I can't believe this is fucking happening to me. My girlfriend recently started messaging some guy. She said he was a part of her online bird watching group. A couple of times I saw a text from him with kissy faces and confronted her about it, but she just said it was a part of his culture so I let it go. A couple of weeks ago she said she was going to Australia to take pictures of kangaroos and other birds. She just came back today, and she's fucking pregnant. She also said she's leaving me for some Australian guy. She said she loves his accent, and he has a sense of humor unlike me. What the fuck do I do? I'm literally fucking crying and holding a loaded gun to my head as I type this.
I can't believe this is fucking happening to me. My girlfriend recently started messaging some guy...
Other urls found in this thread:
>getting this worked up over a woman
I was also 15 once
You date an Australian girl or fuck your cucker
Don't kill yourself and get out and find somebody better and real.
She needs to BTFO
Dont trust them hoes, go to Orthodox church and find yourself a good girl. Get over that dumb bitch. Be an Alpha
Do it. The worldis fucked. Don't let that shit ruin everything.
Literally none of this happened.
this, say you're into it, ask for a threesome and make sure you rail his ass
>online bird watching group
Small kek
cheer up, user. Maybe it's an abo.
Possibly but what if it did.
This could possibly be some poor soul seeking help.
>its an aussie shitposting on american proxy episode
find a way to fuck with her life, channel your anger into making her miserable, don't be a bitch
>second day in a row some burger has been cucked by an australian
oof, user, drop the thot and move on. surround yourself with your closest friends. she missed out, and is going to go broke on those ground harnesses anyways.
>I'm literally fucking crying and holding a loaded gun to my head
I don't believe you. Post a time stamp, and then I will give you actual advice on your situation if true.
>she's pregnant, moving abroad, and you're not married to her
Sounds to me like you dodged a bullet. Most women would lie to you in order to get you to raise her kid. At least this way she can overdose on meth on another continent and you won't have to worry about her.
kill yourself, not your personal blog faggot
You got cucked by an aussie. Mate you're fucked.
>killing yourself for a roastie
become our hero user
>holding a loaded gun to my head as I type this.
How did you capitalize the I?
>1 post by this ID
Wew lad
Dont date degenerates please
Also, learn to tame your women
I found all of my exes doing this after a certain length of time. I usually say something like ''you know, if you want to take miles of random cock you can just leave me and do it on your own time and keep me out of it?". But then I usually fuck their best friend out of spite and then never even officially give them a break up notice and ghost them until they realize I hate their filthy guts.
>bird watching group
Simple fix, ready?
>end relationship cold turkey, do not respond to any of her communications
>start lifting and be social
>if possibly find an athletic hobby you enjoy (hiking, rockclimb, or just stick to gym
>be a man and realize people will let you down in life, but if you are secure then all you need in the end is yourself
Dodged a bullet man. You got rid of the skank and now know the signs of impending hoery. Good luck.
You'll get over it and then find someone else, it happens to lots of people, imagine if we all blew our brains out there would be no Sup Forums left
Are you a handlet? Does your keyboard not have 2 shift keys? Use your pinky to hold down the shift key and press the I. Or, if you want to be inefficient, use the caps lock.
I swear you leaf posters are just as retarded when you are serious as you are being an ironic shitposter.
I find it hard to believe an Aussie would cuck someone, he probably a Kiwi putting on an accent.
How can other Anglos even compete?
Asking the real questions
>online bird watching group.
Stopped reading there.
Looks like you got Dingo'd m8.
Start writing better fiction.
Yeah bud just move on for fucks sake.
Simple. Shoot up a school like any rational man.
>Cucked by an Australian
Maybe you should stop crying like a little bitch and man up Amerifat, not her fault she lusted for the seed of a real man instead of you.
>letting her go alone in a foreign country to meet a foreign man
also this isn't r9k
pack a bag, gas up the car call friends, family in other states and hit the road. Leave town for a fortnight when you return all the shit you feel now will all be gone, guaranteed. In fact you'll wonder why you were with her in the first place asnd why you didn't dump her months ago.
>t. Ausfag on Vacation to the US
Meanwhile your gf is fucking Kangaroo Jack behind your back.
this desu. Aussies are top tier bros. Kiwis are heartless savages.
Jesus Christ you pussy. It's just some dumb cunt. Do you have any idea how easily replaceable a warm hole is?
On second thought, Kys
Then he should attention attention whore on /soc/ or /adv/ you fucking inbred
give it time. dont be an idiot . the first week is always the worst. fuck australia, that place is shit and she will be back once that dude realizes she is only getting fatter and dumps her. then you can tell her to piss off
You have to have a REALLY poor soul to seek relationship advice on fucking Sup Forums...
Does raping their best friend count?
>australian proxy
Lol what a faggot. The reason she left you is because you're the type of guy who writes whiney sob stories on Sup Forums of all places. If women wanted an emotional tampon she'd buy one from the grocery store
Get the gun away from your head. Unload it. Preferably lock it up and forget where you put the key for a while.
You get more desirable as you get older. The chick shouldn't have lied to you but, well, she did and it's on her.
Kick her out if she's in your place, and get on with your life. You have much female pleasure in your future and probably a lot of kids with a better woman.
Forget about her and move on.
Is there any zoophillia with kangaroos in it?
That shit would be epic and you know there is a degenerate who would fuck that roo
untrue and homosexual
Yesterday you posted the female version of this story from the news article and now you came back to post from the 1st person.
He probably used capslock.
before you kill youself, take out a bunch of niggers at least you pussy
>Australian man in America has waited days to get here to shitpost with an American flag
You've been doing this all day
I have images of kangaroo pussy I saved for shitposting. But there is an actual video of a guy fucking a kangaroo that I've seen posted on here before. I sadly don't have that one.
lol assuming this is real, you probably should have wisened up when she fed you that bullshit excuse about the kissy faces being a part of his 'culture'. they're aussies, not fucking frenchmen, ???
No offense, but based on this post I don't blame her for leaving you. Women hate this kind of desperate attention for good reason. I'm seriously not trying to be a dick. There are more important things in the world than which dumbass emotional wreck you're fucking.
>mrw your girl comes to town
I remember similar thread from yesterday
This is a good thing mate.
Bitches are bitches
Whores will be whores
Time for you to find a real woman worth your time
Lol Ausfag with an American proxy. Gud1 m8
Why do people bring relationship problems to a politics board?
>1 Post by this ID
Fuck you, reported.
Mate the whole country had a ride of your missus, top sheliah m8 I crocodile dundee'd that pussy
Rape? Their besties always craved me. You can see their jealous lust filled eyes when you purposefully chose a homely type that actually was a fraud. Always plan an escape route with your women no matter how brutal. One time (at band camp) I fucked one of their good friends and then went over to her house for one last blowjob lmao as I was smoking her last cig after blowing on her tits her friend texted her and told her she fucked me. Was pretty lulzy. Fuck sluts.
>australian with a proxy - the post
>he probably a Kiwi putting on an accent.
other countries cant tell the difference between our accents though remember?
he probably just said hes from australia because its easier than explaining that New Zealand actually exists
>austrailian guy
you done cucked white boi, by superior emu cock
>My girlfriend recently started messaging some guy.
>She said he was a part of her online bird watching group.
Literally stopped reading there just so I could write this.
>Fucking birdwatching??
user are you stupid or something?
it's like she knew you were such a gullible fuck that she didn't even bother to think of a convincing lie.
This. fpbp. /thread
Get over dude, also
>1 post by this ID
The thread ended here gentlemen
Your girlfriends a whore dude. Dont worry about it most women are. Youre just some young fag who cant tell yet.