Holy shit! Abos are getting BTFO'd by Gen Z
Holy shit! Abos are getting BTFO'd by Gen Z
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Oh wow! Great 404 page, faggot!
replace baka with baka
LMAO replace Baka with s m h
i was just pretending to be retarded
What percentage abo is this thing? It has white skin, but Stone Age features.
I cant even find this poem, and the only other poem of her requires money to be paid.
Bought, screen shot, returned.
That's a poem?
>the absolute state of poetry
She’s basicLly white, by the way. Easily 90%. She has extremely fair skin. Yes, she sports slightly prehistoric facial features, but she could pass as white if she so chose.
Her kids will be self-hating whites. This is why non-whites need to be robbed of their culture if they want to live among us.
>Her kids will be self-hating whites
Nah. They'll be pretending they're abos and milking the government teat for all sorts of benefits.
Pretty low abbo. Mostly white.
Holy fuck that was in the HSC? no wonder they gave her shit
>a dog jumps in
>they pull on tufts of hair
>fill ears with mud
Abos are truly the lowest form of life.
>anime girls dabbing
new fetish acquired
Is this the the author? This is fucking disgraceful. She looks at least 50% white.
The thing is, content doesn't matter anymore. They just accept submissions based on some bullshit SJW pity point scale. It is degenerate and dysgenic.
>What percentage abo is this thing?
Enough for liberals to publish her shitty poem about mangoes out of a sense of white guilt and accuse you of being racist if you claim its not a work of unbridled multicultural genius.
That's a fucking terrible poem. It's just some childhood memory, poorly worded to sound primitive.
28 years old
walking on white mans roads
comb, blend
abandoned heritage
sticks and sticks
bits of sticks
meeting the teacher
at the big school
cars in a line
prada shoe soles
warm out today
warm yesterday
australia is warm
drinking water
i mean rum
listen to the drink
the smell of the pump
dripping gas
a dog walks by
stupid dog
fill lungs with gas
mindna fuuughh
ccc sky up ther
besttt birthhdfay
ey ey ey you sspare change
Fucking brilliant I'm fucking dying user
work of genius
So I'm told. By the abo fans. The poetry seems more like an updated version of some of these lesbo 70s (((poets))). Reminds me of Helen Chasin's crap which also turned up in kids' school books when I was growing up.
We're gonna be ok, senpai, i think
this one hurts to read
Yeah, that's the one who wrote "Mango" and who is getting abused. Looks like a cross between a Greek and Fred Flintstone to me.
30 years old
walking to petrol station
carry a tank and a rag
at the station
fill the tank
soak the rag
stars are out
Run with tank
Station owner chase me
Gubba leaves me alone!
Dream Time.
when do i get published in hsc?
oh ok
here's a classic to enjoy. abbos have the highest form of art.
if poetry is written that poorly then it hast to at least rhyme
The end credits for Outlaw Star sure were weird.
>Don Cheadle with sideburns
>one of her poems was used in a HSC English exam
I would have been pissed off too
ffs it's a bunch off 12 y o kids, and they make it out as they fucking raped her. Do people have this fucking thin skin today? What's next is she going to the press if a baby sticks out it's tongue to her too?
>omg the baby assaulted me, somebody help, the baby is being a raaaaycist
Yeah, but I like that picture. No one has done outlandish 60's style scifi well on a large scale. feature length movie, or video game or what have you.
90's anime scifi had a style all their own, but borrowed from all over the place and stuck to the rule-of-cool like glue. Good times.
I did that test just fucking yesterday kek AMA
I've noticed that too. From Tenchi to NGE it's a very distinct vision of what the future was going to look like.
I'll try to unironically submit your version of Mangoes to the Japanese hsc English language exam board.
You never know, they might just not check which is which.
None or almost none. Less than 1/16th, she could easily be a poser with 1/16 african heritage instead. There are lots of Slavs and Jews that look like this too.
well... that... that's not kveding
that's not kveding at all
Thanks. Should be good for a laugh anyway. Especially if they send you a non-standard reply.
Year 12 or school, they're 17/18.
fucking kek
How many Gen Z whites have Asian girl friends in Ausland and NZ. Good luck when your mixed population booms. Negroes are nothing.
It was a fun series. I'm enjoying watching it again on Toonami.
>90's anime scifi had a style all their own
I've heard it referred to as Used Future. Everything looks kind of old and run down despite the futuristic elements.
Blade Runner does the same thing as does the Aliens series to a lesser degree.
Its a cool aesthetic.
Buzzfeed is on it now
Give this man a book deal!
That's a pretty decent descriptor. I liked outlaw star's fantasy mix-in too. Caster pistol and all.
Big fuckin surprise.
She says she's a Mununjali, and that she's "so conscious" of the "tremendous fighting spirit of my people." Oh, yeah, and she's Dutch too, but she doesn't say much about that. Is a Mununjali a particularly bad kind of abo? Or are they all the same? I don't make distinctions between the American Indian tribes. They're all just different chugs.
Well, it's no Find me out the front.
