
There have been times in my life where I've not doubted, but not relied on my faith.

While I've never lost my faith, something changed tonight. A circumstance that could have led to the death of others ended with nothing more than a bruised ego. God was looking over us.

Never lose your faith.

Other urls found in this thread: Kolbrin Bible_djvu.txt


That's what I've found to be one of God primary means of intervening. When he intervenes, he can suddenly change the motives of others in atypical ways. It's hard to explain and even harder to predict, but it happens.

Faith is for fags

Faith in Gods master plan is the most import thing a human can possess

I don't need faith. I know God is real, and I know he is not a liberal Jewish rabbi from the bronze age.

Do you believe in guardian angels?

God isn't real.

I've been losing my faith lately because of hard times. Is this gods way of telling me to keep my head up ?

I lost my faith when I realized things like the easter bunny, God, and Santa didn't exist and it's childish to have imaginary friends.

>About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,e lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?”

God allows for you to suffer user. Faith is carrying on regardless. But it's hard. Even for Jesus.

The good guys are gonna win

>because of hard times
Describe hard times.

maybe not in your hell of a life but the blessing keep rain down over here where im standing, not too late to lose the fedora, 80 lbs. and find jesus user

your interpretation of god is probably what a 5 year old imagines god to be.

>in the sky
>always nice
im right again,amn't i?

Christianity is for slaves, fuck off

I just ordered my printed bible.
On how many watchlists does this put me?

>wants a special snowflake religion to affirm how special a snowflake he is

Fucking gay bro.

Humility is the real red pill. God exalts the humble and brings low the haughty. Take the breadpill if you want to be great.


Many, but its worth it because God loves you and wants you to read the Word.

>X is for Y, Z

Money is for Jews, Bitch

read a HRE bible (its what the Holy Romans would have wanted

pt 1 egyptian Kolbrin Bible_djvu.txt