I'm legitimately curious
How many of you are just self hating Jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
Half. Dad was bar-mitzvahed. I don't hate Jews, I hate smug, hypocritical liberals and communists and this is the perfect place to vent.
[spoiler]Secular Jew reporting in [/spoiler]
I'm Jewish as well.
Is that the guy from Austin Powers movie?
>I hate smug, hypocritical liberals and communists
aka mostly Jews and mostly Jews
If they happen to be Juden, so be it.
I'm a Jew and I legitimately think Hitler did nothing wrong.
So if you are Jews can you confirm the world domination plot?
the only people i've met irl that have browsed this site would qualify as self-hating jew
Sup Forums is a Jewish board
I can only remember fragments since after I became self hating they wiped most of my memory and took all my sheckel savings
Half, so not technically jewish. I honestly believe in in the holocuast. It's sad that we wouldn't leave to the holy land earlier, we did not belong in Germany. I wish Librelism would die in American jews, it's sad to see.
Just sad in general about the state of everything
Not a self hating jew but a self hating abo, my people are fucking monkeys.
all Christcucks are Jews by association (Christ being a Jew)
Islam is the only true way.
My people didn't like me because I wasn't good enough at being one of them.
So I was an edgy kid. And then I learned a lot of stuff. And now I'm going to make sure there's none of them.
I became a self hating jew and right wing edgelord after some kids in middle school called me a kike and gave the hitler salute. I realized it would be much easier to just accept this shit than be a crybaby about mean words people said to me. Glad I came to that realization or else I may have strayed down a dark path.
Nice rationalization. You're genetically evil and there's nothing you can do about it.
Fuck off Ahmed
Christianity is literally post savior Judaism, while Jews still await a savior. Islam is the final redpill that Sup Forums is unwilling to swallow. If it originated in Europe we would be all for it.
Not self hating; I get quite a kick out of how all-powerful and evil people think we are.
>self hating
Why would I hate being a part of the master race while ruling over the goyim
Reminder that Sup Forums is 20% ashkenazi.
You're still technically Jewish bud
Even the self hating kikes should be gassed
moms side is jewish, my jewish family members are alright, but anyone denying that diaspora are causing problems should be thrown into gas chambers with them.
Jews are basically whites who are slightly less willing to sell out their own people.
If you knew 1/10th of what the German/British/American elites did you'd see Bibi as a saint.
gotta be more than that.
Nice post leaf, want to come to the White House?
That Jews hate themselves is more bullshit Jew psychodrama.
Jews don't hate themselves. They hate you, goy.
my best friend is a jew, and I'm cheap and neurotic as fuck. Does that count?
>tfw no jewish gf to bitch at me
It's usually half-jews who aren't accepted by the kikes in any way that matters (money+power)
Jokes on them, I've got the genetic advantages of scheming and trickery along with light brown hair and ice blue eyes, and I'd rather identify with White America over anyone else ANYWAY.
>i ruin kike lives daily now
really though it makes perfect sense. jews are naturally right wing (they know what they're doing when they inflict 'left-wing' values on the goyim), they're racist, they love talking about jews.. Sup Forums is the perfect place
First stage of recovery is acceptance user
half jew, half self-hating signing in
Nuremberg Laws?
Half Jewish on my mother's side. I was raised Catholic and grew up having very little contact with my Jewish family outside of my mom. The very little contact I did have with them pretty much deterred me from Jewish culture altogether; they're extremely elitist, nepotistic, and generally unpleasant to be around. Hanging around Orthodox Jews is like hanging around a bunch of autistic people. I don't "hate" Jews per say, but sometimes I really do wish I was fully white, especially since I know that it's primarily been Jews pushing all this multiculturalism and Marxism bullshit. I really hate my gross khazar hair too and recently I've started wearing a hat everywhere I go to cover it.
Question. What exactly makes Orthodox Jews autistic in your eyes?
>1 jew by this oven
Gtfo fucking kike.
They're just generally unfeeling and detached from the world around them, as if they can only acknowledge the existence of the people inside their own little clique. They also do shit like this:
He didn't gas the Jews, that was his mistake. Thankfully, those that study history, learn from past mistakes.
# of rapefugees living within 100 miles of these kikes: 0
I'm a Jew that hates you, cuck.
I am a self hating mongrel does this count?
Luckily i got 89% white with few nigger genes and my father hazel eyes. Fuck TWO of my great grandmothers for racemixing
I am a self hating mongrel, does this count?
Luckily i got 89% white with few nigger genes and my father hazel eyes. Fuck TWO of my great grandmothers for racemixing
Fuck my stupid phone
>i ruin kike lives daily now
Wew you jews sure love your semantics
Any Jew makes you a complete Jew Pinocchio
I'm a self hating/loving crypto-kike. Slaves tell you crackers to check your privilege because they think your the master. My Ashkenazi cousins tricked them into thinking that. I get to walk between both worlds. We're the one's with the real privilege. I look Aryan but concealed carry the Jew victim card, the most powerful card in the victim deck. I get to be schlomo without his ugly hook nose. Feels good. Until I reflect on the terrible things and schemes my 'people' have done.
Spicy old meme lad
why are you more jewish than you are aryan?
Because of the power. I was a NEET for many years. Then made a lot of money for reasons unrelated to merit, completely related to Jewish Tribalism. Biologically I'm only 1/16 Ashkenazi. But it's all the way up the matrilineal line. And that's all they care about
Jews have aquired a lot of power due to the way their culture works, where they get to be left alone to read and study in their own little communeties. All that education will land some pretty nice positions within society
I don't hate Jews, it's just that power itself have this tendency to really turn people into a bunch of shits, Jews are no exception to this. When Sup Forums discovers ((coincidences)) they don't often consider the possibility it has more to do with terrible things people in power do, rather it simply becomes yet another rallying cry to denounce every single kike.
If you really want to beat Jews you have to see how ((they)) get ahead and emulate that. Get a nice education, take risks and form a strong bond between yourself and other of your kind in order to get a nice network of contacts that can work together and help each other out. Side effect of this would be that you're likely to become an asshole the more powerful you get.