
What does /pol think about investing in precious metals?
I often see people speaking about saving their wealth this way in case our fiat system fails but how likely is it really that we would ever return to a gold standard anyway?

I personally don't see it happening.

I bought some silver a few years back and I've made maybe 20 dollars thus far from it.
Kind regret it

inb4 stockpile food and bullets fags

Decent enough hedge, not really worth putting more than 5-10% of your investment portfolio in.

Of course if you were really tinfoil, you'd want actual physical gold.

Yeah I was thinking about getting some silver but I wanted to hear a few other opinions before I went into it.
I don't see myself making much profit really but is it actually a good way to preserve your wealth in case of a crash?

Kind of feel like a tinfoil hat would be better value sometimes.

Buy as much land you can maintain
Including all resource rights

Unless you're really old, the market will recover from a crash long before you draw down your portfolio too much. Every dollar spent on yellow metal is an unproductive dollar.

Invest first, purchase next, own the Gold, preserve the Moolah.

buy some xrp

Portfolio? Do you guys invest in stocks? I don't even know how to go about buying a single stock. so bullion would be 100% of my folio if I bought atm.

Yeah, I have around 10k USD invested currently. If you want a quick overview of how investing works I can write up for you or post some links.

Youre telling us, you dont have any investments?

That would be pretty cool actually because I have like 20k savings just sitting in a bank not doing anything.


It's been like five years and gold is still the same price? *SNOOZE* Yeah nah I'd buy bitcoin.


Physical is better. If you can't touch it, you don't own it. GL if there ever is a legitimate run on gold and you're scrambling to get some. And if you're not looking at that scenario, what are you doing looking at gold, there's way better performers.

Wew lad.

Were you born in posession of stocks?
Most people in the world don't have any investments and I aim to change that for myself.

Gold is for wearing, not for investing.

invest in cryptocurrency you fucking retards, after a week on /biz i earned a million digibux, bought a lambo and now snort cocaine off the asses of 11/10 models every weekend. i laugh at you neets and your shitty precious metals. enjoy earning a 2% return in 10 years


Okay, I'll try and keep this relatively quick and simple.
The two most common investments you'll run into are stocks and bonds. Stocks represent partial ownership of a company, and they usually entitle you to special privileges including voting rights on certain company decisions, access to special financial information, and in some circumstances, a share of the income the company makes. Bonds are essentially IOU certificates issued by either governments or companies. You buy the certificate, and over a certain time period, whoever you gave the money to pays you back the full amount, plus interest. For example, a $1000 10-year bond with a yield of 5% will pay you ($1000*.05) $50 a year for 10 years at which point you then get your original $1000 back.


i collect PM's and mostly hang around /r/silverbugs on le reddit most people seem to think hoarding silver and gold for some sort of total collapse when in reality it's much more likely that an extended period of scarcity where the world govt's start crazy inflation to keep up with the pace on federal spending but if you own silver you're mostly just hedging your bet that if your country does start hyper inflation you can use your PM to buy another countries currency instead of the worthless paper euro's and dollars will be printed on

There are many forms of wealth. Gold is the single most liquid form of wealth.

I have had people disrespect gold, and I would hold some in front of them and make an offer. Their eyes would go wide and their mouths would water.

Picture is a real dollar. When the bill of rights references $20, it is not referencing "federal reserve note"s.

"Investing" in gold is as useless as investing in currency (including digital currency). It's moreso used as store of wealth or for speculation purposes.

Gold itself doesnt actually produce anything. And yes, shitcoin and its copycats are even LESS legit than real currency. At least real currency has the backing of the government and is legal tender; bitcoin is not. You can't pay your taxes in bitcoins as the government will only take USD.

Factories do. Houses do (rent). Tools do. People do. Businesses do. These things make "Stuff".

Invest in good companies that are solid, especially since you're a noob. If you're trying to day trade and beat the market, the odds are VASTLY against you.

Bonds and debt securities are for old people that are about to die in 5 yrs; avoid them because they dont give good returns and you'd be under utilizing your cash. Even a complete noob can get relative safety in a basic index fund, and still at least average 10% returns.

I didn't actually realise I didn't know what a bond was.

The central rule of investing is risk vs. return. In 99.99% of all cases the rule is that higher risk equals a higher reward and lower risk yields a lower reward. Stocks are seen as inherently riskier, as the chance that a company will go bankrupt and cause you to lose your investment is more likely than a country such as the United States or Britain going bankrupt and defaulting on your bonds. In exchange for this tradeoff, bonds usually pay a lot less than stocks.

