>core fans dropped 31% in one month
>47% questioned viewed the NFL in an unfavorable light
>Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has flipped his position: "Any player who is "direspectful to the flag won't be allowed to play"
>Steven Ross Dolphins owner has flipped his position and made it an official rule that his players will stand for the pledge or not play
>Kaepernick still unsigned and promising he'll stand for the anthem if anyone let's him play
You niggers thought people were supporting you in your pointless protests, they don't support you at all. You've failed. It's over.
In just over one month, NFL has become the least-liked sport in the US
Other urls found in this thread:
It hit their bottom line harder than they anticipated. Trump is just fanning the flames for a sideshow piece and a bonus revenge for the USFL smothering.
> sports
The past few hears I tried to affect an interest in sports because it seemed healthy, outgoing and normal.
Now I can see it stunts the brains of all the faggots duped into following that shit. It encourages alcoholism and drug use, and wastes a great deal of time that might be better invested. Sports people seem to me 100% obese. They should play some instead of watching it.
I also have some personal experience comparing parts of my extended family and their relative interest in sports. Let's just say the sports fans died from drugs, drink and suicide.
eggballers and blm btfo
white cucks are waking up
A month ago there was never any nigger ball threads on Sup Forums. I wish we could go back.
Also encourages gambling which when taken too far is also degenerate as fuck.
Jones didn't flip. He was like that even last year.
t. Cowboys fan
>watching niggers fight over a nigger egg while said niggers shit on the flag and for which it stands.
>will stand for pledge
There's a reason gambling is way more illegal than alcohol
Cowboys succ this season. Our defense is shit and Jerry Jones is an idiot for trying to pander to his players, now they are 2-3 and Jerry realizes this season is already lost.
This whole taking a knee thing is fucking autistic.
>Slavery ends
>Fuckers shut up for once about their rights
>Suddenly some fuckwit decides that nobody is equal quite yet
>Start demanding more and more shit
>Start making claims that institutional racism still exists despite blacks having exact same rights as whites
>Blacks can now more easily get into college than whites
>Tfw still oppressed
>Suddenly multi-millionaires start taking fucking knees during the anthem because black criminals are getting killed by cops just trying to do their fucking job and there's still rampant racism
This fucking country seemed fine for ten years then some shithead had to go fuck everything up. I'm tired of this shit pol, how do we fix this shit?
do the sportsbooks pay royalties or anything to the NFL? ive recently taken up sports betting since the most recent mayweather fight
I watch sports to get more smart
>first Deflagegate
>then Kneegate
>now Fumblegate
This is the price of turning American Football into niggerball.
Why don't you go complain in the millionth "drumpf btfo" thread?
there is some hope for the world
>not realizing that the term 'Football' doesn't refer to hitting the ball with your foot, but the act of playing the game on foot rather than on horseback
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the names of Association Football or American Football.
Let's go after The NBA next.
Remove ALL golden tickets.
No moar scholarships.
They have to go back
It's literally the only solution
Rot in hell niggerball.
At least the NHL and NASCAR will be here to absorb your old viewerbase.
>They should play some instead of watching it.
THIS. Playing sports is more fun than watching and keeps you fit. Just watching sports is pretty cucked.
Hope you guys realize this is going to be included in the history books as the KKK Strikes Back: Handegg Boogaloo and you've pretty much embarrassed us as a country
faggot cuck
>you're an embarrassment to the country anytime you ignore some uppity nigger's baseless protest
Yeah ok faggot. You're obviously not a kike for sure.
>racism was almost over... then americans stopped watching basketball americans because of "drumpfy" so we had to send in the troops and check their privilege
white genocide will be blamed on you faggot and history will say we deserved it
Yeah, he tried to pacify them by having the team kneel when they came out onto the field, then stand for the anthem. That wasn't satisfying enough for the left though so he just went hard edged.
basketball? Nigger we're talking about football ITT. How many drugs are you on right now you fucking degenerate? Try to keep up. Also, how the fuck is it racist to not watch a sports channel? You're seriously fucking retarded.
Most military history buffs were never in the military, most sports fans never played sports. It's just one of those things.
well the black community as a whole is still at a disadvantage but thats just because of the shit that happened back before the Civil rights shit, we arent really trying anymore they were fucked from the start
so when are the diminishing returns on this investment going to start appreciating properly?
