Other urls found in this thread:


>when you are weak, appear strong

Cause they have to clean it , and they have to buy their own lemon pledge.

That is because they are not seeing the true model, they are just seeing the wall itself, not the no man's land in between the border and the wall

it's not being built to impress them, it's being built to keep them on their side of it.

Your walls mean nothing to us, gringo!


Why not just have a gigantic concrete ditch with a drain system for when it rains?


kek these dumb beans are going to talk themselves right into a wall resembling those memes with the nuclear mines and wizards and whatnot

These beaners are literally going to meme magic "ten feet higher" into existence. Hahaha

have the beaners seen the machine gun turrets and the high voltage?

I still cant tell if thats a kid or an adult. After 15 they all look the fuckin same.


trump absolutely unequivocally blown the fuck out

>Wasting your time on normal walls
Someone should send this video to Trump
Mechanically stabilized dirt would be better, you can just use the dirt that is there already. Plus when you dig for it you make a huge mote right at the base of the wall, making it hard to dig under without being noticed.

What the fuck is this?

So I really tried to give an in depth analysis to this. I kept thinking it was referencing the fact that when one comes through illegally he can let others in, but I kept seeing the other dudes zipper and I kept thinking GAY.... GAY..... GAY.....

>owned by jeff "the segway is going to revolutionize the way we get around" bezos

that was a neat video thanks

We need a double wall with auto turrets!

someone say feet?

When you see a little slice of a wall, it is not impressive. The remnants of the Berlin Wall look like nothing. But when you see a wall stretching from horizon to horizon, that is something else.

I've been saying this shit for a year now.

Then I spent way too much time thinking about how to prevent Mexicans from figuring out how to force the turrets to shoot other turrets.

>Opens the door
>Looks at guy on toilet
>Moves towards guy on toilet
The retarded beaner expects the guy to get up mid shit so he can get the toilet.

Just have a couple pins in the tilt/pan mechanism that prevents each turret from being able to exactly sight a neighboring one, or shoot over the top of the far wall.

what's the story behind this???

lel. i love it when a recent meme pays off

Needs auto turrets I think