were being flooded with shill threads and posts, they must be covering for something so my question is what the fuck is happening
Something big must be happening
typical day on Sup Forums user
You should probably just go to sleep.
I agree we should all get some rest
I can tell the difference between daily Sup Forums and something unusual. Way too many shills today. I think it's the Paddock Investigation. I think they know that we know too much and are activitly spreading disinformation.
suck my dick you piece of shit, you're all here spamming the go to sleep meme because you're scared. Hope all of your bs gets exposed so I can sit back and enjoy some perp walks & disclosure. It's coming and you know it
Its been bad lately, and the fucking faggot mods dont do anything to stop it. Its not like shill threads are obvious or anything.
Janet is close to the answer.
Vegas. They really fucked up. Whatever it is it has to be bad.
>Media is pivoting to everything else.
>No big march by celebrities to give up all guns.
>Vegas threads are midcatalog
Where is Campos?
Why no camera footage?
Who were the other people?
The only things I can think of that they may be trying to cover up:
A journalist got whacked.
A bunch of FBI emails got released.
Day by day my fear grows that we've passed the window of opportunity to ever extract something concrete.
Roughly a year ago they killed Julian Assange and the keys/passwords/phrases made it into the blockchain and they are shitting it someone is going to come forward and expose the entire establishment
The Julian who never had a Twitter account until February this year is larping
It's a double
>If there is any doubt of my identity or wellbeing I will sign with my High Security PGP key
>If the keys get released it was murder
Also just to tie into this based LV Sheriff was very animated about how Paddock started buying the weapons after "something happened last October"
this is what im talkin about, i knew the shills were covering something, i heard about campos going missing, probably in the desert, but who was the journalist and what did the emails contain?
>pic unrelated
Agreed. Jesus Campos is dead. Don’t let this die down.
Paddock and Weinstein are related.
Several other 'hollywood producers' are going down.
Hillary gets included because donation money
Pizzagate explodes
Podesta uses alien stuff to try and cover his ass
DeLonge takes the fall, but squeals.
More of Trumps Wall gets built.
Next problem.
That happened to me when I picked up a chick at the wrong angle...pretty bad pain
its the worst
It will. Sandy Hook all over again. Im getting sick of this shit. I dont know what happened, but I cant believe anything that was told. Meanwhile everyone else seems to have forgotten. If Sup Forums keeps digging alt-media will pick it up and it should simmer.
Seth Rich stuff isn't as strong as I'd like it to be, but by now I think most people have at least figured out Seth was killed for taking info.
Trump is going down like Harvey Weinstein
The dude took photos of the Mandalay Bay inside a suite he paid for.
>There are cameras everywhere
>Guest and service elevators
>room service receipt says 1 person as opposed to 2 people
>Casino has the right to track your phone
Suite filled with Samsung smart TVs that we know are bugged from Vault7
sleepy meme is comfy.
I don't believe a lick of it either. I hate to say this but cripple Sup Forums is so far ahead of this place in digging that it is embarrassing. There just doesn't seem to be any genuine information trickling out, and most of the leads are dead ended into speculation while we wait for the next scrap.
>Everything posted that I don't like is a shill or being paid to post here
That's the TLDR of OP's autistic outburst.
Weinstein is a cover for the Vegas fuck up. It's a prowymyn scandal to get everyone mad at something else.
Literally celebrity gossip. Why did the media drop the gun confiscation play that they always try with shit like this? The scenario was ripe for the picking.
well we got
vegas conspiracy
EU falling apart
DPRK threatening everyone
U.S.A about to each other
I waited it out...I'm not the type of person that needs to go to the ER because I scraped my knee.
Plane fire at LAS. VIP is safe.
Info is there, it's just being slid by mommy bloggers and shariablue newfags.
DAL: Day Assange Lives
Yeah that whole LOOK AT SCARY GUNS KILLING RENECKS line went away as soon as the efferbees took over the shooting match
guys... its just a nothing burger.. r-r-right?
Lol faggot. Fiddy bucks says you call me a shill. Truth is I just been here longer than you and nothing ever happens
>muh shills in full force today
Sup Forums really isn't as powerful as it fancies itself. I will admit most of the content here is manufactured as psyops, but thinking the real players sitting at the top of the world send minions here to lead you astray to prevent you from discovering some forbidden knowledge is laughable. The psyops are more sinister and are meant to pull you out of society and away from any chance of success. Taking the redpill is a fucking blue pill that makes you predictable and easy to control
Those photo leaks are even suspicious. I don't think anything other than the video footage from witnesses at the event is believable.
The absolute secrecy should be evidence enough that this is a big event that the FBI and MSM dont want us to know about.
> It's ISIS and the support came from the Saudis or Israel
>It was staged to be ISIS by another group.
>Fast and Furious 2.0
No key it's not him
FF: blow vegas, blame Un ? Profit
Yeah. I remember the headline was something like
>Vegas shooter was a lawful gun owner and registered hunter
I don't know if they are even still going with that angle anymore.
Why are there only 2 photos out there of this guy?!
I thought for a moment that this could be Trumps turn at falseflagging for some agenda, but if he did anything like that the info would be leaked the day before it happened.
It's really not. Unless we are overlooking it, but that seems unlikely with how exhaustive the digging has been. Think about the state of both investigations right now. Cripple Sup Forums is hung on the mafia, and a massive pmc op put in action by Trump. And this Sup Forums is currently getting gaffed on area 51. Just imagine the larp that is going to spill into this place in the next couple of days.
I don't even know how much of the footage I believe. Anything of serious value has probably been scrubbed and hushed. Even the Gio videos I'm cautious of because how solid is an eye witness account from someone who is very possibly intoxicated and definitely irrational because of a stressful event?
MGM needs to drop footage of Paddock in the hotel. It would put so much shit to bed. That's really one of the only things that could satiate me.
Yeah, lots of blacked porn spamming, anti-pol hate threads.
why? Bad weeked for the lefties.
- Hillary fell down, broke her toe.
- Aaron Rodgers out for season
- NFL slumping
- Hillary's book
- Vegas shooting ignored by MSM and guard goes missing
- Harvey Weinstein scandal
- fear of more media moguls being exposed
What did you fags dig up now? I go away for 12 hours and the board's flooded with shills.
You guys must have found something good.