Stocks and bonds are traded on stock exchanges, which you can access through what is called a brokerage. For example, I use TD Ameritrade. They provide me the ability to buy and sell stocks and bonds and keep track of the value of my account. If you are looking to invest, I would reccomend doing some research on the best brokerages available to you in your country.

The second, and almost equally important rule is diversification. If you buy a single stock, you are put at a lot more risk than if you bought 1000 stocks across a wide range of countries and industries. In order to make diversification more readily available, many financial companies now sell Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs. ETFs are basically baskets of stocks and/or bonds that share a central theme. For example the ETF labeled "IVV" contains stock in the 500 most valuable companies in the United States. "VGK" tracks European companies, "ILF" Latin America. You can find ETFs for pretty much any common theme you can think of.
To get started, I would reccomend deciding what your objectives are. If you have a lot of tolerance for risk and a lot of time to sit on the money without needing to withdraw it, I would try and go for a balance of 80-90% stocks (Spread out over a few countries and industries) and 10-20% bonds.

Thanks for the info it's really appreciated. Think I'm going to go and research my brokers now. I didn't even know about ETFs either.


>not owning physical metals

legal tender doesn't mean lawful tender. Monopoly money is legal tender in the game of Monopoly, because it is contractual. Judges demand legal tender because their color of law system is contractual.

Gold does produce something. Honest exchange of labor for labor. If you sell your "stuff" for paper. The Jews will always eat for free.

There's nothing about a bond that makes it inherently less risky. Large companies and shit-tier countries also issue bonds. People who were holding Puerto Rico's bonds were probably shitting themselves when Trump was shit posting about forgiving their debt.

No, finding value in shiny metal is inherently degenerate.

...so gold is essentially just another form of money. You also have a funny of the word 'produce'. Exchange is not production. Transformation of raw materials to goods is production. Ability to perform services is production. Essentially, the things that would register as an increase in real GDP is what counts as production.

If all hell breaks loose people won't want gold, they'll want guns and ammo and food.
And the fiat system can't fail, it's totally arbitrary like Monopoly money since there's nothing intrinsic about the money and more can always be made or devalued by law since fiat currency is based around laws and not the market value of the currency such as with gold.

I bet you find the paper in your wallet to be valuable. What point are you making? The rules of the game are set and I need to learn how to win.

I've joined a gun club already. I'm trying to get my money in order atm.

Gold and silver should not be horded, rather it should be circulated, and demanded. We should think of ways to do that. If you own a business, offer alternate prices for metal. If you exchange with family do all trade in metal.

I never hear about investing in precious stones in these threads, even on biz. Obviously diomonds won't work, but what about other stones?

Don't look at gold. Go to Paul Merriman's site for some good intro stuff. Unless you're preparing to get super deep into shit just pick one of his portfolios and go with it.

Why are all you niggers trying to invest in shiny objects?

You gotta be outta your fucking mind. There's a reason why "rubies and pearls" arent asset classes on capital markets.

Fuck, you're better investing in gasoline from the local 7-eleven; at least it's related to oil which is an actual commodity that's openly traded.

I've made a killing lately.

Don't invest. Trade

It's because they're confusing investment with saving


If you're not doubling your money with silver lately you're doing it wrong

Because doubling your money every 10 days feels good

Market guards produce a crime free trading environment. Gold produces a trade that Jews can't siphon, tax, price fix, or regulate. It is a passive service preformed by Nature.

You shouldn't register anything. Your queen already has most of your Canadian land.

The quickest way to a high GDP is to sell things to your self for astronomical amounts of money. I don't know why anyone would care though.

Yes I agree factory tools is the Adam Smithian ultimate form of wealth. But if you let paper printers to have free everything, then you will spoil them, and they will want to golden goose you to death like the Jews are doing to us for the last few hundred years.

>shit that didn’t happen

kind of dumb, it's only a matter of time till someone figures out a cost effective way of making gold.

It did.

Several times.

It's called buying with leverage. I've doubled on golf I bought in the 6th too.

50X leverage, small spread. 2% gain will double your money.

There's far better investments. If the end goal of this investment in previous metals is a global economic collapse of fiat currencies, wouldn't that also bring about an economy in which precious metals are not worthwhile anymore? Wouldn't there be more suitable things to invest in if that's what you're preparing for?

Here's one of my many gold positions.

Precious metals is not investing. It's saving.

