Me Too

Me too, /pol. What do you males have to say for yourselves?

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Rape is a social construct.

well known fact that american men are lazy as shit

We have way too many niggers and beaners in this country. But everyone already knew that.

Blacks are again overrepresented in sexual violence statistics what a shocker

Rape is the only way to make a woman cum.

More like 6 out of every 1000 amirite

Actually if we take into account prisons men are raped more than women are. #ustoo

Terrible numbers, let's work together to get them up!

>What do you males have to say for yourselves?
Me too. My grandma. The elementary school principal. And an older boy. It kinda fucked me up.

1 in 6 women is psychotic and will think nothing of trying to ruin your life for the smallest perceived slight.

>some guy that wasn't a chad hit on me
m-me too

me too!

Males get raped most of the time if you include Military and Prison rapes.

Men are better than women at victimhood too - it's sad.

Most males don't immediately begin to sodomize each other the moment that society isn't looking. That's more of an American/African thing.


Rapists rape, not men. Blame them, not me.

>What do you males have to say for yourselves?


The point of your post is divide and concur. I have never attempted to rape anyone and neither has ANYONE that I know. Furthermore I WILL NOT take responsibility for the actions of another person regardless of their color or gender.

Most of them wanted/liked it.
I was "raped" by my father throughout my girlhood and there was never a time I didn't want it. Was later forced into "rape survivor therapy"(total bullshit) and most the women there either wanted it or were asking for it.

Just like the 1/4 of women on campuses will be raped, right? Bullshit. My ex used to wake me up by sucking my cock, so she technically raped me dozens of times, right?
Greentext that

Women accuse guys of rape if he so much as looks at her, these statistics are meaningless anymore.

me too.

>attempted rape
So a guy made a move for a kiss, she said no and it ended there?

Some of you fuckers need to study english. They do not concur with anything you say, they do divide though.

i think rapist should be shot

When did he first rape you? How old were you?

>1 post by this ID

I'm sure this is just as credible as the stats (((feminists))) like to quote. I.E.
>she had 3 glasses of wine, she couldn't consent, throw that MAN in prison for rape!

>around 3yo the first time
>he'd eat me out make me suck his dick when I was so small like that
>eventually got to thigh fucking
>when we decided I was big enough he finally put it in my kitty(I was 8 or 9 then)
It felt so good being so loved by my daddy.
There was only one reply and I tried to respond to it and writing is hard, sheesh.
And it wasn't really rape, that's why I put it in quotes. Most rape isn't real rape.

is me too the new #yesallwomen hashtag for the libs to all trend and then nothing happens after it falls off of trending


Wrong!! Three true secret is women need stimulation first then she has to be the one on top. Men with a curve are best, gspot stimulation does it every time. Your welcome for the free advice. Yes I'm a female.

That seems a bit low to me. Every women I've ever had sex with was a rape victim.

Oh, it's 1 and 6 now. Gotta make it somewhat believable.

tits or gtfo

i didn't do it. also most of them were probably asking for it.

Remember when it was '1/3 WILL be raped'? Fun times. Then it was 1/4. Then it was 1/5. Then it was rape + sexual assault. Now it's 1/6 and attempted/completed rape?


never been raped, or molested.
>tfw ugly
that sounds hot af.

Umm no. I just thought you little nerd virgins and loosens could use some advice. Majority of you say women were a mistake and it shows why you believe that. Because you will only ever have your hand to show you love because rotting in your parents basement is the best isn't it.

What's the overlap with women with rape fantasies?

I never got where the whole 'basement dweller' thing came from because odds are if you're living with your parents, it's because you've been living with them for your entire life so you probably have had your room consistently.

In the fantasy, the guy isn't an uggo manlet.

Real shocker that number lines up with the number of niggers quite well.

Can I get a rundown on where this "me too" shit started? I have been seeing it everywhere.

wouldn't be a problem in a society where men could just fuck their wives

It is pretty hot. It's something I wish every girl could get to experience.

Yeah I wonder who's doing the raping

>What do you males have to say for yourselves?

Be male, say me too.


Did you just assume our genger?????

and that's why we have strip clubs.

Cool, too bad the actual statistic as per the DOJ is about 1 in 4000. But I guess liberals can pick and choose when statistics are right.

only blacks rape.

False. This is actually from a study that included women that regretted having sex after the act.

pure coincidence

Learn from the Asians, work your ass off till males won't get a a boner without the boss's email

You might actually be a girl because you do what they do, try to virgin shame. But unlike you I realize that sucking a thousand cocks isn't the road to fulfillment and happiness.


fucking misogynist graph, highlighting the raped percentage of women in a happy, positive green

>Majority of you say women were a mistake

Not doing yourself any favors there, sweetie.

What the fuck is a completed rape
Is there a progress bar that pops up when you do it that shows the percentage


Its the fuckng niggers not the whites, 6% of the pop commits 30% of rape

Fucking kek

Not Virgin shaming. But why can't you see that all women aren't out to ruin a man's life. I cherish my husband. Heck I do everything for him because that is what a woman who loves and respects a man does. If you are getting your image of what a female is off of the Internet or TV then you are living in some fantasy world. Your not getting your perfect 10 not matter how much you think you deserve her. A woman can be beautiful but also shifty on the inside at the same time. Do you look at your mother that way, probably not. All you need to do is find some common interest and you'll be amazed how much a women will cherish you for that. Treat her well and guaranteed she'll treat you well.