To hell with the Nigger Felon League. And fuck the Nigger Ball Association.
Time to get back to America's Pastime: Baseball.
How many generations have to pass before niggers stop blaming slavery? The jews seemed to have done fine after the holocaust, so what's a nigger's excuse?
Man, who would have known Americans hate having niggers shit on the American flag. Gee wiz
Just play the fucking game holy shit, don't bring your faggot politics into sports
Is this real or fake news? I have a ton of normie friends who know my power level and I haven't heard about this. Also the cowboys just kneeled during a different part of the game.
Oh no! Germany just started
fuck if i know, probably when do something actually intelligent about it.
not slavery dude, its from after when they all got shoved in shitty neighborhoods were they have stayed for all time since
Fuck Spicball
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
no not the eurofags too
I thought it took less than a month for this to happen.
>fuck if i know, probably when do something actually intelligent about it.
so after yet another investment
niggers ruining things what else is new .
time to make the switch to NHL
The White Man's Game
we all know they are shit with money
its gonna be a while before another good investment
Good thing is that nobody knows what that shit should stand for. Plus there is no anthem. But, well, as you see they have a nigger
>kapernick says he'll stand if they let him play
lol no fucking way. Source?
Neighborhoods only become shitty if the residents are shitty
Cowboys kneeling was a turning point, especially after one of the players let it slip afterwards the team wanted "to send a message to Trump".
Fuck the NFL.
Time to see what it is like to spend a few years without pro football.
fuck no
The potential for conflict of interest in any arrangement that has payments between gamblers and leagues is ridiculously bad. .
It’s too late for the nfl, the damage is already done. Even if every player stands, most viewers aren’t coming back. Just watch hockey, it’s a much whiter sport anyways.
It's not true. Some dude reported that and then retracted it, but the story lived on.
It's time to reboot the XFL and meme player names like "He Hate Me".
>NFL has become the least-liked sport in the US
I didn't like it to begin with.
Why anyone pays to watch a bunch of niggers running is beyond me.
baseball is better anyway
Even the most self-hating of whites can only be told they're pieces of shit by birth for so long. It exhausts people and if they actually look at any black community for more than 5 minutes, they start to get the gist of why it's all bullshit.
Hockey is where it's at.
>Hockey is where it's at.
The negro is beginning to play hockey.
Stop this cultural appropriation, FFS.!
nigger ball
Highest standard of living for blacks on the planet. World's 8th largest economy just by themselves.
>We're so disadvantaged! Never had a shot! Keeping us down. WUZ!
let that mother fucker burn
It looked like it was. CBS and other sites that wouldn't lie against his favor were reporting it. But they soon retracted it so I'm assuming it was false.
>blacks tell whitey they suck repeatedly
>blacks tell whitey their country sucks repeatedly
>not only do they say this, it's widely televised and supported by the teams
>whitey says 'I don't want to watch black millionaires tell me they're oppressed ad nauseum'
>tune out
>blacks lose money
>blacks hurt themselves for biting the hand that feeds them
>mfw the pay in their contracts is cut in half
>mfw they blame whitey for it again
And why are they disadvantaged? Oh my, look at what they do, they vote for welfare! It's like they just want to be vote slaves. And why look at the communities. Let's encourage gang violence, drugs and fucking bitches. They don't actually look towards improving their communities, leaving them as shitholes. Perhaps, it's not that they're being oppressed, but rather they oppress themselves and then accuse everyone else of oppressing them for guilt and gibs?
He cucked though
Fuck him
We don't. Getting shit fixed means the Jews won't have power anymore. Jews don't want other people to have power. Remember that Jews control 98% of American corporations but only make up 2% of the population.
They should've known better then to reveal their power level in a sport watched predominately by old guard conservative/right white males.
Is that why the illegitimacy rate of the black community has been GROWING for the past 50 years? Keep in mind 2 parent black households have a 7% poverty rate and it's been in the single digits since 1994.