You're trying to get rich doing this. You're trying to avoid being broke if currency inflates into worthlessness.

If you drop $10,000 into gold right now, you can come back in 30 years and chances are, that gold will still have roughly the same buying power it did when you bought it.

If you put $10,000 into a bank right now, and come back in 30 years, you'll be lucky if the buying power tops that of $5,000 in today's money. It will probably be even less.

who the fuck is letting you buy with 50x leverage. Fucking wind blows in another country too hard and you are gonna get margin called.


You can literally do this with anything other than silver, even less risky assets.

Shit, just 50x leverage something like the SPY and your gains will be even higher with less downside risk, especually since it's been hitting new highs all year and has a 15% YTD thus far

It's not an investment desu, it's a store of value. Look up how much a 1964 40% silver quarter is worth. Buys almost what .25 did in 1964.

>100's of ozs. of bars 100 oz. of government minted bullion but avid investor in stocks and bonds
>never allow precious metals become more than 10% of my portfolio.

inb4 crypto
can't into cryto cause old and dumb

Nigger faggots

Yea. It happens now and again. But over all I do very well.

If you have good entries you can usually just trail your stop and break even worst case.

I trade on about 5 different platforms. I do my metals through 1broker

If you look me up on Twitter I'll give you a referral and I'll even do small trades you suggest with my money and share profits of people are serious following

Gold dipped pretty badly today. Do you think it will recover?

You realize you’re essentially gambling and it doesn’t matter which commodity you do this with. You’re just being a fucking autist and spreading shit advice.

no gold is worthless. dump it in the toilet.

Yes. I see the next support at like 1283. Remember the dip today was a correction of the 8am jump on the 13th.

I'm not opening anything else in gold though, but didn't worry about having to close with this morning either.

It's educated gambling. I figured if I can do it over long periods of time and have winning percentages, than anyone can.

Everyone knew metals were gonna go up at the start of the month. I don't know how telling people to research and trade metals is shit advice.

Excited for you user

We can already make it, it just that current process would take a few billions to produce an ounce and the process is "slightly" radioactive.

Precious metals (especially silver) are EXTREMELY undervalued because of price control. If the prices were to ever correct, speculations put silver at 400-600 USD per ounce.

In the event of company insolvency Bond holders are Always Paid 1st, unless the company or country the company is domiciled in is Nigger tier, which in that case you have no business investing core assets into.

What makes metals different from trading other asset classes? Is it it's relative ease of predictability? Or it's general stableness?

Trading currency is fast paced. Trading penny stocks have large swings. What's the comparative advantage of day trading metals?

Except if they pull off the negative interest rate bullshit, then your bonds are gonna go to shit.

You might want to include a lesson on how to set your stops so you don’t end up bankrupt from being off by 4%.

robinhood app and finviz stock screener website.

watch CNBC ticker premarket for low priced stocksand put a few bucks in them

Nigger spotted

Yea. True values are hard to say.

The volume on any metal is way too high to ever have that kind of jump though.

Now days with so many people looking at RSI the second it climbs its considered overbought then sold down.

Computerized trading along limits the amount it'll move in a period.

Also faggot go to Investopedia.com watch all their little faggot vidyas

nah im cool i have my own money

for everyone else Im in the weed industry and have hundreds of thousands in cash. cant invest any of it in the market since I dont pay taxes, so instead I buy gold/silver to protect myself against a dollar collapse.

Gold is for eating dum dum, not wearing

Can someone please tell me a story about how they bought land but somehow didn't get resource rights? I want to get all wound up and angry before bed

Kekeled hard desu

Yeah. It's called living in Alberta. Unless you're an (American) Indian. It's kind of common sense.

>Getting dibs on nothing is still dibs
K dude.

Forex is very unpredictable. Really all TA based.

Metals follow sound TA and FA, allowing for a combination of both which create safe entries.

In addition it is relatively stable, so you can be dead wrong and as long as your stop losses make sense and your using a good risk reward ratio, you can not lose your shirt.

On the FA point too, stocks sometimes you get news when the market is closed and you open at a low the next day and can't trade. Metals are open to trade 24 hours, so you don't have to worry about something coming out. CNN can announce a lawsuit against GoPro or bad earnings or something at 8pm and come morning you're screwed. There is little that can be said that will crash a metal

Unless your investing to grow your stash of worthless fiat money....use precious metals (gold and silver) as a hedge against collapse. You buy small portable portions of silver and some gold...very small portions...