It's the true third gender.

>But why can't you see that all women aren't out to ruin a man's life.
Enough of them are.

>Heck I do everything for him because that is what a woman who loves and respects a man does.

>Your not getting your perfect 10 not matter how much you think you deserve her.
But I thought that every woman was a 10. Why do women lie?

>All you need to do is find some common interest and you'll be amazed how much a women will cherish you for that. Treat her well and guaranteed she'll treat you well.
Are you sure?

Why wouldn't she treat you well? Seriously there are so many telltale signs before you get into a serious relationship. When a red flag goes up don't ever ignore it!

Tits or gtfo!

I am proud heterosexual men, I don't feel guilty bad thing happens to women.

It used to be 1 in 5. Got to admit it's getting better!

>Why wouldn't she treat you well?
...because she's a strong, independent woman who don't need no man?

That kind of attitude is the reason why I would never date a feminist.

>When a red flag goes up don't ever ignore it!
That would turn us into sexists. After all, if you can't handle women at their worst, you don't deserve them at their best, amirite?

These double standards and hypocritical attitudes are what turn men off of dating. If men said half of the things that women do, we'd be branded as eternal neckbearded wizards.

Can i rape you pls?

It's almost as if the standards change on a whim.

In case you haven't noticed, the red flags are popping up all over the place. This thread is a big fat example.

By the definition of the organizers of this fucking hashtag, the overwhelming majority of men been sexually harassed and bullied by women.

Then again, it's not about them! Fuck men! They need to change and we need to police their thoughts!

We see this time and again. Why would we want to date anyone that associates themselves with these piece of shit feminists?

Oh please it's a false reality of insecure women. I don't need a man is just code for I'm full of shit. Move on if that is her stance, she will remain single and die single. Feminazi is cancer can't help you with those type. I'm old school. I do believe we should be treated equally, but we're not equal in everything. A man has a sense of taking care of his family by protecting and providing. A women is the emotional nurturing role. She can also financially provide, but usually it isn't an utmost of importance.

I've actually fucked my share of women before. You're vastly overrated.

I don't rape people so I don't see how this applies to me.

>Move on if that is her stance, she will remain single and die single. Feminazi is cancer can't help you with those type. I'm old school. I do believe we should be treated equally, but we're not equal in everything.
You've got the point, but we need to take it one step further. If women are actually against this kind of behavior, then they need to get loud.

Among other things, they LOVE censorship, abridging constitutional rights, and engaging in racial and sexual discrimination when it benefits them.

I am a liberal, and I can't stand them.

It's about people who move out, parents use their room for more space, then move back in, there room no longer has their bed and things as they were moved to the basement to be stored, move into basement.

desu i thought it was 1/4

When I was 9 an older boy held me down and pissed on me. Am I a victim of sexual assault?

is it only a completed rape if he cums?

I want to know if I am a victim

The only women who worry about being raped are the women who least need to be concerned.

I'm going to put it to you like this. I'm conservative, so my thoughts come from a different viewpoint. The whole racial and sexual discrimination gives them a sense of doing something good. Not saying those aren't things we should be concerned about because they are, but it's become somewhat of an attention seeking thing for them. Censorship also makes liberal women feel self righteous. I can't begin to understand a female liberals mind, but from what I have observed is they aren't merely happy with who they are an project it onto others. I actually feel sad for people like that. Being a female can suck because we are emotion all beings but a lot of women don't know how to keep those emotions in and do something positive with them. Maybe I don't make sense to you but trust me when I say that you have to seriously look at what you want in a mate. If you are with a female who wants to change everything and everyone but herself you might want to move on and quick. It's hard to make someone happy.

I am only ultimately morally responsible for my own actions. Enough with this leftist mass guilt narrative, especially when selectively applied.

>is each law abiding black responsible for the insane amount of violent black crime?

yeah yeah basically women have a benis and they want it stimulated but not too much

we all know

You are one mentally ill cunt.



underrated and digits


I wouldn't call these women liberals, though. I would call them communists.

>Maybe I don't make sense to you but trust me when I say that you have to seriously look at what you want in a mate.
Right. On the plus side, the divorce rate is skewed because of the bad apples.

Personally, I'm not afraid of getting married. I'm afraid of stepping on landmines before I tie the knot. Then again, one has to look hard.

>Not Virgin shaming.
>If you are getting your image of what a female is off of the Internet or TV then you are living in (((some fantasy world.)))
>Treat her well and guaranteed she'll treat you well.


Tits of gtfo

I always thought that is what the whole dating thing was about. Get to know them, surely within this stage those red flags I talked about pop up.

My friend was apparently raped yesterday and she won't do anything about it

nice LARP

>I would call them communists.

Let's communise these communist women.

Afterall they want to communise men's labour. I wouldn't mind a free fuck every day.

OK here ya go. Enjoy. It's a beautiful pair if I do say so myself