ITT: best of #metoo
ITT: best of #metoo
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Wow I want to put a trump speech on in front of her home and blast it 24/7 so she can constantly relive her rape
do you think her gully hole tingles too?
>a corrupt piece of shit is taken down and people are starting to find out more and more about the corruption of Hollywood
>these dumb cunts make it about themselves
bitch got sloppy and let some nasty 43 year old dude finger her at a bar. Then she felt slutty and got a classic case of what's known as "buyer's remorse", and is now a 'sexual assault survivor' on twatter.
>everyone else is responsible for taking care of me and adapting to my emotional fragility
You're a woman. We know.
>supporting trump is rape
Do you realize that if real life were a TV show, it would be a cheesy daytime drama that no one would take seriously?
>cunts wonder why people are doubting rape claims more often
Im seeing this all over social media. Most of it from bitches I am nearly certain are just blowing some catcalling incident out of proportion. How can men respond in kind with "I'm a bigger victim than you"?
Slut shaming is victim blaming
And here's the conclusion.
>shit people keep talking about Vegas
>sorry Harvey, we need you to take one for the team
>phew that worked well, now we need to save our propaganda industry
>let's just turn it into more feminism rape culture noise, soon it will fizzle out
Who did she rape?
How long is this fad going to last?
Start hashtag #me3
Claim to have been raped by women. Do this en masse, more than women. Frame females as the true abusers.
Best part? Not really untrue if we use feminist-loose definition of rape.
Big if True
Nobody raped that ugly troll.
*defends him*
By claiming that dressing slutty is sexual assault because they're forcing us to get boners. They might as well be groping our genitals. #mypenismyerectionmychoice
Long enough for them to eat each other alive with the varying degrees of #metoo
>the only thing a woman hates more than a man is another woman
Logging back onto (((facebook))) makes me want to die.
It really seems that way. They don't want people to think about relevant issues, so they've created thsi bullshit Hollywood drama. Naturally most of the celebrities are jumping on the bandwagon.
I lol'd. No different than gun crime, murder, or pretty much any other crime related topic (((they))) want to have a discussion about. As soon as you point of the problem they shriek
Thank fuck kiwi bitches are immune from this trash. Havnt seen it yet. Anyone know mega sluts claiming it?
Says the woman who willingly sucked the presidents dick in the oval office.
I wonder how much of this is legit and how much is "I whored out for the easy road to fame and now I'm going to say I was 'assaulted'"?
OTOH, if you're working with women you shouldn't touch them regardless.
Why doesn't he just kill himself if he feels so guilty about being alive?
Why do Normies accept the lie of fluid gender spectrum? Once a.government can to beleive complete falsehoods they can pretty much get away with anything
I fucking hate Caroline O'Donnell.
I once saw two girls at my uni get in a fist fight over who had it worse with their sexual assault. I was like, "Holy shit aren't you both victims?". It was fucking odd seeing people go to blows over that.
Im sure most of it is the latter. Just women seeking attention yet again.
Half the shit they claim is rape is probably some guy asking them out on a date.
>never been diddled, never been comped
About to make this bitch relive her rape.
>Some guy whistled at me on the street once. #metoo
>An ugly guy asked for my phone number. #metoo
>This guy could not stop starting at my breasts just because I had a low cut top on at work. #metoo
>I felt the male gaze on my body as I walked through the mall in my yoga pants #metoo
Should hopefully be any day now. He is not your typical degenerate. Father that is a lawyer sent him to Trinity and Dublin and he flunked out. Saw him acouple years ago at my Juco b4 I transferred out, now I think he is at Ole Miss doing niggers or something.
Your question answers the question.
You're not American. No one here calls college "uni"
fags who read it on spazzit all the time think that's what they should be saying. just my guess
I like the flag
>Do you realize that if real life were a TV show, it would be a unbelievable tragedy/thriller that no one would take seriously?
She is larping as Indiana Jones
>that belongs in a museum
Just like Dr. Jones they will never get the most valuable artifacts into storage.
pic related
>he's still on facebook
>he hasnt all his accounts permab& yet
I could easily make another account but its not even worth it
>kiwi bitches are immune to this
m8 the ((((((((((North Island)))))))))) is pretty much California
>also by (((pure coincidence))) the overwhelming majority of jews in our country live there
Plus they are trying now to deflect blame to Trump. "What Trump did is the same"
>I have never been the victim of abuse or violence
>I have never been degraded or seen as less than human
Hes never hung out with other lefties? or niggers?
I swear they add more letters every fucking time, even now im not 100% sure if this is genuine or one of us trolling by doing the LGBTQZ742! meme
#metoo is the Leftist commies controlling the narrative, taking the heat away from Weinstein and his disgusting serial sexual abuse behavior and turning it into a narrative that all men, all over the world do this. It devalues and minimized Weinstein's decades of crimes against women. They have taken control of the narrative and taken it from being about Weinstein to being about all men are disgusting.
The second thing this hashtag does is once again blur the lines between basic flirting, etc. to actual sexual assault and predator behavior. So once again young men are confused and don't know how to court girls and once again young women are confused and think everything a guy does is an assault.
I warned Sup Forums on Saturday night to keep control of the Weinstein narrative and not let it die. Sup Forums failed me and now the commies have the narrative.
4d chess, well done
This metoo thing is so funny. Endless comedy on Twitter. Every story where the roastie elaborates is hilarious. Maybe about 20% are telling the truth. Women who look like Sasquatch are apparently the most prone to being raped.