It would be useful during/after a collapse to buy things, but you dont want a giant bar or enough to make you a target...you want the smallest quantity, enough to buy food/water/ammo/guns/fuel so you can stock up and get far away from population centers and live off the land until civilization is acceptable again.

Only retards are stockpiling massive stashes or buying paper note metals...you need it in your hands and small enough to buy something vital...which rules out most forms of purchase other than novelty sizes...which is what you want.

Personally id spend no more than $1000 on small stamped certified silver and maybe a couple hundred on gold....just enough to gas up and gtfo armed, with a bit left over to maybe barter once in the woods if need be (though metal like that isnt going to be much value)

Other than that most people buying metals are doing so in paper form and its no better than using fiat money because youll never have access to it when you need it.

Youll need just enough to make the wealth portable more so than ammo sundries or firearms which will be the real value come the big day....and frankly id only use it if the money supply gets frozen right off the bat or after it all calms down....if you whip out metal during the chaos youll just get robbed or killed for it.

I think it can definitely be realistically 400-600 USD per ounce considering the gold/silver ratio and the fact that most of the "silver" in the system is not actual silver but silver "stocks". So I think the supply is far lower than what they say in addition to the price control.

you don't buy silver or gold to make profits, you buy it to save your wealth over a long period.
i doubt stocks are worth anything after a hyperinflation. and buying houses? good luck when a socialist government seizes your property. (already happening in europe, because of refugees)
happened to the grandma of my gf. socialists in eastern germany seized her restaurant, but didn't adopt the costs. which means she basically has a house now that she doesn't own, but she has to pay for it fully.
with precious metals you can at least try to hide it or move out of your country with it.
also the ratio of paper silver and real silver might be 1/1000 or much much higher. silver stocks hold the silver price down. silver/gold rocket could make you rich, but not until fiat money collapses (which happened to ALL currencies, without ONE exception).

Tinfoil or not, It's fucking stupid to assume you're gold is somewhere that's not in your own possession. Don't you know that jews exist?

>can't into intangibles

I agree with you it's not a lot more security but it is another few layers. Maybe get back 15-50% initial investment versus .05-3%

>Metals are open to trade 24 hours

That I didnt know.

Okay so you have the benefits of forex (24/7) with the ease and predictability built in of large caps. Okay yeah, that's pretty good then.

Previous metals are in a really awkward position in that it's usually a shit investment under "normal" conditions, while they are also shit in a complete societal collapse as gold is inferior to guns, property, and food.

kys gayboy

how many shekels do the kykes in israel pay you to say that?

>i doubt stocks are worth anything after a hyperinflation.

Sorry, but this is stupid.

Inflation will ALSO cause prices of stocks to increase.

Property are generally good investments, BUT you are also exposing yourself to alot of risks too. Not only government seizure, but also "acts of god", personal legal liability, and it has to be actually actively managed.

Now that they X-ray your whole body getting on to an airplane you can’t even kiester that gold.

Rental real-estate is where its at mate. Pretty much impossible for real-estate to lose all of its value unless its in a neighborhood that falls to black death ala Detroit or Zimbabwe. It's the only investment that a regular-joe can leverage via loans.

If you absolutely have to put money in the stock market meme, for the love of god use index funds. There are only two types of buyers for individual stocks, 2% winner geniuses, and 98% might-as-well-be-gambling losers. Right now is a pretty bad time to put money in stocks, everything is super over priced (super low ratio of dividends to stock price, at least it is in america)

This has been the only thread I made where people actually discussed the issue in a constructive manner.
I am going to sleep now (5am).
Have a nice day.

An underrated and versatile way to prepare for a wide array of system failure modes is to invest in yourself. Buy books, buy a gym membership, spend time practicing potentially useful skills (gardening, wilderness survival, mathematics, whatever). You don't know what's on the horizon and precious metals may not be useful. Income and property can always be taxed or confiscated. But you will take your knowledge, your skills, and your body with you wherever you go.

Checked. If you dont physically possess what you allegedly "own" you dont own it. Thats why precious metals and real esate are the only things worth owning when the shit hits the fan.

>Forgets that gold is a commodity and trading value is 100% dependent on volume

It's a terrible investment

>If shit doesn;t really hit the fan but the economy goes south, it's savings at best, and you're likely to lose value regardless
>If shit moderately hits the fan, the government comes and takes it, just like they've done to literally hundreds of people.
>If shit really, really hits the fan, then who gives a fuck about gold.

Seriously. I don't get why commoners have a fascination with shiny yellow shit.