Are these guys relevant at all or just crack pots?
The other people are fine but Alex comes off as a bit a spastic
Are these guys relevant at all or just crack pots?
The other people are fine but Alex comes off as a bit a spastic
Other urls found in this thread:
Alex is a ZOG Fed agent like Richard Spencer and Matthew Heimbach both on Payroll for The Israeli ZOG behind White Genocide world wide.
THESE GUYS are where it's at, the ONLY SOLUTION to all of this idiocy we see today:
18 pages of proof Nat Soc is not "racist":
Don’t talk shit about me
>i like the jews but Alex is crazy
I hate Australia so much. It's like an entire continent of retarded people
Threadly reminder he swore, under oath, that he plays a character and it's purely for entertainment purposes only. Anyone who thinks TPTB would let someone openly reveal their deepest darkest secrets and get away with it is very naive. Seth Rich tried it at a very small, discreet and anonymous level and look what happened to him.
Info wars is great for most news.
I now listen to Real News with David Knight more.
The news of infowars, but with a calm and very intelligent man. When people bring up criticisms of infowars they always just bring up Alex, but there is no real arguement against David.
Alex (((Jones))) is a fearless warrior for truth, justice and the American way. He would never in a million years sell his soul to the (((highest bidder))) so shut the fuck up and buy some alpha male tablets.
I'm not trying to say anything like that, just trying to get your opinion on them
I'm honestly not sure what to think about them
And by "other people" I mean the other journos at infowars
No shit he plays a character. You are an idiot. The news is still relevant and covers topics most other organizations wont.
He has to entertain for viewers.
I think Alex is the greatest internet and political personality of all time. The Cuck Slayer, Owen, is probably second.
Owen is good. He says some very important things and is almost always on target with analysis. I just don't like how he tries to be like Alex sometimes. It just comes off as ignorant.
He just wants you to buy his vitamins
>plays a character
>You are an idiot
Can you use the correct form of they’re so I can save that?
Alex Jones : Israel is Arming ISIS & AlQaeda to Conquer Syria & Stop Iran Pipeline
Alex Jones Exposes Jew Control of US Government & 9/11 Mossad Involvement :
Israel using AlQaeda to Kill Syrians & Overthrow Assad - Alex Jones
Alex Jones says Talmud Judaism is Satanism
Caller Exposes Mossad 9/11 Involvement on Alex Jones Show
State Dept Official: Israel & Saudi Arabia created ISIS with CIA - Dr Steve Pieczenik
They used to be more fun and now they try be a legitamate news site. I thought they should have gone all WWE with news such as just cover crazy college mobs and conspiracy theories.
>cant figure out how to post gifs
infowars is the only relevant news source you fucking faggot
>He thinks all anchors are their real selves
>He confuses journalists for anchors
Lel. I dont know why you are so booty blasted about Alex, but feel free to give me some standards by which to compare him.
Whatcha doing ALEX?
>cant figure out how to post gifs
>literally just posted one
No, no, keep buying those vitality pills and water filters man. Fight the power and buy buy BUY.
This stuff is the only time I fast forward.
I am skeptical of the model beong proposed for man-made climate change, but the organization is not knowledgeable on any of the science.
The entire company browses pol and uses what we find as their own journalism.
u spend 2 much time here dare u to delete your 4chin folder
this guy's right, but you can still get some good info from the show if you listen realizing that Alex's primary role is to cover up for the Jewish foundation of the NWO.
Some good info but largely crackpots
He exposed bohemian Grove. Utter elitist Satanic ritual faggotness that no one would believe inless it was filmed.
they're committed to running stories the mainstream media ignores which occasionally renders them useful, however they are far more prone to sensationalism than their supporters would ever admit.
Alex Jones is a massive retard and most of his supporters will admit it. PJW isn't an idiot but he's a terrible hypocrite so it's hard to take him seriously.
The comments section is weapons grade cancer but then again so is every comments section these days.
I try to catch Mr. Stone when I can. You don't fuck with him. Crazy smart bastard
Alex Jones admitted under oath that it's all an act.
Infowars is basically an attempt to draw conservatives into the new age remedies market.