Blacks have children whey they can't afford them, keep themselves poor, don't have a strong father figure to help teach them right from wrong, and end up as criminals who impregnate hood rats who do the same process over and over. Some children rise above that and climb out of that shit. Some single moms do work hard despite their mistakes to make their children succeed. But too many do not. Too many don't give a shit about being married. About having a stable family. About reducing the 77% (SEVENTY-SEVEN) illegitimacy rate. That means 77% of black children are born to single mothers. Nobody thinks this is a problem that fuels poverty, crime, and the endless cycle thereof? No. This is the problem nobody addresses because there's no possible way you can blame whitey for you busting a nut in the front hole too much.
yeah it turns out people don't like raving marxist in all american events, who would thought
I love when they say 'oh what about the wifebeaters/dogfighters? THIS is worse than that???'
In a way, yes because they're not beating their wife on the field and making me watch it. They're not televising that and endorsing it. I don't have to watch Ray Rice beat his wife if I don't want to. This is BLM bullshit being shoved down everyone's throats during a time some people actally respect in this country.
Sup Forums always wins OP. We are too powerful. Even the mighty NFL, the organization that usurped Sunday from God, will bend the knee to us
neither one of those are illegal
this defies reason
Lol suck dick you cuck, faggot. KYS
does he pull the trigger?
I would kill for the XFL to take off.
Throw in some WWE type drama during half time to make us chuckle and just let the guys play good football.
The problem is I was at a restaurant on Sunday and there was plenty of people that were interested in it.
Then again it was commiefornia so that might be a factor.
Kurtis Blow!
>oldfag here
if you are going to watch sports can you at least not watch cuckball
I'm saying he was 'hard edged' well before this season.
He cucked and did the pre-anthem kneel with the rest of the team. Fuck this faggot sport. Did you kneel for the Dallas or Baton Rouge cops killed in cold blood, Jerry?
What's wrong with kneeling? They're literally just bringing attention to attacks/injustices to black people
Shouldn't he be brown since it's France
Y'all is sum stoopid ass crackas
Who tf plays these games for you guys?
Who tf be makin yo albums ur white bitches dance 2 at da clubs
Who tf was telling niggers to get to the back of the bus?
Your racist ass fathers and your grandfathers
Who remembers these times and still sees it in its own subversive way?
Shut the fuck up about your stupid fucking white pride it shows you guys are afraid, and you faggots should be, you guys fucked up the second you started putting chains on them.
Hope you enjoy basketball going to shit, wait until hockey starts diversifying too hahahaha
>this enrages the insecure white man
Eat a dick, vote for Trump again faggots.
P.S. i love how the POTUS is screaming that it isn't patriotic what theyre doing and pulls out the "MUH VETS" card whenever he fucking wants to.
It's not about the vets faggots! I know its very fucking easy to say that it is cause it rustles up everyones jimmies cause oh no! "Not 'murica's vets!!! Not the flag!!!! Yew kno what that flag stands fer!!"
That flag stands for their right to protest even if you fucking assholes dont agree with it.
What a fucking disgrace. Same with his bitch boy Pence.
I like Soccer games more no commercials at all!
NFL games are like one big Commercial with fixed endings!
NBA is rigged all round,
I am pretty sure they already have the Championship script done!
Guys, we may need to think a bit more about this thing. What if we started kneeling over conservative issues? Imagine the shitstorm if people started kneeling to bring attention to abortion or degradation of the family, etc. I'd love to see the reaction to a football player kneeling over the 50 million abortions committed in the US after Roe v. Wade.
what should be the new national sport of the usa ?
Let these millionaires do that shit on their own time. As long as we working cucks are paying hundreds of dollars to go to their games and buy their overpriced team shit we don't care to have a politically motivated protest predicated on a lie: 'hands up, don't shoot' shoved down our throats on our day off. Kill yourself.
good. football is fucking gay.
WHy do they wear the tights and the shoulder armor? Are they gay roman gladiators??
Also, America paid for every slave that wanted to go back to Africa. They also created the entire country of Liberia for ex-slaves to have their own homeland back in Africa. I can tell you right fucking now, that 99% of those ex-slave descendants wish their motherfucking grandpa stayed in South Carolina.
Trump is amazing. He singlehandedly did this with a speech and a couple of tweets.
I want them to keep kneeling. Trump is right you know.
Only niggers can be subpar IQ, get a free ride through school and then signed into the pro league for millions without ever even playing a single game in the pro league and still believe they are not getting their gibbs me.
I want them to keep kneeling until they are all sacked. Then I want to drink all their tears.
This is glorious.
baseball and hockey are still the white man's sport.