Why do smarter people have less sex? Has it always been this way, or is this a product of modern society and feminism?

Why do smarter people have less sex? Has it always been this way, or is this a product of modern society and feminism?

Damn nigger, I didn't know that neuroscience was for tards - and then we have political science on the other end of the spectrum.

Fuck this chart.

well Sup Forumslacks do seem that way sometimes

>it's got words like "neuro" and "science" in it so that must mean it's smart stuff

t. brainlet


kek no way, having sex is not a fucking odisey


>proving the point

>studio art

Lost my virginity to some random slut at a party at 16, regretted it almost immediately after and never saw the girl again.
Sill don't get why people make a big deal out of being a virgin 6 years later.
I wish I still was one when I met my gf in my freshman year of college.

The poorer and dumber you are the lower the chances your offspring will survive to pass your genes. Best bet is to have dozens of kids and by sheer luck one will survive.

More intelligent and better off humans don't need to procreate so often as their offspring have higher chances of surviving and procreating themselves.

Of course this evolution adaptation doesn't take into account social securty services that will increase the chances of dumb poor offsprings to survive irregardless.

Smart people tend to be wealthy, and if you are wealthy it's a better idea to put a lot of effort into 1 or 2 kids. If you are poor and the state is raising your kids anyway you might as well crap out as many as you can.

I could tell you why user it is linked to Judaism and Christianity though and you wont like that kind of redpill.

>I didn't know that neuroscience was for tards
It is. Neuroscience is mostly dumb girls and is barely even a science.

CS confirmed for chad STEM

always been this way. a lot of smart men throughout history wanted nothing to do with women/sex and were abstinent.


Pick one

Have you seen stupid people? They don't think about anything. They're basically one step above animals. It's not hard to have sex when all you think about is eating, drinking, sleeping and fucking.

No it hasn't always been this way it has been forced on the European peoples.

How useful is it to know how the Universe fucking works to be able to provide and protect your woman and your family? No use.

When you know that some diseases spread with sex and you don't know the life of your partner you take it more slowly to avoid avoidable problems.

Self-Reporting bias.

Your graph is bullshit.

sex at the end of the day is putting an appendage into another. all meaning you associate with your creative organs with extra nerve endings is nothing nothing productive except the one time it's used to create life. sex unless used for procreation is time you will never get back. no matter how much you get laid it doesn't make your bank account bigger or teach you about life.

>He doesn't fuse souls with his partner while you both find God.
>He doesn't climb another step the ladder of ecstasy and union, getter better and extracting more pleasure each time you two Make Love.
I pity you.

Wellesley is an all girls school. My sister goes there. Not sure it's an accurate chart for both men and women.

Modern Feminism has cucked and emasculated our generation of boys.

No woman has been worth fusing souls with the last 10 years of active search. Pleasure is temporary and will only hold you happy for less than a day. Knowledge and application is satisfaction that lasts much longer.

Anyone who believes the myth of true romance and 2 people completing each other has never lived with anyone who says they found it. Love is a game that always dulls and spoils.



This graph looks 3D in the thumbnail. Woah.

fields with more virgins also have more males.


nothing new here.

Graph is from an all girl uni

Smarter folks fall for the responsibility meme and focus far too much on themselves to learn about things like the correlation of infidelity and sexual partner count, the healthy problems of children born to older mothers and so on. Sure, their lives will be secure and stable, but they will ultimately find themselves unfulfilled.

>Why do smarter people have less sex?
It is because their brains release dopamine through more complex and substantive actions -- e.g., creativity.

Bumping uglies is the realm of the Neanderthal -- thus, the lower the I.Q., the more said animals tend to fornicate. This fact is borne out in the high birth rate / lower socio-economic correlation seen throughout the planet.

Once intelligent people go through puberty and have their obligatory sexual experiences, they turn to more wholesome, constructive and sustainable pursuits. On the other has, when the pauper's grave filler normies become sexually active, the dopamine release associated with said activity becomes their sole source of pleasure -- a veritable addiction; and therefore their lives are devoted to it.

Being horny is akin to being intoxicated, in the way the brain is affected through faculties such as judgement, reason, rationale, foresight etc. (How many time do people engage in whatever sexual activity and then regret it the next morning...?)

This reality is exacerbated by such societal constructs as (but not limited to) educational systems that heretofore were designed to churn out non-creative robots for rote repetitive work; the conflating of the fanciful notion of "love" with copulation--as if the two habour some ethereal nexus (esp. within religious circles); the use of sex as a tool for manipulation (by advertisers, religion, females etc.).

The more you fuck, the more likely it is that you're an autist.

>every second post in Sup Forums -- irrespective of theme -- has some sex-related imagery or insinuation... if not becoming entirely derailed into sex related subject matter
>multiple /4tard/ sub fora devoted to sex related subjects
>website literally a thinly veiled porn hub

Really makes one think... If one has a functioning brain, that is.

>studio art: 0

Is 'Fucking as Performance Art' a required course in their degree program or something?

STEM correlates with a number of personality factors that independently correlated with less sex.
They have less free time.
They are more introverted.
They are less physically active.
They are less socially active.
They are more gender-isolated at work and at school.
They are more conservative.
Frankly, they're bigger autists.
Its the whole collective nerd complex, really.

>I didn't know that neuroscience is for tards

It's basically "I can't decide if I'm a premed girl or a prepsych girl: the major." Of course it's full of tards. Certain biology programs can be remarkably soft, all rote learning and fact regurgitation with almost no conceptual material (i.e. a girl's wet dream), if they don't have a major focus on chemistry.

t. Molecular biology student who occasionally wandered into the 'other biology' courses by mistake.

only a leaf thinks neuroscience is for retards.

it's true though, in fact it was even worse in the past, during pre history only 35% of men ever reproduced, the rest died out.