Why are niggers so stupid and ugly and violent

honestly im getting tired of looking at them or even reading about them three degrees removed. they fucking suck. half of them can't even fucking read. pretty sure my dog is smarter than them as well. what the fuck is your problem niggers. does anyone like you? has anyplace in the world been improved by the addition of niggers?

pic related, this is pretty much what niggers strive to become in the united states, this would be considered martin luther king tier nowadays

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It’s bwcause they all smoke marihuana cigarettes

>why are niggers so stupid and ugly and violent

Because they're black.

Well that ones smart (pic related).
Or at least he was smart, he's OD'd a number of times since then. He was an excellent student with perfect manners go figure.

A white man saved his life when he was little, he declined to join any black movements.






Wayne is based. Pick almost any other rapper and you might have a point. But with him you're making yourself look bad



This is now a nigger hate thread. Post your best gore Webms of niggers dying.

idiot. he drinks too much coedine syrup. which makes you = not based


Most of the rappers from the Dirty South era in Houston are dead now because they OD'ed on purple drank.

Genetics, IQ, Evolution, etc.

It's honestly not that bad. Since niggers never achieved anything I get a clean slate to start a legacy for my race. I have the power to make a huge contribution in this current day and age.

But will I? Probably not unless the opportunity is randomly given. I'm perfectly fine with white gibs and taking advantage of the system for gains.


Racial IQ is obviously a component but I think the welfare state combined with (((cultural))) weaponry really ruined the American black community. Blacks
have always been more prone to violence and petty crime but strong traditional culture shamed that behaviour and many black communities were successful pre-great society.

In turn that culture was in turn weaponized and turned against the rest of society to bring us all into maximum goydom.

>Hans was triggered...

get in here