>Infowars is the only news site with advertisements
Hahahahaha. Are you a fucking abo? This is weak bait. You dont have to buy anything. I like the food and my city's water is bad. Its better than being funded by a bunch of pharmaceutical and insurance companies
Enough crackpot bullshit to allow them to carry on. Just enough....
Anyone whos full on truth gets shut down. Alex provides enough crazy antics and batshit insane conspiracies to provide the MSM enough shit to discount so they let him keep going even though he puts in some good shit between reptilians and countless failed predictions of government actions.
They get all their intel here.
This is a good criticism. A big thing i noticed he will do is get really big guests on and corner them to make a statement so he can say that they said it on his show.
When there are things that need to be covered and the news diverts he is GOAT. I really want to see what they find with Jesus Campos in Vegas
Jones recently said that the Donald is being drugged by his white house minders... could this explain his recent descent into complete ziocon retardation????
Alex Jones should marry Glenn Beck.
Alex is redpilled but his persona is fake and for entertainment purposes as he works for Jew media.
All of his newcasts and content are satire on news media, hollywood entertainment, etc. He's not interested in being a freedom fighter or saving the world, he's interested in being entertaining, making money, and mocking the establishment AND HIMSELF.
I don't listen to Alex because of this, but I'm grateful for what I learned from him by being able to sift through the shit and know when he was joking and when he was actually referencing something real.
He plays devils advocate, plays a character, and makes it fun. He's the entry level of redpill. The baby's first woke experience. That's why I'm grateful. I did learn from him. You have to know what he is to actually understand his stuff and not be an accusatory spastic faggot about him.
Infowars isn't a legitimate news agency? What is then? Oh you mean the ones that lie daily about russia? The ones that said trump wasnt wiretapped? The ones that said iraq had wmds? That said bengazi was started by a viral video? That said hilary had a 98.2% chance of winning? That said we can keep our health insurance plan if we like it? That said its illegal to look at wikileaks? That clintons emails were no big deal? That staged muslim memorial services for children that got blown to pieces in london? That said islam is the religion of peace, that antifa are revolutionaries, and that blm are peaceful civil rights protesters? That said the president, after 40 years of being in the public spotlight just up and decided he was gonna support the kkk and nazis(who both were staged by the way)? That lied about literally ever single thing that came out of trumps mouth during the campaign? That gave clinton debate questions? That colluded with dnc on articles? And that actively gave a platform or pushed for pedophilia(cnn, wapo, nytimes, salon)? You mean those legitimate news agencies? Nah they are no longer credible and if they said the sky was blue i would still go outside to check. In order of credibility I'd go Wikileaks, Judicial Watch, Infowars, Daily Caller. Watching Alex Jones made me realize how fucking warped and brainwashed the media has made everyone. I had forgotten what being good was desu, I had forgotten what doing the right thing was. The left are literally biblical evil incarnate. Progressivism progresses towards pedophilia, communism, and genocide (which is why they love islam). I WOULD DIE FOR ALEX JONES TODAY.
You're watching too much MSM, user
Cool pasta tho
Owen Shroyer is the official /ourguy/
Millie Weavers voice is annoying desu
I mean recently Alex straight out lied and said the shooter had Antifa literature everywhere.
Never has that been proven unless it really is a big coverup. But pictures of the hotel room show zero propaganda.
they drive the austin economy
She looks super strange. She's always wearing these super elegant dresses but my subconscious mind thinks "grandma, grandma, grandma"
I don't know if you know what i'm talking about.
I have to agree, I fully believe Jones, like Trump love and care for this country. I'm a veteran and patriot, and would also take a bullet for Jones. After meeting Rob Dew and Joe Biggs, Joe Biggs was kinda a douche, but Jones knows his shit.. A bit eccentric but spot on.. People who do not respect The Good Mr. Jones and Mr. Trump are trying to do, are either certifiably fucking retarded, and should not be allowed sharp instruments let alone be involved in politics, or are Demonic Pedophile loving goblin creatures...
It aint pasta, I don't watch MSM anymore, they are evil.
KYS moarpheus
Alex comes from an older age of conspiracy theories, when we were the fringe of the fringe and we just came all fucked up.
The sheriff said that there was antifa paraphernalia in a press conference, pay attention numb nuts..
