the anti defense jew thign thinks everyone else is doing hate?
good thing they all teamed up with the ((((((A)))(((D)))(((L))))))
enough echoes/
Blame our awful public k-12 "education", and even worse "higher education". Non-stem college students are basically paying to take propaganda courses.
what if we get splc to make everything we can a hate group
Let's call them what they really are, pic related
what they gonna do? Put me on a train to the labor camp?
>is there some sort of Sup Forums.onion or some shit
if you need to ask where the backup sites are you don't belong there
Take what you've learned and go out into the world to fulfill your purpose, whatever that may be
Fucking this
How long until someone makes a true "free speech" mainstream social media platform? Like some sot of hybrid Sup Forums and twitter?
so who actually drew this, i can find it on ben's site...
This is what we do to britcucks around here.
Not even memeing, if this place goes down, 90% of the userbase will go to reddit.
Nah. I'll just internet delet. Read more books.
Same thing happening in Canada but it's just a coincidence goys.
>((( ((( Solutions ))) ((( Lab ))) )))
I heard you like subversion
Y'all are adorable lil cunts. Are you not old enough to remember the internet before Sup Forums?
There's some newer technology ... it's wireless mesh networking or something.
If they censor the Internet, everybody put in $1,000 and set up a wireless mesh networking access point. This technology is new, but once it develops, we could have our own wireless "local Internet".
Obama gave the internet away dude. No protection under US bill of rights anymore.
i member, however your post implies that the Sup Forums of the past with all of its lulz and wins is nothing compared to the Sup Forums of 2017 and its ability to warp reality simply by memeing
lol, with the fucking adl in charge of defining "hate speech," nothing but fellating israel will be allowed on the internet
Haha, ok. Let them try it.
No it isn't. We have so many hidden services through Tor, I2P, etc to fall back on that it isn't even funny. I'm a Sup Forumsentleman and I would help to make them more accessible and get alternative sites set up if Sup Forums were to go away.
8ch is accessible via Tor.
>Are you not old enough to remember the internet before Sup Forums?
I'm old enough to remember shitposting on BBS in the early 90s. Then there was Usenet which was fucking brutal, and then there were a bunch of shitty little forums. There was Something Awful, which Sup Forums was made as an alternative to, which took inspiration from 2chan. The internet hasn't changed very much outside of more normies using it, but they stick to normie sites. Most everything else has remained unchanged and I still visit the same BBS weekly that I did in 1995.
>Isn't disrespecting the first amendment basically seen as treason
Our country has never respected the first amendment and always silenced speech that goes against the prevailing system of government. Why do you think you see so many white nationalists on Sup Forums? Not only will any such speech anywhere else get you immediately banned and deplatformed, you will also likely be hunted down, fired from your job and rendered unemployable. You call that free speech? It is a farce. Even if this did not happen, it would still not be free speech because we would still have no platform in the media to debate the idea. If we cannot effectively have that platform and effectively challenge the ideas of the establishment, we do not effectively have meaningful free speech. And no one cares.