Reminder that LGBT has contributed NOTHING society except for perversion, depravation, degeneracy and immorality.
Reminder that LGBT has contributed NOTHING society except for perversion, depravation, degeneracy and immorality
I've contributed my pretty mouth numerous times
Have a kike free second post.
even the kikes and niggers have made worthwhile contributions to society. the sodomites have not. the sodomites cannot create, they can only destroy.
>implying pervesion, depravation, degeneracy and immorality arent contributions
i think porn is art
and hentai is art
both the product of perversion
it makes me feel things while generally i am dead inside
debate me
Mussolini got his shit pushed in
That's not necessarily true.
Many Gs and Bs are responsible for some of the best novels, films, acting performances, art, music, etc. Freddie Mercury comes to mind.Turing is another.
But I agree the Ls and Ts have contributed nothing.
It's not because they are gay though. When people celebrate gays they're celebrating fucking in the ass, everything else has nothing to do with their sexuality.
I guess you have never heard of Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Frederick II or. Srsly GTFO the Sol system.
LGBT is a political movement. Pure Alinskyite trash and hell bent on Hypernormalization of Pederasty.
i fully agree with you
but one possitive effect of gay parades are that eventually society will accept that beeing gay has nothing to do with beeing succesful or not
people used to stigmatice them
Kill yourself
Their contributions to society are negated by them trying to give the public the perception that being LGBTABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP is ok.
thats not an argument
I guess you have never heard of Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Frederick II or. Srsly GTFO the Sol system.
kek this, gay people have no culture, sexuality defines them from start to finish
What about beautiful piano music?!
Was that BECAUSE they were faggots though? No it fucking wasn't. Go fry yourself in a fucking oven poofta.
Pic related
The response of a few faggots when they let their real intentions come out (no pun intended)
Why would we ever except girly men who want to fuck us? I will never join a movement if it allows open homosexuals. Fuckkkkk that. They are trying to divide us at our roots.
With the extremely negative affect of portraying homosexes as a completely alien and unpredictable subculture. Pride parades are no longer "brave" defiance of conventional society, they're just an embarrassing display of depravity and increasingly consumerism with all the companies that want to slap their name on shit.
Gays and lesbians need to get back to being relateable to norimes so that everyone can point and laugh at the trannies together.
please stop this degeneracy
the first modern computer was unironically designed and supervised by a gay man (Alan Turing, in case you're a complete troglodyte).
>hurdur faggots contributed nothing
>hurdur those guys were faggots but they didn't contribute great works of art to society because they were gay
TIL fascists are autistic and unable to accurately understand individual motivations
Maybe. But Hadrian was based.
oooh nice flag
DESU cock suckers could have invented fire and I would still not want anything to do with them
thank (you) for the response, it will sustain me a month longer so that i don't die of scurvy
And then anglos rewarded him by turning him into a fucking tranny until he killed himself.
My country basically exiled your people to a island continent sparsely populated by cavemen and the two most primitive groups of animals left in the world, joke is on you.
how poor is that place?
its our territory right?
made me think
California has now decriminalized deliberately spreading hiv, all to make faggots feel normal.
this includes blood banks btw, so california has hiv+ blood supply now because you don't want to be racist against faggots. its not like that's important or anything.
they can give all the illegals aids as a bonus with their free healthcare.
And your country is being flooded with animals that will inevitably kill you once sharia spreads far enough. Who really has the last laugh, poopdick?
Kek, meant that forFag flags are all the same imo.
it is indeed australian, and it's as poor as the maldives though, islam practice is common save for the few there are scattered between villages
they're pretty friendly to white folk though, they're just kinda niggers
i was just reading on wikipedia
is it true most of the islands are inhabited?
is it explorable?
seems pretty interesting only 600 people live there apprarently
I guess you can say you contributed to proving OPs point....
Rather a British Faggot than a Colonial subject that is basically a either a member of the petrol sniffing bunch or a member of the on better-off inebriated bunch that makes a sport of beating the petrol sniffing bunch a pastime more popular than cricket.
Just a question for every Sup Forumstard who uses the "has contributed to muh society argument", just what exactly have YOU contributed to society. Like at all. I dont think any one of you has or will ever do anything of note. You are not better than the faggots you hate and honestly you are just looking for reasons to hate them because you dislike anyone different from you.
Trying to take credit for the hard work of others that had nothing to do with you is fucking pathetic desu.
a little hard to explore, but yeah
The only two islands inhabited are home island and west island, and the largest population is consisted on home island
wrong reply sorry
dude did you fucking read what I wrote
I dont hate gays
Yeah Alan Turing did nothing. Go fuck yourself stradomite
go back to your sodomy, scum.
whats the terrain like there?
and are you an aussie living there or what?
