Get back to faggot. SAGE goes in all fields
we've always called him a kike faggot
you're thinking of t_d
they like gays and niggers
he is unironically better than IMOGINE MOY SOHPROISE fuckboy PJF
Just read it m8 it's good fact based journalism. Disregard where it comes from
Quit pick' in on Gays, Faggot!
>Sup Forums needs to be more suspicious
Sure. KYS.
Also - I just saw Milo and Roger Stone speak this past Friday in Orlando.
I basically paid $75 to hear two gays read Sup Forums posts out loud for two hours. Bunch of comments on Weinstein, Hillary, the Deep State, and homosexual fashion.
Also walked away with a signed copy of a book I will never read.
> Be American
> Insulate yourself from anything Jewish in any way, shape or form
this is interesting, linked to in the buzzfeed article:
>linking to buzzfeed
Kill yourself, nigger.
>fact based journalism
When did shills even stop trying to be obvious
>Doesn't read article
>Has opinions on it
Typical Americanski ignoramus
>disregard where it comes from
Did you graduate high school?
I have an MSc my nigga
Just fuck RIGHT off.
checked, /thread
>Generalize leftists
>Hate on radical islam yet suck christianity's cock
>Only uses numbers that support his points of views
Milo and his fans are cucks and cancer.
Alt-righters like this tranny solely because they're not intelligent enough to form their own arguments.
Thanks for the link, user. Sup Forums needs more buzzfeed. It's great to start seeing a bit of balance in the perspectives here.
Also, Milo is a massive homosexual, in case you hadn't noticed.
>good article