She triggered the shit out of somebody who spread a bunch of stories about her being a Hollywood gold-digger before joining Info Wars.
> Joe Biggs was a douche
Yeah I'll buy that, seems like it.
No link that shit. I just googled all of sorts of shit debunking it
No there is none. Show me nigger.
I can go on, you are using google to search which protects antifa, and so does all your sources...
All of that shit is just citing infowars dude.
I want an independent source that's not infowars.
You're trolling though or desperate.
Um I trust my news source a lot more than the lying media you quote bro.
The problem with arguing with you, is the whole notion of good versus evil. You back news agency's that are known liars, who never want to claim an Islamic attack is just that. And who call antifa bearing up people, peaceful protesters. So your sources are evil lying garbage. I would trust a talking Bologna sammich over anything the lame stream media spews.
I don't trust MSM either but I also from college learned to not just trust one source and have multiple sources to back up my thesis.
It's not a matter of msm vs non-msm. I'm a huge right wing guy that doesn't believe anything the government says let alone the media but when there's no fucking sources but ONE from infowars which is from a text message that he INSTANTLY DELETED if you watch the video.
Dude at some point, you have to wonder. You never trust one source even if it SEEMS like it's coming from a good website. Ok? That's common sense.
CNN give pedophile Jacob Schwartz a platform
SALON pushed for pedophilia
NYTIMES pushed for pedophilia
BBC pushes and protects pedophilia
WAPO gives pedophiles a platform(hiring john podesta)
No dude no. Please. It's not a this right now.
You don't just blindly follow one source even if it comes from what you think is good. That's just as bad as being a liberal antifa that believes all of the msm.
Sit back and think for a moment. This isn't a left vs right thing. I AM RIGHT WING NIGGER. It is NOT about that.
You never ever trust one source especially if you see how Alex got that source.
You can't blindly follow anything. That's the ultimate red pill.
why would you watch a three-hour-long infomercial?
When MSM considers John fucking Oliver a credible source, all bets are off at that point.
I'm not a fucking shill. And now you're conflating what I said.
I totally acknowledge msm is evil and that they push pedophilia.
Listen to what i'm saying vs getting caught up in blindly following one website.
Alex tells the truth a lot but that antifa source is a FLAT OUT LIE.
Watch the video he instantly "deletes" the text message. The whole thing is from some made up fucking source.
I can respect your thoughts on one source and usually I do, but in situations like this in trust his judgment, I know his sources and they are very good men, well and a few women.
The problem is i've seen the video where he talks about that. The first video he made about it.
He whips out his cellphone, he also tells the camera not to look at it (ok maybe he's protecting identity or maybe NOTHING is there idk honestly) and then makes the claim, and the instantly deletes so we can't even save it for later as proof.
My problem is how do I even know if that was real? He could have just pretended to get a text. And guess what? We'll never know now since he deleted it.
I just have problems with that. It's a hard redpill but maybe Alex has his own agenda. Idk.
You cant just sneak in there, dummy. He was invited as a limited hangout to give him cred to sneak into the conspiracy circles and subvert from the inside and send you on an endless wild goose chase. Simpleton gtfo
Incorrect dude... Back then, they didn't expect people to do what Jones did, their was an unspoken rule, but when you do evil shit you will be exposed..
zog agent. wake up people.
I like Alex, he plays a character, But he has a large audience and talks about news none of the msm will ever touch. I think (((they))) are scared of hin now
just find other people to watch
plenty of small and bigger channels out there, like Millennial woes
Alex acts a lot crazier than he is so the media will give him free publicity. He really can't stop interrupting though.
Nobody had broken in for decades, if ever. Probably for as long as any of the attendees have been alive. There's nothing hard to believe about the idea that security would be lax.
Also, Alex believes he and his buddy were mistaken for gay prostitutes since they were fit at the time.
When you call it a limited hangout, what details about Bohemian Grove are you suggesting Alex omitted?
Calling the owl of Minerva Molech for starters.
Hmm. I'm not sure what to make of this but it is an interesting point.
Alex Jewns and Pawl Jewseph Watson are confirmed Zionist shills.
Look Alex Jone's debate with David Duke. He got schooled so bad that he ended up deleting the interview and censoring any mention of it from the comments.