Why do white nationalists hate white Muslims? I thought you guys prioritized race over everything else?
Why do white nationalists hate white Muslims? I thought you guys prioritized race over everything else?
Islam WILL save the white race.
What's ironic is that hitler admired Islam and Muslims while Sup Forums hates them. Shows you that Jewish subversion and brainwashing has really paid off
>Why do white nationalists hate white Muslims?
Why would we prioritize mentally retarded whites?
Because Islam and leftism have become linked. I have no fucking idea why, but I'm pretty sure the next time I see an article on 'feminist Islam' I'm gonna lose it and punch my monitor.
Even based Carl Jung recognized the parallels between National Socialism and Islam
>Wife should obey husband
Based. Are you going deny this, you liberal cuck?
>Sharia should rule
Based. Why are you against this? Are you a homosexual?
>Death for adultery
Based. Why do you defend cheating whores?
>Death for leaving Islam
Again nothing wrong with this. Would you rather they leave and become degenerate atheists?
Overall I think you need to go back to plebbit
what happened to that canadian weeb muslim?
we dont
Anytime a NatSoc says Hitler did what he did for Christian Civilization, I'll post that to them
Maybe you forget to mention back then they weren't trying to invade whole damn europe. They kept to themselves, and in their little world, within the own boundaries of their countries, they were admirable. But we've experienced first hand what a piece of idiotic filth most of them represent nowadays.
bump this great thread lads
Kek, interesting point. Either race matters less than we think, or spirituality matters more than we give it credit for
Is this some of that world famous Aussie shitposting
Why in the actual fuck would you want to be /muslim/, it's the most fucked and broke religion, if you want to be /muslim/ dont be any religion at all
fucked saved
Most white converts seem to come from the Left - i.e. they convert to escape from whiteness and identify with a group they perceive to be marginalised.
Add to that non-white Muslim colonisation of Europe and the avowed hostility of most of the Islamic world to Westerners (be it liberal Muslims condemning them as "racists" or religious Muslims condemning them as "Crusaders" and engaging in religious violence and it seems pretty obvious that white nationalists would be fairly ill-disposed towards Islam as a political/demographic force, and even moreso towards white turncoats.
There's no reasoning with you kangaroo kyle
Islam is the woman beating zero fucks given alpha male who does whatever the fuck he wants and his women will always be there to support him and forgive him everything.
Christianity is the weak beta who doesn't understand why he can't get any woman.
Christianity is founded on compassion. Guess what? Weak men don't turn women on.
exactly, brainwashing worked. now everyone here is MUH BASED ISRAEL AND MURICA BEST ALLIES
because they're globalists who seek to destroy nationalism
guess what day it is?
The same reason why we hate white liberals. Kill a traitor before you kill an enemy.
Might as well ask why one would kill a traitor before killing an enemy.
the basic tenets of mohammedanism are one ummah (i.e. globalism), hence no ethno nationalist will support that
>killing other whites because you disagree with their religion
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.
We're coming after you kikes and we're going to behead you.
my third wife her son
Listen here Traitors are first up against the wall so dont go braying about some sand nigger semite while claiming you are white.
>some sand nigger semite
you mean jesus
Jesus was a Semite Christianity is not a white mans religion.
You advocate for killing whites because you're a (((Jew))).
Guess what (((Jew))) your head is going to be removed from your body if you attempt to do such a thing. White Muslims are some of the vicious warriors out there and are not to be messed with.
Pic related: you.
You are the one worshiping a Semite religion. Jew. Now you know why the Jackboot lands on your neck.
i dont think thats him
that man looks too injured to type
You're not very smart for issuing threats of violence towards white Muslims.
"Weakness" in Christianity is prevalent only in the 20th century and beyond you spic dodo, have you not read up on the crusades, especially in Spain?
Islam is a shitty solution to the problems of the west
Literally submitting to arabs, same reason arabs would have issue with brainwashed arabs brainwashed to white supremacy.
>I'm Gonna Smash you White B-
Shut the fuck up nigger.
t. Mahmoud McLaugherty
Because it's like a white person flying the flag of the enemy.
Fuck off you jizz breath kangaroo humping muzzie loving waste of air
Islam is anti-space colonization.
His nigger wife is better looking while he is also less attractive. That white Muslim oil-driller is just baffling.
>when the religion of peace hits just right
>always kill a traitor before an enemy, jimbo
Are you having a laff m8
If you have open borders blaming anyone but yourselves for your predicament is silly.
How do you deal with the fact in mohammedanism, a black is considered equal to whites?
Arab taqiyya, islam the house being arabs always wins.