I swear to God this woman is a cunt.
This one is real. His father even quoted him and reposted the whole thing and got more likes.
I'm surprised they haven't also added a hashtag #Weinstein and #TrumpToo!
Posted this in its own thread but realized it should've gone here.
Seems like every woman ever was harassed whether they say it or not. I should've said it too
>tfw I was the one who took that shitty screenshot
I remember because the text being off-center really fucking annoyed me but I want to just have the guy in a square pic not a whole bunch of background shit making it rectangular
Reminder that if a woman did post a MeToo story, it could be exaggerated or outright made up.
I am sick of hearing about these re-nigg'in whores!
If the act involved sucking cock for a contract,
U agreed!
She has about a dozen of these
Show your flag Colombia
You missed what they said entirely.
The point was just because someone didn't have the status doesn't mean it didn't happen, not that it innately means it happened to everyone.
The point is that some people are still too frightened / embarrassed / fucked up to share publicly that they've been harassed or assaulted.
hilarious if true
I had to sign up for twitter just to see these. I was both morbidly depressed, and laughing hysterically the entire time.
I came on here to say just that. We’ll put. #metoo may as well be Weinstein’s PR job.
Nah I actually met her here. Her made up stories are from America.
Although I feel like the leak wasn't intentional. Jews aren't as precise as we think they are, as they would've chosen a not-so-jewy scapegoat.
My bad mate. Post some more of this torn ligament running amazonian woman.
Wrong. What are you talking about? I've been seeing lefties post about Weinstein continuously before and throughout #metoo.
It absolutely does not imply that all men all over the world does this. It completely does not imply that in any way. It doesn't minimize Weinstein's decades of crimes, it points out how common those crimes have been committed by less public figures for decades. That doesn't detract from what he did, it adds fuel to the fire. Not one of these posts anywhere say or imply "all men are disgusting rapists."
In fact I've seen a lot of encouraging support from women who appreciate men standing up for mutual respect with our female counterparts.
You're pulling shit out of your ass and sifting through it for corn. This makes no commentary on flirting and makes no effort to blur a line between flirting and sexually predatory behavior.
Honestly dude, if your idea of flirting makes people feel harassed or assaulted, you have some weak ass game friend and you need to learn how to flirt properly.
Quit projecting your confusion on everyone else.
Some real sexual harassment shit going down in this one
Enjoy this completely unironic post from some literal Jew I knew in high school.
>Self identify as victim of sexual harassment because unattractive guys occasionally hit on me
Anyone else sign up for a twitter account just to see this/troll roastie beef goblins? I did and I don't know how to use this shitty site.
Who do I follow to start this kind of thing?
Forgot my image
The Monica Lewinsky one.
God damn this a 5 star post
rape is a reddit tier meme made up by the niggers of gender, aka women
>be me
>driving along on my way to work
>some stupid cunt is running in the middle of the fucking road
>what the fuck
>yell out "get off the road you fucking retard"
>she goes on to the footpath like a normal human being
>about to drive off
>she trips up and fucks up her leg
>are you fucking serious
>now shes trying to get up
>jesus christ
>yell out "Hey, do you want a ride to the hospital?"
>oh right she probably cant stand up
>"just stay there and I'll help you get up"
>she gets up and runs hops off faster than she was running
>what the hell is wrong with this bitch
>shes now trying to open the door to the gas station
>drive through
>"hey, are you sure you dont want a lift? you should get that looked at"
>her foot is all twisted to shit and shes grazed as fuck and bleeding from when she fell over
>and shes just standing in line waiting to be served
>what the actual fuck
>mfw the whole time
is it just me or is every guy named noah a massive twat?
This is ridiculous. If anyone calls her out on this BS they'd probably be set upon by crazed harpies though.
Kek you are likely 100% correct
>people go on twitter to play the pity card
>no one actually name (((who))) is doing it
>they still prostitute themselves for roles in shows/movies
really makes me thing
is it bad that I'm reminded of a mind break donjin with a similar plot when I read this?
>t. degenerate
Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good. Trump is good.
>see a chick walking by herself at night
>yelling out "DONT GET RAPED"
fucking legend
I sincerely don't understand all the trauma about sexual assault. People treat it like it's worse than murder.
I'm a guy who has (by the definition of 'sexual assault), been sexually assaulted by women on a few occasions throughout my life.
In every case it was just annoying. I left the situation and moved on.
Am I supposed to be traumatized or some shit?
BTW, if you've ever witnessed a bachelorette party, you know that crowds of women, especially when drunk, are fucking animals. They're far worse than men, because they feel like they have a license to do whatever the fuck they want without accepting responsibility.
oh yeah i was raped, yep I expected a huge cock that would please me and make me cum, also plenty of matriarchal worship hell yeah that's the egalitarian way to make love. that motherfucker raped me because my expectations weren't met.
>leaving a chick a written note stating your intent to rape her
why do they not make this believable at all?
heres what really happened
>the dude was promised sex
>came back to find the roommate had locked her room
>left a note saying "wtf, I thought we were going to have sex?"
>came across another chick
>asled her for sex
>she says yes
>she wakes up the next morning
>omg, HES NOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!
>i dont want people to think im a slut who just drinks, smokes weed then fucks anyone who asks
>I know, I'll just say he raped me lol
Question to all the ((()))posters: A major commonality in high-profile perpetrators of abuse is that they’re extremely affluent.Why are you just associating it with Jews? For example how do you feel about (((Rodger Alies)))?
That guy almost looks like a guy I know.