>Catalonians are begging for help, as political prisoners are being taken by the fascist Spanish government

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spain did nothing wrong

It's about fucking time

Second time in 100 years.

>Pls no bully catalonians
Eat shit and die. My grandfather should have killed you all



This is always the way revolutions start.



Damn son

Next time you faggots want to seceed make sure to stock up on guns n shit first.

Commit treason
Get jailed for it
Get called dictatorship
The price for treason use to be hanging.

how long until rape is legal in spain? last time i went there lolis were legal according to the cops who gave me tourist trips.


Say the same about George Washington? Difference is he had guns and people willing to use them for their independence. Might be the best modern day proof on gun rights desu.


With that flag? Kill yourself.

Please, stop with the 8 seconds meme. It's not an accurate representation of what happened.

Yeah, they committed treason they admitted it.
They said, "If this be treason, make the most of it."

Washington won lol

is that pic Polish flight training?

I fucking wish they were turning fascist. This is just regular flavored authoritarianism, though.

Washington didn't want to turn America into an invasion party of Achmeds and Mohammads

>we are european citizens too
lol what a dumb fucking bitch. what the fuck is a european citizen? what the fuck is a european even anymore? i hope this causes a civil war.

>political prisoners
that's a funny way of saying rioting commie fucks who should be shot in the back of the head, user

>charged with sedition
gee wiz who would have thought

thanks senpai, disliked and reported

post your face when civil war swipes across the West again

it was more like 10 seconds

> Social rights

Fuck off commie scum. Bring Franco back.

It seems like war is becoming inevitable. So be it.

I would gladly die fighting against a fascist government, and the armies of any country that helps them.

you have to be 18 to post here


Sorry for caring about the rights of my fellow human beings, I guess.

I should totally just let fascists kill all LGBT and non-white people because it's EDGY to fight back and defend them!

back to plebbit, faggot
virtue signalling is frowned upon here, for good reasons

Isn't that what the globalist jew wants?

I would give it the old American try and fight for these peoples freedom just like we did

You're the biggest fag i've seen here on Sup Forums in a long while.

Good to see a fellow decent person here. We will fight the evils of fascism together, and take down Spain by any means necessary.

No loss is too great when it comes to defeating fascism.

The only people that want to kill gays are Mudslimes. Fascists just want to put the queers back into the closet with a swift boot to their ass
And the only race fascists want to kill aren't even a race, they are a tribe called fucking jews

You realize that the enemy you need to be worried about are the islamists who have already begun colonizing your country? The so-called "fascists" are the ones trying to protect your pathetic ass.

>the rather fittingly named ANC

>colour revolution tier editing and style
>begging the "world" for help

Catalonian faggots should learn to fight their own wars and not be another Soros pawn.

its saudis, but the obvious palm tree should make it obvious that it is not poland

kek what a bunch of morons
reeks of soros sponsored proxies
get lost

No offence but since I live here, I think I know a LITTLE bit more about what's going on than you! I've been born and raised in a place with many British Muslims and they are just as tolerant, if not more, of LGBT people and minorities than any white person I've ever met.

Stop believing Sup Forums stereotypes. You don't live here and I do.

No please unleash your riotous fury and save them, STFU you fucking bitch

im 17.999...years old. Can you make an exception Mr. Moderator?



Are they throwing heil hitler salutes? wtf is going on?

Good, Marxists shouldn't be able to break up a 500 year union, which helped finally drive Muslim invaders out of Iberia.

>people actually falling for this bait

The Hitler salute is basically just a Roman salute slightly altered anyways.

> moderator

*frees your political prisoners*
Not for long fash!

fuck you then, nigger.

As far as I know it already is legal in sweden if you are brown enough

Engage in an act of insurrection...
Complain when your ass ends up in jail...

They are saluting to the anthem of Falangist Spain, the party of Franco. So, pretty much the Spanish version of the heil Hitler salute.

Good. Everybody wants this.


Spain should ally with Intermarium

Oh you live there do you? Well I don't live there. But I have family living there. If you have yet to encounter Muslims telling English people to die, be raped, they are being conquered, they will be indoctrinated, they will submit then that tells me that either you live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere, or you are just a retarded child who hasn't yet gone out into the real world and thinks big brother is there for him.

fuck off fag

>tfw I'm half spanish

my brothers

About fucking time, I hope Puidgemont and all his cucked bitches get executed. Left wing bitchies and yankee muh I hate tyrany BTFO, real goverments give a shite about the people's fealings as it should be.

