Do people on here unironically still support Trump? Holy shit you people are retarded.
Do people on here unironically still support Trump? Holy shit you people are retarded
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Shit bait.
Oh yeah? What makes us retarded?
The fact that you support Trump... RETARD
Where do you live m8
I'll fight you in real life
I think you misspelled XLUMBF
Trumptards will unironically defend this...
Many Sup Forumsacks stopped supporting him after the Syrian attacks, then started supporting him again once he re-declared neutrality in the Syrian Civil War and stopped funding the rebels
Why does supporting trump make us stupid?
>inb4 becuz yuo suport the drumptftp xd rasist
Explain and elaborate please.
No we all support him ironically and he ironically won
They won't defend it, they'll just avoid it because they are shills.
>supporting trump
>implying other people are from reddit
Whatever bud, keep posting frogs you epic based civic nationalist
Go back to your containment thread Ahmed.
Just count yourselves lucky he pulled the USA out of TPPA. NZ is trapped in it and it will be the death of this nation.
I support Donald Trump because when George Soros and other billionaires get tax cuts, it'll trickle down onto me
I am a #CruzMissile now
you can do the same edit to anyone
The best thing about Trump are the memes, oh and the risk of him going mental and starting WW3 helps keep the happening threads coming thick and fast. I'm sorta tired of all the liberal tears at this point... fucking liberals are always whining about something anyways...
fuck yes i do OP.
haven't seen a single shred of PROOF to not support him.
let's see your proof?
>I'm sorta tired of all the liberal tears at this point... fucking liberals are always whining about something anyways...
u forgot to turn on your US proxy
Poor little pedo still crying over Trump
>Inb4 that faggot who thinks anyone who doesn't like Trump is Shareblue.
It's just paid shills at this point, don't worry.
how new are you
just fuck off already. youre so pathetic and gay i recognize you from the other threads
Half support trump genuinely, the other half put him in office to watch the world burn
It didn't have to be like this, burgerbros. Trump is the president because (((they))) want him to be, how delusional do you have to be to think him winning was some kind of lethal blow to "the left" and globalists? or that the people with omnipotent worldwide power wouldn't be able to prevent something like this? they murdered JFK for fucks sake.
Still better than hillary
Yes, I still unironically support trump. Posting a picture of trump as a Jew isn’t going to change my mind either. Try harder next time.
Im still a conservative no matter what politician comes. Fuck feminism for life
Ah what a delightful young individual who has, just like them all, provided us with some concise and logical arguments against Donald Trump instead of saying 'Trump supporters are retarded.'
Another one! Another consistent logical argument against Trump. By heavens you must be right!!!
Fuck off, Russian Jew!
You conveniently ignored the things I posted and targeted the guy who gave a simple insult.
>By heavens you must be right!!!
Glad you agree with me.
>40 replies.
>mods ignore yet another shitpost.
This place is full of trolls tonight. Something big is about to happen
Did I reply to you mate? I ignored you because I wasn't talking to you.
I think this is the first time Trump supporters and anti-Trump followers have agreed in an ironic and sarcastic twist of fate. Congrats Mate!
Trump is the Israel first president we need
>Ah what a delightful young individual who has, just like them all, provided us with some concise and logical arguments against Donald Trump instead of saying 'Trump supporters are retarded.'
>just like them all
Imagine if making "general" threads were not allowed.
Yes that's called a hyperbole. It's used for an exaggerated effect for supporting an argument.
If I were to apply your logic, I would have to go around the internet and debate "them all", which clearly was the not the point of my sentence.
i hate trump but hillary is worse
This is correct
>This is correct
>This is correct
Hillary was in favor of the Iran deal. That alone is all that matters.
Yes, an argument you made against a post that wasn't exactly an argument. Hyperbole and reddit spacing doesn't change the fact that you support a kike puppet
>iran matters more than the united states
straight from the horse's mouth. libruls, everybody.
He's remarkably stupid. I mean I'm stupid till in it for laughs but come on man