Normies have officially hit peak cuckhold

>login to Facebook
>#metoo trending
>every cuckhold normie male I know writing facebook statuses confessing they have done "shady" or "creepy" things to women in the past and they are asking forgiveness
>200 likes on every status from boomer feminists and fellow women thanking him and congratulating him
>literally about 30 posts in a row of this shit
>entire facebook feed is peak pathetic virtue signal faggotry
>click on "settings" and deactivate my account

Holy fucking shit this is the big one lads. We are officially at rock bottom, there is literally no-where lower to go than this.

When does this shit end? There's absolutely no way this can go on forever

Other urls found in this thread:

Gay. Post some

>it's a confess your thought crimes to each other on a public forum so you all have paper trails episode


so youre pro harassing women? thats nigger tier nigger. its not a nu male thing at all. let the normies have some catharsis, itll be good for them. grabbin women isnt cool just because you think it is. if you touched my sister in your cool alpha manner, id wreck your ugly face.

What the fuck is going on lately? Is your reddit down, so you come here or what?

hmm I feel like Sup Forums has been a little slow to react to this phenomenon but perhaps this is something very big, perhaps even something to prelude a paradigm shift. just to be frank this is the second time Im even hearing of it, but clearly we need to dig deeper

No, just the vocal attention seekers are declaring their allegiance at the moment. Social media, SHOCKER, is fabricated mostly for attention and notoriety. The sane majority is under reported because we don't seek constant validation by signaling our virtues in the hopes that we will be accepted.

See my post.

OP why hate what's gr8?

The nu male is the normie's final form

lol how did they fall for this

they think its some kind of amnesty and women will appreciate their honesty

Lmao half of what is considered "harassment" by psychotic progressives was considered "fun sexy flirting" like 8 years ago.

I've groped women many times, they usually giggle and slap my arm and then stick around because they want more. If they don't want more, they'll walk away or show that they are angry, then you stop. Nothing wrong with that nu-male faggot.

I may have to reactivate my facebook and go get some screencaps. This shit is like the cuckhold apocalypse.

>prelude to a paradigm shift

I know that any centrist or right-leaning person seeing this shit on Facebook is thinking the exact same thing we're thinking. This is peak cuckhold. There's absolutely no way centrist-normies can tolerate this shit much longer without saying something


Social capital. Worthless in the long run, but a lifeless pat on the back for that cuck this evening.

We need to compile all the nu-male open mouth faces into one big pic

It's fagbook? What do you honestly expect?

I know that any centrist or right-leaning person seeing this shit on Facebook is thinking the exact same thing we're thinking. This is peak cuckhold. There's absolutely no way centrist-normies can tolerate this shit much longer without saying something
you say that, but then you just end up disappointed

>being friends with faggot
You deserve it desu

One time in a bar this fat chick got me drunk and mashed my limp penis in her hand a bit.


I did the same thing senpai. FeelsGoodMan

> #metoo because muh feminism
> feminism = supposed equality
> no encouragement for guys to participate

More Facebook kikery

Screencaps or it didn't happen, niqqa

Men are supposed to attone for their sins against their almighty female overlords for ever offending or making them uncomfortable at any time during the mating process

>you say that, but then you just end up disappointed

Not really. SJW-ism is fucking collapsing because they pushed centrists too far, hence Donald Trump winning the presidency.

Fuckers look like this I bet that are posting these apologies

>Not really. SJW-ism is fucking collapsing because they pushed centrists too far, hence Donald Trump winning the presidency

with the youth defiantly, but Neo cuck centrists will continue to stand by and twiddle their thumbs per usual

lol good one

what are you gay? its just faggots trying to get pussy because they dont know how otherwise. The only reason you see is because dudes who cant get laid are on facebook all the time


i actually like this trend. It's great that people are finally able to be honest and admit what's been happening in their worlds.
And let's be completely frank too. I'm a white guy, 6' tall, well built, confident, successful in study and work, but actually

pic not related.

Dude...I don't know. These guys are literally saying "I am the problem. We men are the problem".

I should probably get some screengrabs because maybe my friends list is just more cucked, but I don't feel like reactivating my facebook

>thats nigger tier nigger
I'm finally seeing that niggers and mysogynist, homophobic, strong moral valued islam are redpills. white cucks that judge all individuals by their membership to gender and skin color are blue pills. civil war era democrats have returned!

>Retreating from the cancer.

>Not staying in these platforms and fighting in the culture war by spreading redpills.

Stop being a cowardly faggot. You can't let these sheep be conditioned without subjecting them to alternate/contrary opinions.

Women want a MAN, if they wanted a pussy they can take their pants off and look in a mirror :^)
Never simp out for women and do bitch shit like OP sees dudes on FB posting

These fags are just being harmlessly happy though right?

The normie life is obliged being trendy, and this is not even close to rock bottom. You're just breaking the surface.

is that the fabled Hu-white knight?

Next will be getting them to admit how many truckers have nutted in their mouth at the rest stop.

We need a return to earlier times when men were men and women were women and shit was ok overall since people didn't turn gender roles into a fucking Venn diagram

why do these impotent thinks have to go out of their way to ruin facial hair? I have a mustache like that cunt in the pic, does this make me gay?!

Why do they all look the same?


Dude honestly I've given up I don't even give a fuck anymore. All you do is make the centrist retard normies hate you by posting political shit and then signal to the progressives that you are their enemy thus damaging your social capital for no reason.

