
To be fair, we whites did hold them for slavery like 150 years ago so

He dindu nuffin he waz a gud boy


More propaganda for the 4th Reich.

In Soviet America, coal burns you.

This. I do not care about some mud shark

she paid the toll, i would love to see him hang for it anyway though

Become the coal ?

Another day where the sun came and laid,
another coal burner has gone to the toll and paid.

>Tellis faces another murder indictment in Louisiana, where he's accused in the torture death of Meing-Chen Hsiao, a 34-year-old Taiwanese graduate student at the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

>No trial date has been set in that case.

is this what they call black privilege?

>burned her alive after "violent sex"

So was it consensual but violent or are they sugarcoating rape? How did it move from that to burning her alive?

side note
>burn the coal, pay the toll

Looking at the details of the case I suspect he probably did it but considering the evidence being presented pretty hard to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
Poorly investigated by those officers, I can't believe they weren't able to conjure any better evidence to support the case. The prosecution's whole argument seems to be around that he was in the area and that the investigators suspected he was lying during interrogation.
The detectives involved should hang their heads in shame for not being able to gather better evidence than that. Surely there was something else they could have gathered.


her friend kesha (nigger) testified that the chick started tryin to sell weed down in ole mississipp. if she wasnt burnin the coal, she relaxed around blacks. either way, paid the toll. im sure it was consensual rape.

bub, sometimes the evidence just isnt there in the physical form the way youd like it to be. he said he didnt hang near her prior to time of death, cell phone location places him near her. nigger is lying, either knows who did it or did it himself. if he dont wanna snitch, he can do the time himself. this is america. black lives dont really matter.

All white girls are waiting for the coal


Whites need to make their ancestors proud in Mississippi. This can't stand

Burn the coal pay the toll. No sympathy here.

According to the idiot in the nigger hate thread jim crow laws made him do it.

Traitors are always the first to go.