A girl I know posted this on her personal Facebook account today.
I want to contribute, what should I say Sup Forums?
A girl I know posted this on her personal Facebook account today.
I want to contribute, what should I say Sup Forums?
Removing niggers
>Make more women aware of the violent human rights violations in _________ (fill in a muslim country)
Stay out of it, they do not want your reaction, they just want to show how good they are as a person.
Reaction is not needed.
>I want to contribute, what should I say Sup Forums?
"I won't rape anyone for a week"
"scratch that, I won't rape people anymore"
I know Fin bro.
Just wanted to share because I found it funny and I thought it would also be funny to see what Sup Forums would contribute
Say you won't rape with your fist anymore. Just dick.
rape culture is a feminist construct
deconstruct feminism to deconstruct rape culture
Make sure to force yourself on a nigger, because then its not RAPE culture, which they hate, but rather beastiality which they promote