Before the war on terror perpetuated by neocons the Muslims in the US voted conservative.
All sane people hate muslims because Islam is a death cult.
Fat chance any ignorant whore dabbling in that sand nigger bullshit is dead to us- for real, we will cheer on the members of your gang rape - the upside is we will all have an amazing #metoo to post about!
>putting religion before race
If I care about the health of my body do I not remove cancer because it's part of my body?
Communism/Marxism is the link
read up on the ideologies in the middle east
most non believers have leftist ideas
probably still say they are muslim to not get slaughtered
the PLO is a good place to start
look into the groups that formed it and have been absorbed by it
and the lebanese civil war
helped by commies
Before the eyes of God we're all equal.
It's a contrast with Kikes being "Chosen" by God.
Because my fairy tales is right but your fairy tales is wrong!
Most race mixers are Christian
Straw man argument. Where's the all the threads and posts hating on White muslims? Oh that's right, there aren't any. What about White muslims though? Like White communists, sjws, etc. they will be cut down just the same when they carry out mudism.
Many don't.
It's stupid. The races are not equal and should not be before any deity
I don't hate white muslims - never even seen a white muslim until linda sarsour, and for most of that, I tought she was just a light skinned arab.
but if i did condemn white muslims, it would because islam is a nigger religion founded by niggers and is based on a kike religion...
either way, it's not like i would cast out white muslims from a white nation... you can condemn something while being tolerant of the persons existence
you are right though, i would prioritize their whiteness over any retarded beliefs... besides, that's what reeducation camps are for
Only bluepilled faggots hate Muslims. That's not to say we want them in our countries, they will be Reconquistas out. But at this point its not because they are Muslim, but because they are not us. They are a foreign race
I hate all muslims, not just the white ones.
Islam will save us
kys retard
They capture some White tourist?
Mohammedanism preaches one ummah. No borders, no countries, etc. What we need is either an ethno nationalist paganism, or agnostism
What an idiot. He's follow the mud cult so could have forcefully picked a human but went with a sheboon. Just, wow.
White muslims are cucks of the highest order and traitors to our ancestors.
Also, show me one muslim couple where both the man and woman are white. Usually it's a woman who has converted to appease her psychotic husband. Women are cucks like that
>Communism/Marxism is the link
Communism/marxism denies all those fairytales invented to fool uneducated peasants.
Communism/marxism tells than only materialistic and logical thinking can help people understand world around.
Your western leftists have nothing with those philosophy except symbols and other cosplay elements.
You cherrypicked a mildly attractive one. This is what the average white Muslim actually looks like.
>Only bluepilled faggots hate Muslims.
Doesn't mean islam will prevent race mixing.
That's a good thing. There's nothing wrong with the Ummah as whites will maintain their birth rates and have peace with other races. It's global utopia without the degeneracy. I support it :)
Islam is at it's core a religion of Arab supremacy.
You're just jealous. Sweden will be a Muslim country one day , Inshallah. This will happen whether you like it or not.
>Before the eyes of God we're all equal.
Before the eyes of your god you are equal to shitskins. Sucks to have your god as your god.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
would make my third wife tbqh senpai
Nope. It's a religion of white supremacy as prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was white.
Hitler was not a practicing Christian and no doubt Christianity was opposite of Natsoc in someways but there is no proof he ever said this.
what the fuck are you even saying
we have clearly been indoctrinated with marxisms new form post modernism which is why we are bringing subhuman filth in and the faggots pushing for the scum coming are using post modern arguments to justify it
all the pallywood shit is desgned to make marxed out retards feel bad
Islam is basically beta fascism where women who are dying to cheat on their husbands can't because stoning
(many probably do but are way more covert due to aforementioned reason)
>my great-great-grandfather sucked dick therefore I should do so as well!
What your ancestors did means nothing to what you should do.
Are bosnians and chechnyans not white?
Btw dont forget the highest donator of weapons to the Irish Republican Army was a muslim known as Gaddafi.
Race is everything in regards to country, and shitskin cults have no place in the culture of the white race.
>he doesn't want to keep women in line
Spot the cuck hahhahahahaha, bet your mother and your sisters are whores that's why you're against stoning lol, did your mother cheat on your dad with a black guy? hhahahaha
Camel piss overdose.
Cool then we'll have to kill the christians too since they worship a shitskin God too
Wrong, cuck. It means shitskins will immigrate to white countries and interbreed because muh one ummah
Then explain why the 70,000 Bosnian Muslims that joined the Waffen SS all got copies of qurans with swastikas on them. Checkmate u lil Leaf.
I never said we had to kill any of them. We can deport them like Hitler did to the Jews.