Honestly, if our government was a just government, Bernie Sanders would be president...

Honestly, if our government was a just government, Bernie Sanders would be president. Drumpf didn't win the popular vote so he should've lost to Hillary, and Hillary colluded with the DNC to rob Bernie of the nomination so when she becomes president she should be replaced by Bernie. We should be marching on the streets to make this happen. We need a constitutional revolution NOW.

Bernie Bros are all fags and roasties.

Half of the Trumpfags I know in San Diego were fellow Bernouts.

Bernout vote did tremendously help him overall.

Bernie would be a much better president than Trump. (For example, he would ACTUALLY drain the swamp with campaign finance reform, rather than hiring Goldman-Sachs alums to work with his administration.) However, we can't just kick Trump out and replace him with Bernie. We have to stick to the process outlined in our Constitution.

Hillary didnt win the popular vote either you retard.

>Bernie would be a much better {{{president}}} than Trump

>It’s another “laugh at the Bernouts” thread

Do triple braces signify something different than triple parentheses? If not, then yes, we all already know that Bernie is ethnically Jewish. Much edgy. Is that your only point? Because I'd rather have a good (((president))) than a bad president.

honestly, i don't think bernie was going to carry it even without dnc cheating. to be fair, if i had my way i would hang them both as communists, but he was actually cheated and its bad form overall

lel You wasted your fucking vote and are a mere shill. We are on the right side of history we got a president that is taking on the deep state you blind sheep

Anyone have the vote for me Bernie macro?

Hillary only 'won' the popular vote because of illegal immigrants and recently imported paperwork Americans that the Democrats bring over en masse to vote to take white people's money and give it to themselves.

Trump won with Whites, aka, real Americans.

explain how this works

how the fuck do illegal immigrants manage to vote

how many millions of illegal shitheads do you think voted when they realized their gravy train was about to end, libshit?

Seriously has no one informed you that america has been a republic since its creation? did you not understand how american presidential elections work? How could someone so strongly opinionated be so damn ignorant?

Your pissed off your corrupt communist didnt win, we all get it...but please educate yourself. I will say that at least your preferred corrupt communist isnt complaining as much as the more corrupt communist is about it...maybe someone should buy hillary another home and it will settle her down like it did bernie...

Campaign finance regulation would be instantly captured by the ones it would regulate and made a fearsome tool for tyrants

Valid driver's license (which illegals can get in "sanctuary" cities) and the address of a registered voter is all you need to vote in some places

How could a cap on campaign contributions possibly be made into a tool for tyrants?

the several million illegal votes cast for Hillary, most in California by the way, are illegitimate and not 'legal' votes, therefore DJT won the popular vote and the electoral college delegates and is the rightful president of the Us of A... DJT will win a LANDSLIDE in 2020 and Steve Bannon will win in 2024 and 2028...

gun grabber, jew, anti white. nope.

Last two shootings have been done by Bernie Bro types, Las Vegas and the Congressman. Bolsheviks willing to kill to further their delusional ideals.

It is the 100 year anniversary of FAILed Bolshevik revolution and these NWO/Deep State Jews are at it again.

Honestly if you were twice as intelligent, you'd still be retarded.

i'm sure sanders would be completely different from the neo-con/lib status quo.

Is this what you're gonna push during that November 4th bullshit?

Y'know, if you commies would just support regionalism/nationalism; you could have Cali, Oregon, Vermont, etc., break-off and become their own states and make them as pozzed as you want.

>pls gieb (you)s :(

>blatant shitpost
>mods go out of their way to ignore it.

It doesn't matter if he did lose the popular vote. The president shouldn't be elected by popular vote anymore than the Senate. 51% shouldn't be able to fuck over 49% at will. John Calhoun was right, it should be concurrent majorities.

Democrats count the ballots.

Fake votes.

Voting in multiple districts.

Also, you basically only need a pulse to vote in big blue states, and the leftcuck poll officials won't question you if you're a nonwhite.

It's retarded how Americans are so trapped by the two party system. You people bitch and whine about how the blue and red are the same, but when you have an alternative like Gary Johnson, who was by far the best candidate in your last election, you don't vote for it. In any sane country Johnson would have been elected president, and your system didn't even let him participate in the debates

In California you could request an absentee ballot without a SSN. Hell, the website even had a checkbox labeled "I don't have a SSN"

If you had a just system Stein should be president, Bernie would have won the domination if Seth Rich wasn't killed, but he still be candidate because of the inherent corruption of the republican party.

>be libertarian Gary Johnson
>be Governor of New Mexico
>open borders wide as possible because "muh liberty"
>Mexicans flood-in and vote for socialism
>libertarians kicked out of office

Truly the greatest political genius of our time

If our government was a just government, everyone who calls for an increase of taxes would be purged.
>lel stealing is okay if the government does it
Bernie is an old jewish communist who doesn't give a shit about other people's possessions. And why would he? He's had like 1 job other than politician.

Bernie never had a chance; his entire voter based was disenfranchised Occupy WallStreet fags. Nobody gives a shit what they think.
But be pro-socialism too? Yeah, final nail in the coffin.
The only good thing about Bernie running? Hippie chicks put out.

At least try to pace yourself

>Bernie would be a much better president than Trump.
>For example, he would ACTUALLY drain the swamp

What really pisses me off is a majority of Hillary's primary votes came from the south, where they didn't matter anyways. None of those states were ever going to vote blue in the actual election, the swing states all preferred Bernie over Hillary.

The feds control international borders, not state governors. I am not even American and I know this. You dixiefags are fucking retarded, no wonder you lost the war. Is your mom your sister?

For reference, here's the election map. You can see which states would have been blue had Bernie won, which easily could have flipped it.

And yeah, hes a kike, but he's one of the kikes that got left behind. He was a fucking carpenter for christs sake, and he fucking hates big banks, so sure he made money off of running but he probably hates his Jewish brothers for letting him be poor while they rob the world

You will never have campaign finance reform until you repeal the first amendment.

Yeah, Bernie really proved what a great president he would have made, when it was proven that Hillary stole the democratic nomination. I mean he totally stood up to her and the DNC. He definitely didn’t act like a little bitch and roll over for her.

I really wish I had voted for him, now that all Hispanics and Muslims are in internment camps.

>Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania are not swing states

>New York, Connecticut, California, Massachusetts are deep south conservative states

I forgot how knowledgeable Bernie voters were when it comes to politics.

Bernie is swamp, hillary wasmore swamp than him, hence why he got cheated out of the nomination. Bernie is a kike and anyone shilling him here is a dumb faggot or paid.

A Jew that can't even do business.

Incompetence incarnate.

money =/= speech. The government regulates spending on all sorts of things already.