RIP in peace.
RIP in peace.
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at least let him finish kingdom hearts 3
Woods is savage, I can’t believe pedowood hasn’t found a way to silence him yet. He’s also a fan of the vidya which is cool
Death to videodrome... Long live the new flesh...
There's a rumor that he was last seen in a helicopter headed toward the west coast
that really hmmms my haw.
OK, which one of you fags is a famous hollywood dickhead,
i loved videodrome though
fake if gay
Excessive scale if factual
James is a Sup Forumslack
And a stand up guy
BOG watch over us all
super blurry photo, the sudden skin change on the forehead..reminds me of photoshop
You faggots dont haven't figured out Campos is undergoing advanced training to join the secret service. its clear he is an american hero worthy of guarding the Don. Hell the probably will let him captain a battleship
High IQ, but will he name the jew?
The most red pilled celebrity period. Can anyone recommend a good James Woods flick? I've only seen him in a few movies.
Member when they said BOG wasn't gunna be a thing member
Member when they tried to shut bog down member
Magnificent timelines call for magnificent beings pol
It's all about rundown milestones and sheeeit
Man, I hope so. That dude is a fucking psycho.
Oh my.
How convenient.
He played a CIAnigger in GTA: SA
John Carpenter's Vampires. Red pilled as fuck vampire hunter. Basically James Woods hunting Blood Suckers. It's practically a symbolic representation of the situation we are in now actually.
there are reports that Jesus Campos was NOT licensed by the state of Nevada to be a security guard, is there any truth to this? What have the autists here dug up? It seems like the info was on Jeff Renses' website www.rense.com
Based Woods. Bringing the heat as usual.
You'd fucking die laughing if you knew who I was.
Will watch. Thanks user
Who are these weird looking bog dudes? Can someone give me a quick rundown?
We dont give a shit about celebrities. We'd probably make fun of your shit movies.
That movie is fucking ass, seriously the dumbest fucking movie I ever seen.
Quick rundown?
No time for rundowns we are living rundown milestones as we speak
Get to twitter and fire meme cannons at Hollyweird or if a francofag get that little cucks flag before he starts to act smug I know its a distraction but we gotta bitch slap shia everytime
Look into BOGs eyes and dream of freedom
you are gay
K thx
t. Woods
They run the underworld, but think the dead are dull and uncouth. They are as mean as they are ruthless. And that's the gospel truth.
James woods ?
Back when the board was /new/
Film industry was down on its luck
And everywhere gigantic jews and pedos ran amuck
It was a nasty place
Kids were abused on every set
And perverts reigned while celebs and the media never wept
Woods agrees that movie was his worse
We're getting that fucking flag, Shia
Came to post this. Just saw it for the first time last month.
>yfw you realize that snuff films were supposed to be outrageous stuff back then, but now we all watch Mexican chainsaw executions like nothing
Are you conservative? Or are you the typical "I worship niggers and Jews as gods" celebrity?
Do you hide your power level?
Is that you, Ben Vereen?
Mfw we had evil pedo James
And based hero James
On the same board same year
FUCKING AMAZING timelines boys
I feel a milestones about to push itself out of Hollywood and Hillary at the same time. But what does it meme and how can we get ahead of it.
Think of the FUCKing milestones pol
It has always bin about that
Keep dropping those redpills, James!
Don't get Kanyed
what's the point of being rich, if just ANyone can watch the good stuff?
You may as well just say who you are, because no one is going to believe you anyway.
For instance, if I was to say I was Ryan Gosling, absolutely no one would believe me.
He is no better than Weinstein and other Hollywood creepy weirdos, but he is “based”, right?
Listen larpycuck I don't really care who you are if your here you're user or some goofy shit for lols. All that matters is can you help us take down hollyweird
Not really famous but I was a composer for a Sup Forums favorite.
So can you help us don't be a idiot and say anything to tell us who you are all that matters is what you know
thank you for hiding your flag and presenting us these blue checkmarks, totally checks out
follow me on twitter btw :^)
We don't give a fuck, you're just another pleb around here.
i woulsnt be surprised if bernie sanders did the majority of the shitposting here
He's just missing
>rip in peace
Idiot rip is rip
>being this new
I love free helicopter rides!
Give a hint!
I understood that reference.
Shia LeBouf? Is that you?
James Woods was excellent as Roger Sterling, on Mad Men. He's got mystique. Seriously, a red pilled actor.
My money is on my boy shia, he's pretty much part of the board culture at this point.