Why d we hate Michael Moore?
My mom endores him i need to prove her wrong
Why d we hate Michael Moore?
My mom endores him i need to prove her wrong
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Your mom is retarded
Shes a commie fanatic, but im redpilling her she now knows its doesent work and she knows the wage gap is a myth, she also doenseth like Obama anymore
Why is his face melting?
OP here, that’s my mom in the pic
show us your moms tits or gtfo
Your mom endorses him because women are retarded.
What does it mean to "endor" him? If it means roasting him over a fire, you're gonna have to freeze a lot of that meat because it'll keep you fed for at least a year.
post pics of ur mom preferably naked
Harvey Weinstein's pornographer
Michael has Harvey's back with hidden cameras used to blackmail the victims who remain silent.
>Why d we hate Michael Moore?
I don't know goyim, he didn't do anything. He is a very proper gentleman.
Can you autists ive me some links instead of asking for degenerate dickpics of my mom?
More please
He's fat
The pics will help your thread to survive
To be honest he crossed the quirky liberal into jew mastermind around the time he wrote stupid white men.
He literally explains how he changes tax class because his income went above the rich line and brushed it off like it was the most normal thing to happen.
He lost all personal integrity in that very chapter.
why do roasties take these fucking stupid topless pictures
Half deflated whoopie-cushion exploiting people's laziness to shill them his books and movies that tell them that they should be getting everything for nothing. Meanwhile, filthy rich and wears homeless costume to pretend to be relatable. Probably heaved sweatily on some dreadlocked social activist wannabe teenager girls too.
He’s a fucking commie! A literal walking talking pos commie. He can fuck right off!!!!
Nevermind il just cut myself and listen to blackmetal while she votes the socialist party into the office
ur all nigger loving, porn wathing degenerate dick beating loosers. Your country and culture will be lost to mussies because you care more about shitty stomack with 5 layers of stained cum on it than saving europe.
Op is out this is now a Michael Moore fap tribute thread
>Pic related
>mfw the madman actually does it
anybody who is obese should not be lecturing people on how to live their lives
just redpill her on climate change being a kike hoax, thats the only reason that fat commie piece of shit got any recognition anyway.
he looks like you could actually pull his face off like in scooby doo
Is Michael Moore transitioning into a woman?
When you spend a decade getting a PhD in women's studies there is not a whole lot to do afterwards.
he's an epic piece of shit with too many mansions and not to mention he made a killing off the Iraq war investing in KBR and Haliburton.
He looks like an old dyke
Was talking recently to someone who took MM at face value as a social critic and had a grudging respect for him.
Said person also saw the Meryl Streep speech and thought it was right on, thought there should be more of it.
Of course, he didn't know about MM shooting his mouth off at the Oscars about W. back in 2003 and the shitstorm it generated. I know normies who never heard of MM vowing not to go to his movies because he abused his platform, you're just supposed to smile and grovel when getting an Oscar I guess.
The few seconds of dissonace which followed were delightful to observe.