That's loser talk, the cat people had their chance to be a strong independent black woman.
but now they're begging for mighty Spanish cock to penetrate Catalonia's collective pussy



I agree (((ANC))) is a fitting name

If your family members are telling you that shit then it's clear that racism runs in your family, unlike your family itself which is probably too fat to run at all!

None of what they're telling you is the truth, but I doubt you even care.

oh sweetie! look at all the (yous). You done baited good


Not only that but the stupid fuckers tried to secede unlawfully without loading up on a shit ton of guns and ammo. Their stupidity alone warrants a conviction and prolonged detention a government approved correctional facility.


>Too fat to run!
Nigga I'll run my boots on your ass while I fuck your mom. But I digress.
No I don't care. Not at all. And you are a cuck faggot who cowers when he encounters some nigger or Arab with a box cutter.
Thank God I live in the United States where we can blow their fucking heads off for pulling box cutters.

Why is Assange supporting these commies?

You're making us Brits look bad with all your feels.


isn't it pretty obvious at this point he's a russian agent?
weak US due to lack of trust in institutions: good for russia
weak EU due to separatist movements: good for russia

>best timeline

When things get hectic on that little isle of yours and your island gets flooded with weapons, don't ever forget. Traitors first. Let them laugh now. Watch them cry when they are on their knees.

Shes hot.
Fuck catalonia! Spain pls go full berserk

Wait, I've been completely out of the loop since the referendum happened. Since then, all I know is that the Spanish court said "lol no" and then the king gave some speech I didn't watch.

Is Franco Spain coming back?

Probably because he's a libertarian and not a faggot

Wouldn't it be good if Catalonia became a nation? You'd be getting all the lefties out of Spain and get a Spexit

Oh, thanks for explaining that.

I just now remembered seeing somewhere that leftists/MSM were accusing the Catalonian independence thing of being a bunch of white supremacist nazis lol. Fucking fake news man.

>Catalonia vs Spain turning into a Commie vs "Fascist/Right wing" meme
Catalonia's independence movement is majority left-wing, but it's a mistake to consider the unitary Spanish government and people as right-wing in relation; the government swings back and forth between communists and centrists, and Franco and his times are reviled by the people.
Support for one or the other should not be predicated on those faulty assumptions that it is otherwise.

On the whole, your support should line up with your ideological end goals;
>Do you support a united Spain or are Spanish and anti-independence yourself?
Support the government
>Are you British or pro-British?
Support Catalonia; this will divide attention away from British holdings in Gibraltar and British citizen influx in the Costa Del Sol and the Balearic islands. Similarly puts stress on the EU, as Catalonia will not be allowed into it through a Spanish veto, and put Spain into a dire position.
>Are you anti-EU?
Support Catalonia; the exit of catalonia from Spain will create immediate shockwaves through the EU, either through a diplomatic separation that Spain will ensure does not lead to the entry of Catalonia to the EU, as this will slash EU funding, or through a civil war or unrest scenario which will wrack the EU as any action or inaction will lead to massive disengagement of support from EU citizens [I.e. not willing to support EU "peacekeepers" to support Spain or the referendum or instead ignoring it]
>Are you right-wing?
Support Catalonia; a much smaller nation with relatively little to no existing establishment and governmental proceduralism will be easy to influence from an internal and external point of view, meaning that there is space for the entry of right wing groups to fill a gap where the old mass groups filled, as independence coalitions will collapse. A lack of EU support mechanisms will necessarily lead to a reduction in social and other spending, and support growth of free markets

Not exactly but Catalonia was btfo pretty hard.
Spain basically unzipped their pants and told them to bend over. And they did. Now they are trying to play it off like Spain is arresting "political prisoners". In my opinion politicians should be the first to be arrested, but they were arrested for good reason anyways.

Lmao it's all about winning you asshurt faggot

>we believe in european values:
>(((public health)))
>(((equality for women)))
>we are (((open society)))
>we are (((pacifists)))
Legion Condor fucking when already?

>Catalonia muh free market paradise

it seems like you're right doctor, the patient is exhibiting a severe case of chronic autism.

>8 seconds



I love that that guy looks like the Red Green of the Ummah.

Time from declaration of independence to suspension of independence process

These cucks fail at their own propaganda videos kek


>human rights
>public health
>equality for women
>open migration

You pillock

they deserve to be jailed