Sup Forums isn't interested in the truth. They have already made their mind up what the truth is
I'm just an aussie here on vacation
but the terrain is mostly flat, just not lots of infrastructure and lots of wildlife and forestation
honstly i just quoted random ppl without looking
Go back to Gallipoli. The Turks didn't finish you all off after all, ya country is still pining over it.
got any nice pictures from there?
and is it a cheap place to vacation?
wilde is a nobody
proof on rest?
mussies gonna eat you alive
it's fairly expensive for an airliner here, but it's well worth the trip
thats an awesome pic man thanks
is that a small plane?
Bugchasing is the practice of pursuing sexual activity with HIV-positive individuals in order to contract HIV. Individuals engaged in this activity are referred to as bugchasers. It is a form of self-harm. Bugchasers seek sexual partners who are HIV-positive for the purpose of having unprotected sex and becoming HIV-positive; giftgivers are HIV-positive individuals who comply with the bugchaser's efforts to become infected with HIV.
I see them all the time and they really don't give a shit. Besides I've seen Ireland let in the savages from wherever anyway and they have let the team down, my ancestors made the right call leaving that place before they went all euro, besides your president is both asian and gay so there ya go.
What have niggers contributed besides jazz? And even that was only the best of their race. Everything else they've done is crap
What have Jews contributed that's good? Well same with fags fags contributed AIDS and that's it
and jews have contributed quite a lot
like (((einstein))) maybe
Pretty sure none of those were fags
yeah was a bit of a private charter
one of my lads hooked me up so i thought it would be fun to come along
Nothing like the smell of feces and sweaty balls am i right
livin the good life
long trip?
Child and Christ killing fake Jew pedo detected. Moron. Knows nothing about even little pills that killed aids but dont work on his own vagina. Reads nothing but the talmud. Has a faggot flag
Being a man sucks. I wish i had a leaky stinky bleeding fungus vagina. The snot and cheese make it nicer
>I already have this flag
We voted Brexit, You voted Trump and the animal pestilence is either being eliminated or domesticated. We both made the right call. If anything Germany and France will be the ones to fall to barbarity. Besides your post implies all gays are sexually active which unfortunately is not the case.
Good post. Gross af. But it's the truth
>that fingernail
What the hell were you banging a corpse?
They walk the halls. Ive never smelled anything nor seen anything gross on any clothed or naked man. Women? They dont even need to be naked. Theres some nursery rhyme i didnt invent. You did. That talks about hunters and velvet and fishermen and the creation of vagina. We all know this is true. Farts>queefs. And. Nice corpses yes. It's called the strange for a reason. You smell life in it. I read Genesis better and smell death in the other gender. But that's the end of that
That's simply not true. History is full of buttsex having contributors to all kinds of fields of human endeavor.
cmon user, you know better
>not cleaning before buttsekcs
Also, period blood.
>not cleaning before buttsecks
Only niggers.
I clean. Although biologically there's no need for it. Also. Another good post
stupid faggot
>tells many experiences
>is very detailed and specific
>less than zero conjecture like you
>stupid cancerous fungus eating original sinning clam digger
Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato and the entirety of the Ancient Western Canon would like to have a word with you.
Symposiums mang.
>prostate orgasms
>mirroring the ancient Romans and Greeks
But why not?
>this based broey user knows the freedom of hands free pressure washing the ceiling with your manly seed
Women pee on people when they "cum"
this is a accurate as saying no one with a last name starting with "A" has contributed anything to society
Honestly, stop making us look bad
Fact is sexuality, birth rates and whatnot as well as feminism wouldn't be an issue if Humanity was Hermaphroditic. Racist comedy would be better for one. Besides people should condemn the real menace in society. Furry Fandom and their Brony otherkin.
Agree, faggots are the result of Satan, and they will receive the reward of their master, can't wait till they are roasting in hell and their names are forgotten for ever, Amen.
Richard Hammond declares all Icecream is in fact Gay, it appears some Pole not yet on the cusp of sentience just scribbled that bad grammar and crude drawing anyway. `
Quite serendipitous :^)
I hope you're right britbro
Park Ranger?
not just a celebration of men on men, but also of men on children, menon beasts, men on corpses, women on all of the above and every perversion under the sun. What does the Bible say?
Romans 1:29 (KJV) 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Being filled with ALL unrighteousness, all. They have every wicked though imaginable because they hate God and anyonewho hates God loves death. So if you support these faggots, you support every evil thing possible
>same id
i said the same thing to Abraham Lincoln
All of you straight faggots are idiotic. You're being distracted hard core and your incompetence is showing. Suddenly a new season of HWNDU, gay threads left and right, black panther, Weinstein, feminist bullshit. Sup Forums is so easily misguided by their hate
You believe (((Your Religion))). I believe my Religion. If you support (((Tribe))) lies over Indo-European and other worthy beliefs you support every (((Weinstein))) and fellow parasite who fucks your country regularly, your country deserves everything it gets for preserving the (((tribes))) sick culture like Smallpox in a lab.