These people are beyond saving. Facebook is a shitty platform to spread propaganda on anyways because it makes everybody look like an obnoxious twat. I have no problem talking to people IRL but facebook is too obnoxious and distant

That's just the pain of being redpilled that you have to live with senpai

i use facebook to like triscuits and andrew wk. i have simple tastes

I'm not saying i would or that they're going about their lives in the best possible manner they could. But what's wrong with that if no one's harmed except themselves by their foolishness

Hmm...I've grabbed some asses. Once I was talking to a girl and she was complaining about her ass being pinched by her friend. I pinched her and said well I do it all the time. She responded
>ummm, well, you're different
That's just the way it goes. If you're a nu-male there's no way you can pull it off without being creepy.

It is! Sir Simpycuck, Valiant Defender of Womenfolk, still on that quest for the pussy of a fine maiden

>When does this shit end?
It ends in a fucking dark age nigga, this isn't just a fad, these fucktards will drag everything down into the mud, all in the name of social justice.

I remember hearing Richard Spencer
>inb4 shill, its a good point ignore the source
was talking about how he views these white leftists as an evolutionary (or rather devolutionary) divergence within the white race

They don't, that just happens to be the look of smug self satisfaction.

>goes on facebook

>smug bug man smirks.

It sets both the men and women alike up for resentment and alienation. Women don't like being treated like brittle wilting daisies, and men get some retarded notion that sticking up for women that hardly give a shit about them will somehow get them rolling in fine pussy. That is the problem with the white knight phenomenon. That said I am not saying its right to be shitty to women, its just that they are tougher than you'd think.

Holy shit, look at that thing in the blue shirt, it's basically a woman with facial hair.

I've only seen girls saying how they have been sexually harassed and trying to raise awareness. I guess Americans really are rapists.

Is nobody even going to mention those digits?

my thoughts as well
they look so unnatural

They are beginning to resemble the girly, effeminate, passive aggressive Jews that sired them.

*Pics or it didn't happen.

I have found it interesting that literally every SJW I know has apparently been violently raped, and not a single non-SJW woman I know has. Really makes me think.

If he has downs he probably did know what he was doing in that he was being sexual. But he didn't really know that it was wrong to do it.

welcome back to real life. getting rid of facebook will be the best decision you ever made.

where the fuck are the screencaps

nowhere because as always Op is a faggot.

>still no screencaps
what a gay thread

Who cares. Shit isn't going to stop "harrasment" and everyone is going to forgot about this in a day.


no its just you cant understand that you cant treat strange women the way you fuckin feel like. your "fun sexy flirting" has its limits, and im a man, and i know how deep that rabbit hole can go. southern etiquette calls for gentlemanly behavior towards women, whether thats neckbeardy to you i dont give a fuck, its tradition to me. maybe it a class thing, but it sure as shit is also a nigger thing. bandwagon feministas can reee all they want, but theyre also right. you can look but you cant touch. i dont consider catcalling harassment per se, but it isnt far from it. i cannot condone making women feel afraid. you can smack your aggressive uppity wife though, if you feel she wont swat your neckbeard ass.

Fuck you and your lack of corroborating screencaps OP

Hold on faggot it's coming

Catcalling is bullshit anyway, I doubt it has ever worked in the history of human society. Women don't really get flattered when some greasy construction worker is all "Ayyy toots, how bout you just come over here and ride on this diggety-dick!"

what a lovely day

im waiting

Do you have pics? This CANNOT be real

why are you friends with so many faggots on facebook? Why do you even have facebook?

Only molesters use the term, 'lads'. Go fuck yourself and leave the kids alone...

They all have the same feminine, soft, non threatening faces

>click on "settings" and deactivate my account
>not delete
user don't be a cuck

Op here

This is peak cuck

Every person who comments "killing nazis is the best!" on Wolfenstein 2 facebooks videos.

Can't wait for this to come back and haunt them.
Reminder: Whenever they go to virtue signal be sure to through their confession back at them.

Pretty much the most annoying picture to ever have been taken. Something about the shape of his head, hair and "beard" vexes me so much that I want him dead. Hate this guy and what he looks like. Disgusting!

I'm surprised someone here hasn't thought of creating fake female accounts to accuse the white knights of worse than they confess to and make them admit to it. I'm not saying do it, I'm just surprised.

>every person on my facebook who has written a me too meme post is a far-left sjw, and unironic communist/socialist/left-anarchist
really makes those almonds activate

kek those reaction faces are so retarded


Or create fake male accounts to say "I'm sorry about the time in college that I had you suck the dog dick, even if it seemed consensual, my intentions were degrading".

You cant delete facebook accounts u pleb

>All male-feminists are secretly sexual predetors looking for vunerable woman

This isn't exactly news. This man is clearly an actual rapist.


Unless your name is Tom Selleck you have no business sporting a creepy fucking pedostach you hipster degenerate

Not a single male on my FB is virtue signaling about this but plenty of ugly women are playing the victim with this hashtag

user delivers, but it's a instagram account:

He even has a painted toenail apperently. And his nose looks like a jew. So a cuck jew of some sort then?

Of course creepy cucks "assault" women. It is the only way they can get anywhere with a woman.

>big dry lips

This is why facebook is FOR FUCKING WOMEN DUDE!


Ahahahaaha. Yeah poo coloured skin and pig noses are so pretty

>anorexia, cerebral palsy
>gets harassed by a downe's syndrome man

lets put 'em in a cagematch to the death and see what happens

Seeing posts like this and how popular they are make me lose faith in humanity.

Women should apologize for slaughtering the souls of billions of men with their demonic lustful fashions.

Yes you can you fuckstick. Google it ffs
>58 is supposed to be the % of non white not the iq