Welcome to Sup Forums m8, I suggest lurking for a while before attempting to post again.
Terrible attempt a poem. Like something a child would write, thinking short lines and no rhymes makes it sound "poetic".
desu i forgot that baka was filtered senpai
it's true....
ffs people can't handle shit these days also
>writes really shitty poem
>so shitty students starts to make fun of you
but, it's not because it's shitty it's because
>1 you're a womyn
>2 your a dingerydindu
>3 you're a trans
>5 your a gender-fluid-fish-frog-pan sexual
determine your privilege goto 1
>Them fuckin Aussie bants
Greatest comedy of all time
ahh year 12 students, high school
I thought it was a bunch of 12 yo's, their memes would have been fucking impressive for that age.
When it comes to analyzing poems and lit, I should have called it then, we started with that first at highschool too
Still fucking funny though
poems not bad
also she's fuckin white, i seent it
I'd say about 1/8th. It kinda depends on what sort of abo really. There are light skinned abos that have always lived in the cities that claim to be full blood abo, compare them to abos from the middle of the outback like the ones in OP's pic. Like comparing African-Americans to actual Africans. They're both black and have similar features but you can definitely tell them apart.
>Chinese, Muslims and Harvard university come to the defense
“I’m not at all surprised at these children who think and act in this way, because we’ve got an attorney-general who has explicitly given the green light to this," Lucashenko said. "He’s said people have the right to be bigots."
Good to see the kids are still learning proper banter in school.
You can't make this up
>the very first picture is showing how everyone will probably go out of there way to play the race card
>go down to the comment section
>everyone is using the race card
are these people fucking retarded? do they not see that they are proving them to be 100% correct
Why aren't these children learning proper European literature instead of this abbo trash?
>thinking old dead white men matter
>Mostly white.
Nah mate. You Americans really are fucked if that's what you think.
Abo genes are very regressive and
I hope your just pretending to be retarded.
Don't quite agree with you but at least you didn't give an absolutely retarded answer like .
Here's a photo without the fucked lighting for a start.
Mostly is over 50%. She's definitely less than 50% abo
Even halfies can look pretty white.
kill it
Need the profile shot, really accentuates the aboness for a proper analysis.
Clive Palmer writes better shit than this
This looks and reads like some anons shitty greentext blog story.
case in point;
>Be me, 8 years old
>walking under bridge in scrub swamp land
>garbage fuckiung everywhere
>idiot friends talking about mangoes
>some retard never had one
>dog goes in and does spastic shit
>suddenly it's my birthday
This is the stupidest shit I've read all day, and I was in a nog supremacy thread earlier.
I think it works better as green text. You should be a poet.
What's the point of this image?
How do you mean?
we wuz poets and sheeeeit
Sup Forums ahead of it's time.
Are there comments or something to show off?
They're supposed to be aboriginal graduates, but they are all white.
Oh shit, read it again. They're supposed to be abos, lul.
this restored my faith in humanity and my will to live
>reading through the thread
>all the burgers are saying shit like "she doesnt even look very abo" "she could pass for white"
jesus fucking christ, how far gone are you guys?
>She’s basicLly white, by the way. Easily 90%. She has extremely fair skin.
No not even close.
>could pass as white
In America land of the mongrel
Pic related look again.
Rip these high school students
the poem
"There's no good reason why."
That's the entire argument.
Well here it is. FUCKING Internet kept shitting itself when I went to post a smaller version.
What do they consider a carriage service?
The internet. Its basically understood as any form of telecommunications.
Thirsty, never fed
Rotten fruit falls to the floor
Yet the tree’s to blame
That's a half abo half Jew known here as a ¡JEBBO!
404: OP is a fag
Unlike you yanks we don't have protections for freedom of speech. If something is sufficiently proven to be 'offensive' in court that isn't political commentary (which is protected), you are fucked. Though fortunately enough cops have more important cyber issues like tracking down kiddie fiddlers to give 2 shits so it mostly goes unpunished.
i like how literally none of the examples they've provided have even mentioned her race yet they keep going on and on about all the "racist threats" shes been receiving as if the kids are going around to her place with a fucking burning cross and a noose. these kids just made a few memes about something that was fucking stupid and now they're going to be treated as racist new nazi white supremacist kkk members of westboro baptist church.
this is going to redpill sooooo many kids
I think this is the poem, not sure
eight years old
walking under the bridge
scrub, swamp
abandoned machinery
insides of tennis balls
bits of fences
meeting the boys
at the dam
bikes in a pile
skater shoe soles
not cold in
never is
boys talking about mangoes
slapping water
some have never had one
listen to the taste
the squeeze of a cheek
dripping chins
a dog jumps in
they pull on tufts of hair
fill ears with mud
breeze full
clouds break
they remember my birthday
is tomorrow
reee ree reeee
Might have been the wrong one, sorry to subject you all to this for no reason.
>Reminder that online bullying is illegal and you could go to jail.
>But niggers can beat the shit out of you until you're cripple and they only get like a month in jail.
Fuck this gay earth.