"He Will Not Divide Us" in France

So who wants to go take one for the team and take it down?

Other urls found in this thread:


read filename

Other thread expired, but perhaps those faggots can use multiple green lasers to burn the rope off.

Why not use a drone and cover up the flag with a blanket or shirt or something? Or cover the camera up?

Inb4 autist crowd

Use a drone to spray it with bleach and make it a true French flag.

You're already too late

Well we should figure out where the live streaming camera is exactly. It may be easier to knock out the camera than destroy the actual flag. Same difference

We have to claim the enemies flag. It's the ultimate symbolism of overcoming your enemy.


Already done. Mods keep taking down the thread because Luke Turner threatened to sue.

Spam the discord link fags

This is Op from the expired thread.
I have a way we could get to the flag.


"spam the discord link"

>doesn't give discord link

Drone. Done.

Yeah, but then you are stuck, and will need a rope to climb up safely.



sue for what? hurt feelings?

Holy fuck. this! I have one of those and they can burn through cardboard like it's nothing. Crowd source them and then purchase them on Amazon. We won't even have to climb anything or get close to it.

Shia LaCuck is going to be BTFO by Sup Forums yet again.

Use a drone with a torch and cook the flag.


Based off my shitty phone maps, my guess is the camera is on one of these locations. I could be wrong but the angle of the feed looks like the camera is just looking up slightly at the flag, so it’s orobably not on ground level and I don’t see any other nearby tall buildings.

Camera location arc.

I bet its on the tourist information centre roof.


First, find yourself an extinguisher. It cannot be a red extinguisher, it must be silver or chrome so that you can see your stupid distorted reflection on the side of it. It also can be identified by the "bicycle tire" valve on the top near the handle/trigger. You can often find these in industrial buildings and large school buildings.
Now, spray out the funky aged juices from within the extinguisher. Make sure it is empty and out of pressure before opening. Open using a large wrench.

MAKE A FUNNEL and pour 3/4 of the paint into the empty extinguisher. fill a full bucket with water, AND USING THE FUNNEL,pour into extinguisher now containing paint. Close the beast aka seal the chamber. Tighten the top nut and shake vigorously.
Take your filled organ to a gas station and get some change.gas station air compressors are the quickest and are often manned by overworked immigrants who are barely conscious. Fill the extinguisher with air. You'll feel the paint begin to severely grumble and gurgle. This acts to mix the paint and water once again. Keep the pressure on for approximately 3min. I often will often fill it with air until the compressor turns off.
You know what step 5 is user.

easy solution - get access to the roof (red orange) and shoot at the flag/pole with a high powered paintball gun
>easy/legal (even minors can purchase paintball guns in france with no restrictions)

Could we take a sniper and shoot out the camera?


It is in probably on that raised black platform behind your blue location mate

"this time on top of Le Lieu Unique in Nantes, France."

>what are drones?

You can also install a CO2 pressurized chamber and modified nozzles for maximum distance if you're good at tweaking

its in france, drones r banned

>implying frenchies can shoot

Shine the laser so we can see the laser beam, shoot an azmith to it so aut user can triangulate theposition of camera and rent a helicopter and take the flag easy peesy

"this time on top of Le Lieu Unique in Nantes, France."


hahaha you guys are fucking hilarious

mXbUNR discord link for that shit. get in user, we are making history.

Criminally underrated


Just asssassins creed it. Do what he says to do. Where an all white hoodie and just fuckin do it. Honestly I would volunteer if I lived in France. I actually would. I've climbed stuff without a harness before.

Train pigeons to shit bomb the fuck out of it.

makes sense but frenchies cant shoot

Pretty damn good idea, how much are those?

Mods are deleting all threads about this but there are Sup Forums agents on the ground as we speak




Aren't flags in EU non-flammable due to some regulations.

what if you just called the authorities and complained en masse about the flag ruining the view?

I could do it but I don't live anywhere near there. I'm a crazy guy. If someone wants to buy me plane tickets and shit I'll take a few days off work to get it.


But wait, what did the Maquis do during WW2? Suck cock and spread the Clap in hopes of taking out as many German reserves?

do this retards

Is there a tree branch cutter long enough to reach the rope?

Drone plus hook

Crash into it with a drone lol

Maybe the flag itself, the rope probably not

Flaming arrows don't work.

Someone get me a discord link so I can get in on this

seriously assassins creed it.

That would be so fuckin sick.

Authorities should step in now, someone will end up hurt he's pretty much baiting people to cause themselves harm it's getting silly

Get in here user, we are making france great again

Discord cause mods delete threads mXbUNR

Not anymore they can shoot.

>bod harness

>Authorities should step in now, someone will end up hurt he's pretty much baiting people to cause themselves harm it's getting silly

sgt. buzzkill reporting

This. Record it with a drone cam while you're at it.

Send me an actual link to the chat, I have no clue how to search and the fucking interface is pure shit.

And then getting busted because someone read the tail number. Not gonna work.

Hint: would be a doable drone mission
Level: medium

You'd need to rig something to hold it perfectly still.

Fly there , be your own hero.

No Assassins Creed moves needed, just a drone with a set of claws and a talented pilot.

I think dousing it in spray paint would work better logistically, but I like where your head is at.

damn that was excellent.

This is the link discord (doteroni) GG /mXbUNR

when did you brits become such nancyboys?
>doesn't even want to fuck with the french

Thanks dad...we got this.

Airshit sniper rifles aren't banned in France you know.

I'm serious assassins creed is calling.

Honestly do what he says.

Assassins creed is like a conservative game anyway.

How does he not realize it's a right wing game.

>literally right wing sci fi game

The wind direction hasn't changed yet; still SW see:


Camera is probably to the South East; makes sense because
1. The Wind
2. Can put the camera on the same building as the flag, which is the most likely scenario
Posted pic here Also where is the user who took this pic? Is he with us?

hmm high powered laser just burn a cock on it?

No more faggotry, and use lasers!


Paintball gun? Drones?



this. really cheap drone

These fags have been playing too much age of empires.

Is there another photo?
How far away is the post from this position? Anyone have the skills to pit the pictures together?
I can calculate the distances if you get me pics

That sounds fucking great

Imagine Shia's rage when his flag suddenly bursts into flames out of nowhere

We need a Frenchfag to help us out.

Faggots, they said drones are banned.

No more drone ideas.

Im highly doubtful something like that would be legal in EU of all places.

Might have to use a drone with something to snag the flag by.


Paintball guns and the like are not going to work, because the paint balls will not break on a think fabric flag.

the rope holding the flag is up too high so even if someone got past the security they wouldn't be able to get it down without climbing up the pole

fine i do it myself


Is that shia in that stupid manbasket?