The Shahada.

The Shahada is an oath that Muslims take which declares Allah as the one and only true God and that Muhammad is his profit. This is blasphemy for Christians since Jesus, The Father and The Holy Spirit are God through a concept called the Holy Trinity. Taking this oath denounces this and calls Allah the one and only true God.


>Dude, Muslims believe in the same God!
No they don't. This is a misconception that has been made by many due to Allah and the Father being of same origin and given the same characteristics. Christians were given the Son to know who the One True God is and the Christians will find that God through Jesus.

>Why does it matter? Do you believe in magic?
No, but I believe in honoring my faith and my God like my ancestors before me. Taking an oath before another God is distasteful to me and I refuse to do it especially if I trust Jesus Christ as the one true savior and our lord.

>Where would the Shahada be?
Well, considering that it is in elementary schools across the globe and the teachers are actually making them cite it then I see no reason for it not to start leaking into other aspects of our life.

>What is happening? Is this literally nothing?
No it isn't. Your children are taking their oath and denouncing their God without you knowing it. This is happening in certain schools in both Europe, America, Canada and Australia. They are doing this to push cultural tolerance.

>Don't mean it when you have to take it.
You apply faith when you cite an oath, even when you aren't serious. This would be considered as blasphemy towards Jesus.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Movie about the Muslim Muhammad which shows the story of the prophet Muhammad. Good for a basic understanding of Islam.



>Well, considering that it is in elementary schools across the globe and the teachers are actually making them cite it then I see no reason for it not to start leaking into other aspects of our life.


>No it isn't. Your children are taking their oath and denouncing their God without you knowing it. This is happening in certain schools in both Europe, America, Canada and Australia. They are doing this to push cultural tolerance.


>This clip shows a prophecy being scientifically accurate under the interpretation of the man who made the video. It can certainly be believable, but what "Allah" had told Muhammad to tell his scribes to write in the Quran just sounds downright creepy...



lol, yeah! My bad.



I do not belief in allah so reciting the shahada means nothing to me, it would be like a song about santa clause

There is a conceivable chance that I may have to do this in the future. My current girlfriend is Muslim (a qt, non-shitskin) and it is a requirement for non-Muslims to convert if they wish to marry. I hope to find some loophole like being wed outside her country but it would be difficult to keep it under wraps considering how serious Muslim families can get about this. Not even Christian myself, but my own culture has long-standing bad blood with Islam (wars with the Ottomans). What do?

God gave man a set of rules...centuries later some dude sees an "angel" in a cave and proceeds to break every single one of those rules forcefully spreading his religion.... Muslims worship satan and his prophet.

When they multiply in your country and there become many more of them now, you will have to do it or die dude. Imagine, calling their God not their God when they Christianity and Judaism all have the same God. You can admit to it but know that if people die it was because of sentiments like this that shows how much we didn't even bother to do anything.

Oh wow the quran has something right ,something about a broken clock , meanwhile the sun goes in a muddy puddle of water in the quran and the hadith

>Qur’an 18:83-86—And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: “I shall recite to you something of his story.” Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything. So he followed a way. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people.

> Sunan Abu Dawud 3991—Abu Dharr said: I was sitting behind the Apostle of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water.

This was a mess...

Imagine, calling their God not their God when they think Christianity and Judaism all have the same God.

There is no god but Allah, and Mohamed is His prophet.

Am I doing it rite, senpai?

Why would i even care shitskins and sand niggers are a curse of god , and the end is allmost near

Well I'll have to shut up now. Terrifying. What ever happened to separation of church and state atheists love talking about so much? Oh that's right its EUROPEAN church that must be separated everything else is fine.

Or that Christianity is the one true faith and Satan is waging war very effectively with our children.

>Your children are taking their oath and denouncing their God without you knowing it. This is happening in certain schools in both Europe, America, Canada and Australia. They are doing this to push cultural tolerance.
What schools do this? How have I never heard about it?

FUCK ISLAM. I will jack off to gay porn using bacon grease while drinking vodka and nut all over your Koran!

Just google it, the more your kids are not involved in your life the more you may never know.

I'm confused. I thought they were just going to create South Africa 2.0 and slaughter us.

I obviously support whites becoming Islamic in a generation because then the birthrates will rise massively, but I just doubt they're going to let that happen.

it actually is the same god, Islam is basically fanfic

If the Muslims win I am converting and throwing OP off the roof.

Now say it in Arabic, and upload the video to social media.





(even snopes admits it)



Information on Religion of Cuck™
>Movie about the Muslim muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker which shows the story of the prophet muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker. Good for a basic understanding of Religion of Cuck™.
>This clip shows a prophecy being scientifically accurate under the interpretation of the man who made the video. It can certainly be believable, but what "Allah" had told muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker to tell his scribes to write in the Quran just sounds downright creepy…
>Doctor who speaks Arabic shows the mark as being arabic for…
>Interpretation sounds fairly accurate, depicting Daniel refering to the first Religion of Cuck™ic Caliphate.
>Jesus warns you of the Mark of the Beast. Same Youtuber explains it better
>Religion of Cuck™ Exposed



Thank you for the interesting, insightful information user.

>white birthrate is the only thing that matters
>1 billion white muslims

They have been insulting me and saging my threads for the past few days. I won't give up on you guys though, even if they kill me.

Not all Christians believe in the trinity. Become an Arian; we do not believe Jesus is God. We believe in One God alone; The Father YHWH

Get married in turkey. Ceremonies are secular only.

...or ya know... Sort yourself out and dont give in to something you don't believe in. Not an inch


