Calgary Election

Results coming in for Calgary Mayoral Election.
Incumbent Mayor Naheed Nenshi, famous for being the only openly gay Muslim mayor in North America, faces serious opposition from business friendly conservative Bill Smith. Any predictions from Sup Forums

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Results soon, looks like the muzzle is out

Nenshi is fucked im pretty sure lineups were so long.

Nenshi isn't openly gay, you moron

Nenshi will win by a hair.

Like, close enough that the free transit tickets in the voting package will be enough to make the switch.

Don't expect final results for days.

hope he loses.

I live in a city outside Calgary, I wish i could have voted.

why does alberta have both a muslim mayor and a socialist government

Who /Ward 11/ here?

To be fair, he is the best kind of Muslim
> An Ismaili, the chillest form of Islam
> Sunnis and Shias alike want him dead, so he has no time for extremists
> Probably a queer, so he won't breed another sixty of them
> Devotedly secular
> Profound belief in his community, clearly loyal to Calgary
> Talented, having gone to a gifted school, aced the LSAT, gone to Harvard, been a student's union president, and worked at McKinsey before returning to Calgary to become a professor and then the mayor
like I get that people don't like that he's a shitskin and a mudslime but if they were all like him, they'd be /ourguys/ and not a menace

Actually it's the opposite kind of muslim which is /ourguy/ since they both attack the publics confidence in immigration by being terrorists and they are also deeply anti semitic.

How does a place like that elect a brown faggot? Seriously, are white people just self-loathing in all aspects?

The only place more cucked than Ontario is Alberta.

The socialist government was the result of the Conservatives pissing people off so badly that we wanted a change and didn't really think they would do anything. Nenshi ran a good social media campaign and Calgary is full of hipsters and immigrants.

he is a necessary evil at the moment to protect the tax payer from the NHL jew. Edmonton already got raped.

>progressive conservative party
True north strong

split right wing vote, lurk moar eastern fag

My prediction: Calgary in 20 years is exactly like Detroit nowadays

Kek lmao

cause Alberta is based

BC is NDP btw

I predict when whites finally become a minority blue jays will be playing cricket because they will find baseball too white and shit and to make muslims feel better.

God.......I feel like every time I'm having to update the map to a more cucked version.....just...just stop.


Let's see.....first race mixer leader......first non white leader....

SK will fall next to the based NDP.

Manitoba, Pallister was a mistake. He spends half the year on vacation in Costa Rica. He has 0 interest in the job.

Then again who gives a fuck about Manitoba.

sask will never go back to ndp, but i dont think the sask party will survive much longer with how fuck massively dumb theyve been the last year

the party old guard is bailing en masse because of scandals

Pallister may spend 10 months of the year on vacation- but as long as he keeps his immigrant tax in place then its all good.

It's called the democratic people's republic of Albertastan for a reason

Albertastan greatest country in the world! All other country are run by little girl!

Brad Wall ditched the moment things got tough. Fucking conservashits every time.

NDP are already leading in a few polls. It's really early tho. I'm hoping there could be a snap election because the next premier will be unelected as leader but who knows that's doubtful. SP has huge majority

Conservatism or right wing politics is possibly in the shittiest spot in my life in Canada. We got Scheer as the PC leader. Just......this is like a joke. A round faced " nice guy " who will offend no one and just be muh tax cuts.
I didn't put Bernier on my ballot because he came out against supply management but at least he has some edge to him. Now we got Scheer.

Albertastan number one exporter of petroleum all other country have dirty ass petroleum

Albertastan! Albertastan! you very nice place from glorious tar sands to ruins of Fort Macmurray

u got King Cuck as PC leader

the funniest thing is gunna be watching all these cucks who claim to be redpilled and based vote for a literal cuck like scheer

brad wall ditched because he himself can be implicated in most of these scandals

theyre all crooks, ndp are no different

If they vote for the Muslim they deserve bad things

Texas of Canada. LOL

As a former Calgarian, I still expect Nenshi to win. He's been very popular in the past, and Calgary is probably more left now that before. That said, people are much angrier than before too.

But also the conservatives really cucked themselves hard over controversial spending (ie spending government money on private trips) and fucked us over with debt after we were the only debt free province.

Hopefully he reveals a bit of edge. When I watched the PC debates I only watched Kellie Leitch and Maxime Bernier so I hardly know anything about Scheer other than he thinks Rebel Media is too " far right " which is one of the cuckiest things ever.

Albertastan! Economy best in world! Without our oil cash we would collapse!

Albertastan cities safest in fhe region except for maybe Surrey BC!

Albertastan! Albertastan! You very nice place from glorious tar sands to ruins of Fort Macmurray

Come see our biggest and most glorious city descend into chaos and war like Detroit!

Great, they'll crash the economy in record time just like the last time, and we'll get another 3 or 4 conservative/sask party governments

their lowest ever unemployment was under based Liberal Paul Martin in 2006. Notice how when Harper opened the TFW floodgates, their unemployment rate never fell to those previous low levels, then oil went to shit in 2015

I mean, we got double fucked from 2008 crash and oil crash, but we are still probably the comfiest province, and that's just really sad.

You just made an Alberta version of the borat anthem didn't you? We're not that bad yet lmao

Mountains are where it's at

Paul Martin had nothing to do with unemployment rates in Alberta. A Literally Who PM.

We got a few. But I agree, that's where I'm headed when shtf.

yes he did

He's gay? Huh.

Please name at least one economic policy he enacted that lowered Alberta's unemployment.

not flooding the country with immigrants and TFWs

Don't post, drink more Mr. Farkas

Looks like Nenshi's got it.

The only factor that might make the race closer is skewed interim results towards downtown and more diverse wards. But unfortunately the results website isn't updating the counts by ward at all so I have no idea where they're coming from.

The example you give is of something that he DIDN'T do? In other words he changed nothing. How then is that something he accomplished?

Try again?

You would never get a thread for Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa or even Vancouver. This just proves that this board is chock full of eternally crippled butthurt Albertans who need to vent their hatred and edge over everything.

T. Quebec. A place more conservative than you could ever hope to be.

I gave you something that he did to. It's called immigration policy u fucking retard.

Do u seriously not understand how Harper flooding the country with TFWs and immigrants raises unemployment?

Also just in case you need a clear picture

1. Garbage
2. Jean Chretien
3. Trudeau
4. Martin
5. Harper

Did he send them back? If not, then I can't see how it really accomplished anything. They were already here.

Plus it was already low. He lowered it from 4% to 3.5%.

So goooood.

1. Joe
2. Jean Chretien
3. Trudeau
4. Martin
5. Harper

Fixed it for you.

>Calgary Mayoral Election
Nenshi declared elected. 51%+


Alberta truly is the worst

Maybe next time they should try running a real conservative instead of a stuffed shirt development industry mouthpiece, then
If you think that Bill Smith et al wouldn't mean a return to the bad old days of Calgary's existing residents (primarily white) heavily subsidizing home building for newcomers (primarily not), you're nuts

That bus rapid transit is being built.

Go back to your "open" relationship, Mr. Farkas.

>needing transportation infrastructure
Heh. I see you wagie.

Not Vancouver specifically but we have BC threads here all the time (and they're usually pretty comfy)

Calgary Polsters

I have priapism now. I have a permanent erection. Gays are starting to rule the world and I couldn't be happier