If you watch movies where actresses perform sex-scenes...

If you watch movies where actresses perform sex-scenes, aren't you basically an accomplice of Harvey Weinstein and share his guilt ??

ya win some ya lose some

If you shitpost this hard on Sup Forums while hiding your leaf flag aren't you basically still a leaf faggot.

If you watched a liveleak murder aren't you basically an accomplice?

No you retarded nigger, what kind of faggot logic is that?

>still going to the movies in current year
only if you pay for it

You think he fucked them during the sex scenes?

ill fuck you in the rectum OP

That depends. Is shooting a porno with a pregnant woman against Adult Entertainment laws for filming children within and with a child's presence nearby?

I'm an experienced hollywood vet with countless credits on my imdb page and let me assure you, Harvey Wesintein personally shows up for every sex scene he produces. He likes to use his member as production equipment to "loosen up the talent" (his words not mine), sometimes swinging it over the actor's head with a "watch the boom" or "hold for sound", other times waving it alongside the camera operator like "watch me pull focus" or "get ready for the trombone shot". Say what you will about his methods, but the man is truly a hands-on producer trying to get the most out of his actresses.

Blade runner is worth it, user

But I don't watch movies or tv.

how big is that fat jew's dick?
Did not look like he was using an overly long stroke in the webm where her railed Watson.

Are you retarded or a shill?

Cuck, Jew or nigger. How about jewed nigger cuckery?

we're acting in good faith that laws are adhered to by production companies.

Reply you nigger.

>legal Definition of good faith
>:honesty, fairness, and lawfulness of purpose >:absence of any intent to defraud, act >maliciously, or take unfair advantage

>filed the suit in good faith

>negotiating in good faith

>see also good faith exception, good faith purchaser — compare bad faith

i have no respect for actresses that do sex scenes

if a writer/director team wrote a woman having sex into a script they want a specific woman to do it, like a cuck fetish, and they want to share that cuck fetish with millions of other men. i refuse to be cucked by hollywood jews and if a movie has a sex scene that isn't listed online then i always leave the theater and demand my money back right away

If you paid to watch it.

the truth about hollywood jews, the reason why they are the forefront of degeneracy, that they experience orgasmic fervor when they collude and create something disgusting that will confuse the hearts of the male goyim.

they engineer the objectification of women, the oversexualization of women, in every possible way they can. at the same time, they push feminism so that goyim women will hate the goyim men who have been corrupted by the hollywood jew

they are vermin.

>If you watch movies

literally the biggest waste of time that ever existed.

haven't watched a movie since batman dark knight july 2012. before that it was eminem 8 mile in 03-04

I honestly don't know the last time I watched a movie. It's probably been 3 years minimum.