Pink nipples = white?

Can someone be white without having pink nipples? Can someone have pink nipples and still not be white?


tfw brownies

One of my ex gfs was white and didn’t have pink nipples, it was kinda hot tbqhwy


Nipples sometimes get darker when a woman gets pregnant.

Probably had an abortion.

Albino niggers still have pink nips

Only way to tell is eye color

Of course not you fucking idiot.

My mum's tits are so hairy she can weave a rope bridge between her nipples. Also she's dying of cancer.

I'm Turkish but have pink nipples, so yes to your second question

Lol considering she was a virgin I doubt that

Light blue eyes, 2 meters, white skin, 3 generations same European ethnicity, but brown nipples.
I'm Asian according to Nigerian knitting board


>he believed her

Facial structure is the real way to tell.

My gf is 1/4 Jew and has the lightest natural blonde hair I've ever seen, and deep blue eyes.

I'm pure white with dark eyes and dark hair.

What really gives it away is she has a typically Jewish facial shape (think of Bess Kalb). Face kinda shaped like a hexagon.

you young idiots also realize that nipples, your dick and asshole are going to get darker as you age right?

Brown nipples = not white.
Pink nipples does not necessarily mean white.

T. Brainlet

False pregnancy is a thing. Common actually. Hormones go psycho...dunno why.
Anyways...I'm 35. I would be seriously surprised to find pink nipples in my age group.

This, and your wifes nipples will get darker when she gets pregnant.

Do they, or does the black just start showing through?

Well she did had problems with her ovaries/hormones I wonder if that may have contributed

Sucks to be not-white. Sorry, user. Very sorry you had to find out this way.

Nipples change a lot during and after pregnancy. Inverted nipples can become uninverted, etc.

How's her nips look

you mean this fucking idiot?

BTW OP, imma need some examples for visual comaprison

>tfw half breed
at least i don't have nigger blood in me

Pics or btftftofto

>you mean this fucking idiot?

Yes exactly. My gf is the spitting image of her, except with very fine blonde hair.

Pink as a cherry blossom.

Can i see the rest of your boobie bb

Yeah no need to worry. Its been a thing since Aristotle for Christ sakes. He recorded like a dozen cases thousands of years ago so it isn't like it's from processed soybeans or smoking too much pot lol. It's related to sympathy pains in men with pregnant wives. Same shit.

I have pink nipples


i had to google image her and got suggested emmy rossum... it's insane how i could instantly tell that she was jewish... there's definitely something about jewish faces that makes them very recognizable in most jews (aside from the nose)

Many white people to not have pink nipples. I am Greek and German. My nipples are not pink. Neither are my German father's.

You’re clearly not white. Sorry my dude.

nipples darken and she'll develop a linear nigra down her stomach. the nipple darkening is too assist with the baby being able to see the nipples early on
>but retards will claim you ain't white

Negro, there’s a world of difference between brown nips and dark pink nips. You’re in denial. Many anons are just finding out they aren’t white.
It’s hard, user. You’ll pull through.

Bro I hooked up with a Midwestern german girl once who had darker nipples. Still pink, but there is phenotypical variation within the race

some turks are white

Can fools still be fools and yet able to post on Sup Forums? Obviously.

Found the nig-nipple.

What are Sup Forums‘s approves nipple colors? I’m 3-5. 4 is a little sketchy, but I’ll allow it.

Nice to see you dumbasses still don't know shit about women's anatomy. Nipple color can change, especially from pregnancy.
